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“Die Nationalbank ist an vielen Fronten gefordert (Challenges for the Swiss National Bank),” NZZ, 2021

NZZ, August 10, 2021. PDF (title changed by NZZ). Should the SNB follow the Fed and the ECB and rework its strategy? There is a case for rethinking the broad inflation target, the monetary policy concept, and the communication strategy. Equally important is a strategy review outside of the SNB: The SNB cannot and must not decide about the framework within which it operates. Conclusion: Daher ist eine Strategieüberprüfung inner- und ausserhalb der SNB sinnvoll....

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The Two Big Anniversaries of August: The Lost Decade (plus) Of The ‘Fiat’ Half Century

As my esteemed podcast co-host Emil Kalinowski has already mentioned (recurrently), we have, this year, two major anniversaries during these dog days of summer circled on our calendar. Today is, obviously, August 9 and for anyone the slightest familiar with the eurodollar story, that date is seared into their consciousness for as long as it will take to rebuild from the ashes created by the monetary fire lit that day. It has been, sadly, fourteen long years and only...

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The Old Right on War and Peace

As the force of the New Deal reached its heights, both foreign and domestic, during World War II, a beleaguered and tiny libertarian opposition began to emerge and to formulate its total critique of prevailing trends in America. Unfortunately, the Left, almost totally committed to the cause of World War II as well as to extensions of the domestic New Deal, saw in the opposition not a principled and reasoned stand for liberty, but a mere blind "isolationism" at best,...

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The End of Global Tourism?

August 9, 2021Viewed as a complex non-linear system, the pandemic varinants can only be controlled by drastically pruning the physical connections between disparate global groups, which means effectively ending the unrestricted flow of individuals around the planet. Just a few days after the official acknowledgement of the pandemic in late January, 2020, Joseph Norman, Yaneer Bar-Yam, and Nassim Taleb published a short paper, Systemic Risk of Pandemic Via Novel...

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Gold’s Flash Crash and Limited Follow-Through Greenback Gains

Overview:  A flash crash saw gold drop more than $70 an ounce in early Asia. Silver was dragged lower too.  The precious metals have stabilized at lower levels, but it signals a rough adjustment to a higher interest rate environment as a hawkish BOE and strong US employment data suggest peak monetary stimulus is at hand.  The dollar is broadly mostly firmer against the major and emerging market currencies.  The JP Morgan Emerging Market Currency Index is lower for...

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Lifestyle wollen, aber nichts dafür machen? #FauleNüsse ?

Kürzlich habe ich ein Video von dem lieben Aron gesehen, wo er über seinen Lebensstil spricht und wie sich auch viele wünschen, seinen Lebensstil zu leben. Er hat anklingen lassen, dass das was man auf YouTube sieht nicht auch immer der Realität entsprechen muss und deswegen habe ich diesen Beitrag als Motivation gehabt um auch so etwas zu posten. Wie sieht die Realität eigentlich ausVielleicht habt ihr schon einmal von dem Hashtag “Nicht aufregen. Reich werden.”...

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Weekly Market Pulse: What Is Today’s New Normal?

Remember “The New Normal”? Back in 2009, Bill Gross, the old bond king before Gundlach came along, penned a market commentary called “On the Course to a New Normal” which he said would be: “a period of time in which economies grow very slowly as opposed to growing like weeds, the way children do; in which profits are relatively static; in which the government plays a significant role in terms of deficits and reregulation and control of the economy; in which the...

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The Greenback Reversed Higher in the Middle of Last Week and the Jobs Data Provided an Accelerant

The second consecutive monthly surge in US non-farm payrolls of more than 900k ensured that the five-week decline in the 10-year yield was over and sent the dollar to new highs for the week against most of the major currencies.  The two-year yield's 2.5 basis point increase does not sound like much, but it is the largest increase in seven weeks and the second-largest increase since early April.  Against most of the major currencies, the dollar reversed higher in the...

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Unvaccinated 80 times more likely to catch Covid-19, finds Swiss study

© Andrey Popov | Recent analysis of data done in the Swiss canton of Vaud found rate of Covid-19 was 83 times higher among the unvaccinated than those who had received two shots of vaccine, reported RTS. During the last two weeks of July 2021, the rate of infection among the vaccinated population was 2.6 per 100,000 compared to 216 per 100,000 among the unvaccinated population, 83 times greater. Vaccinated people were defined as those who had received...

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Savings Are the Foundation of Economic Growth

Most commentators’ regard savings as harmful to economic growth on the ground that savings are associated with fewer outlays. These commentators portray economic activity as a circular flow of money. Spending by one individual becomes part of the earnings of another individual, and spending by another individual becomes part of the first individual’s earnings. If for whatever reason people become less confident about the future, it is held that they are likely to cut...

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