The yield on the 10 year Treasury note briefly surpassed the supposedly important 3% barrier and then….nothing. So, maybe, contrary to all the commentary that placed such importance on that level, it was just another line on a chart and the bond bear market fear mongering told us a lot about the commentators and not a lot about the market or the economy. As I said last month, despite the recent run up in rates, the...
Read More »The Capital Structure as a Mirror of the Bubble Era
Effects of Monetary Pumping on the Real World As long time readers know, we are looking at the economy through the lens of Austrian capital and monetary theory (see here for a backgrounder on capital theory and the production structure). In a nutshell: Monetary pumping falsifies interest rate signals by pushing gross market rates below the rate that reflects society-wide time preferences; this distorts relative prices...
Read More »La question de Monnaie pleine induit-elle le votant en erreur?
Le peuple suisse doit, le 10 juin 2018, répondre à cette question: « Acceptez-vous l’initiative populaire « Pour une monnaie à l’abri des crises : émission monétaire uniquement par la Banque nationale ! (Initiative Monnaie pleine) » ? » Le oui à la question sous-entend que ce concept monétaire garantit la monnaie suisse et les avoirs bancaires d’une part, et d’autre part que l’ensemble des avoirs bancaires relèvent...
Read More »Switzerland Unemployment in April 2018: Down to 2.7 percent from 2.9 percent, seasonally adjusted decreased from 2.9 percent to 2.7 percent
Unemployment Rate (not seasonally adjusted) Registered unemployment in April 2018 – According to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), at the end of April 2018, 119,781 unemployed were registered at the Regional Employment Centers (RAV), 10,632 less than in the previous month. The unemployment rate fell from 2.9% in March 2018 to 2.7% in the month under review. Compared with the same month of the...
Read More »Is Swiss inflation back to stay?
Swiss inflation reappeared in February 2018 and has continued. According to the Federal Statistical Office, inflation was 0.2% in April. Since the beginning of 2018, prices have risen 0.9%. © Björn Wylezich | - Click to enlarge Jan-Egbert Sturm of the KOF Swiss Economic Institute says it shows the Swiss economy is doing well, and that inflation is close to what is “normal” in Switzerland. When asked by...
Read More »FX Daily, May 08: Dollar Races Ahead
Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.56% to 1.1885 CHF. EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, May 08(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates The US dollar’s surge continues. The Dollar Index is testing the space above 93.00. A month ago it was below 90. It does not appear to require fresh developments. The market continues to trade as if there are short dollar positions that are...
Read More »Emerging Markets Preview: The Week Ahead
Stock Markets EM FX came under intense selling pressures last week. The worst performers were ARS, TRY, and MXN while the best were PHP, KRW, and TWD. US rates are likely to remain the key driver for EM FX, and so PPI and CPI data will be closely watched this week. We believe EM FX will remain under pressure. Stock Markets Emerging Markets, May 08 - Click to enlarge Indonesia Indonesia reports Q1 GDP Monday,...
Read More »Fear and Longing – Precious Metals Supply and Demand
See the introduction and the video for the terms gold basis, co-basis, backwardation and contango. Waiting for Permanent Backwardation The price of gold dropped 9 bucks, while that of silver rose 3 cents. Readers often ask us if permanent backwardation (when gold withdraws its bid on the dollar) is still coming. We say it is certain (unless we can avert it by offering interest on gold at large scale). They ask is it...
Read More »Swiss Consumer Price Index in April 2018: +0.8 percent YoY, +0.2 percent MoM
The consumer price index (CPI) rose by 0.2% in April 2018 compared with the previous month, reaching 101.7 points (December 2015=100). In comparison with the same month of the previous year, inflation stood at 0.8%. These figures were compiled by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). Switzerland Consumer Price Index (CPI) YoY, Jun 2013 - May 2018 - Click to enlarge Swiss Consumer Price Index in April 2018 German...
Read More »Nestlé and Starbucks agree million-dollar tie-up
A Starbucks coffee shop in Lucerne, Switzerland (Keystone) - Click to enlarge The Swiss food giant Nestlé is set to pay Starbucks $7.1 billion (CHF7.1 billion) to market the American firm’s products outside Starbucks’ coffee shops. Under the alliance deal, announced on Monday, Starbucks and Nestlé have agreed to work together on marketing strategies and innovation. “This transaction is a significant step for...
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