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Tag Archives: Featured

Gesunkene Mining Einnahmen lassen Ethereum Hashrate abstürzen

Die Mining Hashrate ist im Monatsvergleich um ganze 10 Prozent gesunken. Ein Problem für das ETH-Projekt, welches weiterhin mit der Scalability und den damit verbundenen Gebühren zu kämpfen hat. Kommt nun auch noch ein Exodus der Miner hinzu? Ethereum News: Gesunkene Mining Einnahmen lassen Ethereum Hashrate abstürzenAuch der ETH-Preis hat im vergangenen Monat einen Absturz erlebt – ungefähr ein Drittel des Werts ging verloren. Offenbar haben infolgedessen viele...

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The End Game Approaches

The pendulum of market sentiment swings dramatically.  It has swung from nearly everyone and their sister complaining that the Federal Reserve was lagging behind the surge in prices to fear of a recession.  On June 15, at the conclusion of the last FOMC meeting, the swaps market priced in a 4.60% terminal Fed funds rate.  That seemed like a stretch, given the headwinds the economy faces that include fiscal policy and an energy and food price shock on top of monetary...

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Our No-Win “Kobayashi Maru” Economy

It’s time to reprogram the conditions of the economy to serve the many rather than the few. Star Trek’s Kobayashi Maru training exercise tests officer candidates’ response to a no-win scenario:any attempt to rescue the crippled ship’s crew results in the destruction of the candidate’s ship, while standing by and taking no action results in the loss of the Kobayashi Maru’s crew. Captain Kirk famously defeated this no-win scenario by reprogramming the simulation to...

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Back to the Future: Progressives Imagine the Good Old Days of Price Controls

When the Bourbon dynasty was restored to power in France in the early 1800s after Napoleon’s abdication, the French statesman Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand famously said of that family: “They had learned nothing and forgotten nothing.” In modern economic parlance, one can say the same thing about progressives, who once again are demanding price controls to “fight inflation.” Not surprisingly, Sen. Elizabeth Warren is leading the way. She recently introduced a bill...

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Switzerland details revenue split for global corporate tax rate

Switzerland, home to many big multinationals, has an average corporation tax rate of just under 15%, but some of its individual low-tax cantons such as Zug (in photo) have lower rates again. Keystone / Alessandro Della Bella Switzerland will implement from 2024 the minimum tax rate for large multinational firms under a global tax deal. The federal government will get a quarter and regional and local authorities three-quarters of revenue, it said on Thursday,...

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US Household Saving Rate Vanishes, Credit Card Debt Soars

The United States consumption figure seems robust. An 0.9 percent rise in personal spending in April looks good on paper, especially considering the challenges that the economy faces. This apparently strong figure is supporting an average consensus estimate for the second-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) of 3 percent, according to Blue Chip Financial Forecasts. However, the Atlanta Fed GDP nowcast for the second quarter stands at a very low 1.9 percent. If this...

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Quarterly Bulletin 2/2022

Report for the attention of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank for its quarterly assessment of June 2022. The report describes economic and monetary developments in Switzerland and explains the inflation forecast. It shows how the SNB views the economic situation and the implications for monetary policy it draws from this assessment. The first section (‘Monetary policy decision of 16 June 2022’) is an excerpt from the press release published following...

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Risk Appetites Improve Ahead of the Weekend

Overview: Equities are higher and bonds lower as the week's activity winds down. Asia Pacific markets rallied, paced by more than 2% gains in Hong Kong and South Korea. Japan's Nikkei rallied more than 1%, as did China's CSI 300. Most of the large markets but South Korea and Taiwan advanced this week, though only China and Hong Kong are up for the month. Europe's Stoxx 600 is up 1.3% through the European morning, its biggest advance of the week and what looks like...

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Confederation and SNB facilitate exchange of Ukrainian currency at Swiss commercial banks

Together with the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) and Swiss commercial banks, the SNB has developed a solution to enable individuals with protection status S to exchange Ukrainian banknotes for Swiss francs up to a limited amount. As of 27 June 2022, adults with protection status S will be able to make a one-off exchange of up to UAH 10,000 at selected UBS and Credit Suisse branches. This currently corresponds to a value of approximately CHF 300. The exchange...

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Investments, Speculations and Money by Paul Belanger

We’re pleased to republish this guest post by Paul Belanger. Paul is the author and owner of the website, Evidence Based Wealth, and the YouTube channel belangp, where he’s published over 10 years of research and analysis of gold. He’s also the author of Evidence Based Wealth: How to Engineer Your Early Retirement, available for purchase at This post does not necessarily reflect the views of Monetary Metals. In light of the recent rise in interest rates,...

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