Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.22% to 1.1067 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, March 9(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: It is not clear the trigger, but risk-taking appetites rebounded smartly today after the NASDAQ completed a more than 10% pullback from its highs yesterday. Ironically, the Dow Jones Industrials set new record highs yesterday too. Most equity markets in the Asia Pacific region rallied....
Read More »Most adults in rich nations face long wait for vaccine, distributor warns
Manufacturing constraints, not logistics, are holding up distribution of vaccines. Keystone / Zoltan Mathe More than half of adults in rich countries will still be waiting to receive a first dose of coronavirus vaccine in 15 months’ time, the head of a logistics group distributing jabs has warned. Detlef Trefzger, chief executive of Kuehne+Nagel, one of the world’s largest haulage companies, said: “This already is fast. This sounds shocking for some people, but we...
Read More »Swiss Trade Balance: 2020 salt exports: lowest in 30 years
Swiss foreign trade in salt has plummeted since 2010. Over the past ten years, exports have plunged 91% to 6,084 tonnes and imports by 69%. In 2019 and 2020, the amount of salt imported was greater than that exported, a phenomenon that had not occurred since 2009. In 2020, salt exports totaled 6,084 tonnes, one eleventh from their 2010 level, or down 91% over the decade. They had not reached such a low level since 1991. Imports, for their part, have plummeted by...
Read More »The Fedcoin is Coming, 8 March
Before we talk about Fedcoins, let’s look at the old school non-digital, non-blockchain, coin. Gold. And silver. Since January 4, the price has dropped about $244. And the price of silver has fallen about $4. Are these buying opportunities? Or the end of the brief gold bull market of 2020 (i.e. Covid)? It helps to return to the idea that gold is the unit of measure of value. Not as a rhetorical device to sell gold, but because it gives a clearer picture. If one...
Read More »FX Daily, March 8: Greenback Trades Higher in Asia before Momentum Stalls in Europe
Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.09% to 1.1083 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, March 8(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: The attack on Saudi Arabia’s largest crude terminal reverberated through the capital markets, where sentiment was already fragile, despite the lack of disruption. Brent rose to nearly $71.40, and April WTI to almost $68 extended their gains for the fourth consecutive session before...
Read More »Jordan Petersons wichtigste Lebensregel
8. März 2021 – Jordan Peterson ist zurück, und die wichtigste Lektion aus seinem Buch bleibt so wichtig wie eh und je. von John Miltimore Vor fast zwei Jahren kauften Freunde für mich ein Exemplar des Bestsellers 12 Regeln fürs Leben von Jordan Peterson. Ich begann mit dem Lesen des Buches kurz nachdem ich es erhalten hatte, aber irgendwann wurde ich abgelenkt und las es nicht mehr fertig. (Das ist mir früher nie passiert, aber die Erziehung von drei Kindern hat...
Read More »The Economics and Ethics of Government Default, Part II
The economic analysis of repudiation applies to the debt of all levels of government and to all countries. The central question is not how big the government is or how much it owes, but rather whether the debt is funded by taxes. Original Article: “The Economics and Ethics of Government Default, Part II” In the first installment of this series on government default, we examined the ethical status of the public debt and debt repudiation. Since the debt represents...
Read More »Too Busy Frontrunning Inflation, Nobody Sees the Deflationary Tsunami
Those looking up from their “free fish!” frolicking will see the tsunami too late to save themselves. It’s an amazing sight to see the water recede from the bay, and watch the crowd frolic in the shallows, scooping up the flopping fish. In this case, the crowd doing the “so easy to catch, why not grab as much as we can?” scooping is frontrunning inflation, the universally expected result of the Great Reflation Trade. You know the Great Reflation Trade: the world...
Read More »Die ökonomischen Effekte der Pandemie: Eine Österreichische Analyse
5. März 2021 – Nachfolgend finden Sie die Einleitung des Aufsatzes „Die ökonomischen Effekte der Pandemie: Eine Österreichische Analyse“ von Jesús Huerta de Soto. Den Text in voller Länge können Sie hier herunterladen. [Aus dem Spanischen übersetzt von Philipp Bagus.] ***** Einleitung: Wiederkehrende Boom- und Bust-Zyklen versus einmalige Krisen aufgrund außergewöhnlicher Phänomene Traditionell haben die Theoretiker der Österreichischen Schule den wiederkehrenden...
Read More »Swiss government wants to keep control of weapons exports
The government wants to retain control of weapons exports in connection with peace-keeping missions. © Keystone / Christian Beutler The Swiss government has rejected calls to allow voters and cantons to set conditions for weapons exports. A people’s initiative collected enough signatures in 2019 to force a nationwide vote on the issue. It proposes enshrining rules for war materiel exports in the constitution, which would take this responsibility away from the...
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