Who is really keeping oil prices high? Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun says it’s the banks. [embedded content] [embedded content] Tags: Alhambra Research,commodities,economy,Featured,Markets,newsletter
Read More »Loonshots and Collapse
The momentum of franchise success and centralization of power are fatal. Loonshots are like moonshots, only crazier and trickier to commercialize. Author Safi Bahcall titled his book on how to nurture change-the-world innovations Loonshots: How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries. But as Bahcall persuasively argues, loonshot innovations aren’t enough. You also need to nurture franchises that commercialize the innovations...
Read More »Credit Suisse forced to address restructuring concerns
Troubled Swiss bank Credit Suisse has sought to quieten rampant speculation about its upcoming strategic revamp following leaks to the media and concerns of its staff. The bank is due to announce restructuring details when it announces its third quarter earnings results on October 27. On Monday Credit Suisse took the unusual move of issuing a statement ahead of its planned strategic review update next month, mentioning a “high level of media and market...
Read More »Australien veröffentlicht Whitepaper für CBDC
Im Hintergrund basteln die Zentralbanken aller größeren Länder an einer Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Doch in Australien ist man offenbar besonders weit. Hier ist in Partnerschaft mit einem Forschungszentrum für Finanzen nun ein Whitepaper des ersten CBDC veröffentlicht worden. Crypto News: Australien veröffentlicht Whitepaper für CBDCDer aktuelle Name des australischen CBDC ist „eAUD“. Der eAUD ist an den Australischen Dollar gekoppelt.Das Whitepaper spricht...
Read More »Semblance of Calm Returns
(Business travel will prevent me from updating the blog for the next couple of days. Thank you for your patience. Good luck.) Overview: After extending last week’s moves yesterday, the capital markets are mostly calmer today. Sterling is firmer, as are UK Gilts. The dollar is mostly consolidating inside yesterday’s range. Equities are stable to higher. Most of the large markets in the Asia Pacific region, but India edged higher, led by a 1.45% gain in China’s CSI...
Read More »Swiss diaspora more keen on pension reform and animal welfare
While the pension reform, which raises the retirement age for women from 64 to 65, was narrowly accepted in Sunday’s vote, the Swiss Abroad were more strongly in favour. The majority of voting expats were also in favour of abolishing factory farming and withholding tax unlike resident citizens. My specialty is telling stories, and decoding what happens in Switzerland and the world from accumulated data and statistics. An expatriate in Switzerland for several...
Read More »Employees Want Paychecks for Life: Pros and Cons of Guaranteed Lifetime Income
Annuities and similar products may help address retirement readiness in an aging workforce People are living longer, which means they may need their retirement savings to last decades. As a result, nearly half (48%) of participants are concerned about outliving their retirement savings. Many Americans don’t know how to transform their savings into retirement income. Guaranteed income offerings can help ease this concern by providing consistent, predictable payments...
Read More »How to Think about Economic Theory
[Chapter 2 of Per Bylund’s new book How to Think about the Economy: A Primer.] Like other sciences and fields of study, economics is a body of theory. Theory is a collection of explanations that allows us to understand something. Economic theory allows us to understand how an economy works. It explains the workings of the economy as a whole so that we can understand the meaning, impact, origins, and evolution of economic phenomena. For theory to be reliable and...
Read More »Seeing the Student Loan Crisis as a Form of Boom and Bust
Sorry, I've looked everywhere but I can't find the page you're looking for. If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page: Search Searching for the terms %3Futm+source%3Drss%26utm+medium%3Drss%26utm+campaign%3Dmacleod+seeing+student+loan+crisis+form+boom+bust ...
Read More »Zurich to enshrine the circular economy in constitution
Voters in Switzerland’s biggest canton have overwhelmingly approved a new article to promote a cleaner and more efficient use of resources. Just under 90% of Zurich citizens on Sunday said yes to the idea, which the cantonal government proposed as an alternative to an initiative by the young Green Party. All political parties were in favour of the idea. The canton’s constitution will therefore be adapted to include an article calling on authorities to create...
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