Switzerland has been criticised for turning a blind eye to legal advisors and others who allow wealthy people to hide their money. © Keystone / Gaetan Bally The Swiss government has asked the finance ministry to draft a bill to increase transparency of beneficial owners of legal entities to help tackle financial crime. The bill should introduce a central register for identifying beneficial owners and new obligations when it comes to risks of financial crime, the...
Read More »Die Endzeit individueller Freiheit – ist es soweit?
Schon länger sind Entwicklungen zu beobachten, die eine kaum zu unterschätzende Gefahr für Leben, Freiheit und das Streben nach Glück darstellen, wie etwa eine zunehmende Politisierung aller Lebensbereiche, die Verbreitung kollektivistischer Denkhaltungen oder der Trend zum digitalen gläsernen Menschen. Derzeit erleben wir die Phase, in welcher diese Entwicklungen die nächste Eskalationsstufe erreichen und durch vermehrte Verzahnung untereinander noch gefährlicher...
Read More »What If Everyone’s Wrong (Just Long Enough to Blow Up Their Account)?
Trying to restore a system that is spiraling away from equilibrium with new extremes of obsolete, misguided policies only accelerates the swings from apparent stability to cascading chaos. The conventional view of the market is there are two sides to every trade and one is right and the other is wrong.The punters who correctly read the tea leaves and who were right scored gains on their trade and those punters whose forecast was wrong lost their bet. But what if...
Read More »Rick Rule – Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night
“The US dollar’s strength isn’t so much a function of the strength of the US economy or US political leadership, but rather, the fact that we’re competing in a horse race against a bunch of other horses that are completely lame.” Rick Rule – Rule Investment Media The former President and CEO of Sprott, was last on the show at the beginning of February, so it’s an understatement to say he and GoldCore TV host Dave Russell had a few things to catch up on! From US...
Read More »“The British people are politically homeless – Part II”
Interview with Godfrey Bloom: Part II of II (click on this link for Part I) Claudio Grass (CG): With everything that’s been going on, it could be argued that very few of Liz Truss’s predecessors had worse luck in their first month in office. The Queen’s death dominated international mainstream media for weeks and it reignited a lot of old debates about Britain’s past and about the monarchy itself. What is your own view on the monarchy? Is it just a...
Read More »Dollar Recovers from Yesterday’s Stunning Reversal, but has Sentiment Turned in North America?
Overview: There has been little follow-through dollar selling so far today after yesterday’s dramatic downside reversal after the initial flurry of buying in response to the stronger than expected US CPI. Still, the upticks look corrective in nature and the intraday momentum indicators are stretched, raising the prospect of new sales by North American operators today. The sharp recovery in US equities did carry over into Asia and Europe where most bourses are ending...
Read More »Thanks to the Fed, You’ll Work More this Year to Keep Last Year’s Standard of Living
According to the establishment survey of employment, released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, total employment increased, month-over-month by 263,000 jobs. The “job market stays strong” reads one CNBC headline, and the new jobs print was hailed as a great achievement of the Biden Administration by MSNBC pundit Steve Benen. Yet, the employment data is possibly the only data that looks good right now, and that’s not much comfort since employment is a...
Read More »The number of teachers in compulsory education is expected to grow by around 6 percent by 2031
14.10.2022 – The number of teachers in compulsory education is expected to rise by around 6% up until 2031 due to population growth. Between 43 000 and 47 000 new primary teachers will have to be recruited by then. For the lower secondary level, between 26 000 and 29 000 new teachers will be needed. Furthermore, 90% of those teaching in compulsory education in 2015 who were aged under 55 at that time were still working in a school five years later, according to two...
Read More »Credit-default swaps: the case for the defence
Vultures, rats and maggots are often the focus of disgust, less because of anything for which they can be blamed, and more because of the conditions with which they are associated. Death, disease and squalor carry a stigma that is hard to shake. Something similar is true of credit-default swaps, financial instruments that make headlines during market turmoil and economic misery. When charts of credit-default swap prices begin to crop up in financial research it is...
Read More »Bitcoin Indikator deutet auf Bounce Back hin
Der „Crypto-Winter“ ist noch in vollem Gange, doch der tatsächliche Winter könnte für den BTC richtig heiß werden. Einer der aussagekräftigsten Indikatoren ist diese Woche grün geworden. Analysten prognostizieren daher einen Bounce Back des Kurses noch in diesem Winter. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Indikator deutet auf Bounce Back hin Es handelt sich beim Indikator um das Handelsvolumen. Dieser Wert stieg im wöchentlichen und täglichen Durchschnitt zuletzt klar an, so dass...
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