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Tag Archives: Featured

Swiss fundraising effort creates tensions with Ukraine

Ukrainians receive humanitarian aid from the Worldwide Food Program (WFP) at a school building damaged by recent shelling in Kharkiv, Ukraine, July 15, 2022. Keystone / Sergey Kozlov The humanitarian charity Swiss Solidarity raised CHF126 million ($132.4 million) to help Ukrainian refugees and support local journalists. But Ukrainian authorities say they have yet to receive anything and appear to be getting impatient. The foundation explains it works on a long-term...

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Weekly Market Pulse: Opposite George

It all became very clear to me sitting out there today, that every decision I’ve ever made, in my entire life, has been wrong. My life is the complete opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have, in every aspect of life, be it something to wear, something to eat… It’s all been wrong. Every one. – George Constanza If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right. – Jerry Seinfeld From the Seinfeld episode “The Opposite” I...

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Macro and Prices

Next week, there are three big events:  the US jobs report, the Reserve Bank of Australia meeting, and the Bank of England's meeting. That said, the final PMI readings may be more helpful this time than we often see because of how quickly it appears activity has stalled. After we review the likely highlights and share a few other observations, we will look at the technical condition of the major dollar pairs.  On August 3 in Sydney, the Reserve Bank of Australia...

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August 2022 Monthly

We can hope that August will be quiet. The Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of Japan do not meet until September. With a snap Italian election on September 25, an Italian political storm may wait for vacationers to return. The volatility of the S&P 500, the VIX, is at three-month lows, and the equivalent measure in the Treasury market (MOVE) has come off sharply from the peak in early July that was above the 2020 extreme. Investors and...

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Switzerland faces shortage of air traffic controllers

Skyguide has doubled wages for first-year trainees from CHF2,000 to CHF4,000 a month © Keystone / Martial Trezzini Swiss air navigation service provider Skyguide says it is struggling to recruit air traffic controllers, especially in French-speaking Switzerland. Only five people are starting training in September, although there are 16 posts to be filled. “This is a general trend in Europe, but it is particularly pronounced in western Switzerland,” said Skyguide boss...

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GDP Shrinks Again as Biden Quibbles over the Definition of “Recession”

The U.S. economy contracted for the second straight quarter during the second quarter this year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported Thursday. With that, economic growth has hit a widely accepted benchmark for defining an economy as being in recession: two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. According to the BEA, the US economy contracted 0.9 percent during the second quarter in the first estimate of real GDP as a compounded annual rate. This...

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Emil Kauder as an Austrian Dehomogenizer

Rothbard's two-volume An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought contains a lengthy reference list, but a close look at the books reveals that Rothbard continually cited certain authors and borrowed his theses from them. One of them was Emil Kauder. Kauder appears to be quite an important figure: a member of the third generation of Austrian economists in Vienna and a prolific scholar whose publications appeared in many academic outlets. Yet, Kauder...

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Ethereum Classic erlebt intensive Rallye

In den letzten beiden Wochen hat Ethereum Classic an Fahrt aufgenommen. Nachdem es vor ein paar Jahren zu einer Fork gekommen war, die uns den von Buterin unterstützen Ethereum und einen Alternative Cryptocoin mit dem Namen Ethereum Classic brachte, ist der Classic Cryptocoin schrittweise aus den vorderen Positionen des Marktes verschwunden. Doch diese Woche ist der Classic Coin sogar wieder in den Top 20 gelandet. Ethereum News: Ethereum Classic erlebt intensive...

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Regional Territories: A Decentralization Plan for the USA

There is more talk of secession and civil war in the United States today than at any time since the 1850s, and popular confidence in government appears to be at an all-time low. As a foreigner, I have no particular red or blue loyalties, but I have deployed with Americans on many occasions, and in some ways, their history is also mine. There is a chance that history will look at the culture wars of the 2010s as a prelude to the great disintegration of the 2020s, so...

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Austrians vs. Neoclassicists on Monopolies

A monopoly is often seen as one of the gravest and most concerning manifestations of market failure. In the neoclassical tradition, the existence of a monopolist in a market is generally seen as sufficient justification for government intervention to put a halt to the monopolist's exploitative ways. The Austrian tradition, however, has historically remained skeptical of this alleged problem of monopoly. Two of the most prolific Austrian theorists, Murray Rothbard and...

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