Part II of II by Claudio Grass A real systemic crisis If there was one thing more telling than the bank failures themselves, it was the governments’ reaction to them. The sheer panic that shook US, Swiss and Eurozone officials was almost pitiable to behold. The way they all rushed to make statements denying that this would be a repeat of 2008 was alarming instead of reassuring. And their apparent, urgent desperation to be believed was perhaps reason enough why they shouldn’t...
Read More »A bank is a bank is a bank – Part II
Part II of II by Claudio Grass A real systemic crisis If there was one thing more telling than the bank failures themselves, it was the governments’ reaction to them. The sheer panic that shook US, Swiss and Eurozone officials was almost pitiable to behold. The way they all rushed to make statements denying that this would be a repeat of 2008 was alarming instead of reassuring. And their apparent, urgent desperation to be believed was perhaps reason...
Read More »CS-Bonds: Vier Klagen gegen die Finma
Die von der Finma angeordnete Abschreibung von 16 Milliarden Franken an Nachranganleihen der Credit Suisse wird wie erwartet angefochten. Beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht in St. Gallen sind bislang vier Beschwerden gegen das Vorgehen der Finma eingegangen, teilte ein Sprecher auf Anfrage von Bloomberg mit.
Read More »A bank is a bank is a bank
Part I of II by Claudio Grass It might sound like an old-fashioned notion, the sort of thing that one reads about in period novels and romantically sighs “oh, the good old days”. It might sound like old timely advice, perhaps of the kind that our grandparents would have given to our parents: “It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes, even if you lose everything, as long as you still have your honor”. Sure. But in our cynical, jaded and largely pedestrian day and age, the idea of...
Read More »A bank is a bank is a bank
Part I of II by Claudio Grass It might sound like an old-fashioned notion, the sort of thing that one reads about in period novels and romantically sighs “oh, the good old days”. It might sound like old timely advice, perhaps of the kind that our grandparents would have given to our parents: “It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes, even if you lose everything, as long as you still have your honor”. Sure. But in our cynical, jaded and largely pedestrian...
Read More »Credit Suisse and the War Against Swiss Culture
I hope you will enjoy my latest interview with Maneco64. [embedded content] Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel free to share and you can subscribe for my articles by clicking here
Read More »Swiss government axes Credit Suisse bonuses
During a meeting on 5 April 2023, Switzerland’s Federal Council decided to axe or cut the bonuses of around 1,000 people at Credit Suisse. © Octavian Lazar | Dreamstime.comThe move follows a rushed acquisition deal involving UBS and the Swiss authorities after a bank run threatened Credit Suisse’s solvency in mid-March. Switzerland’s Banking Act allows the Swiss government to impose remuneration-related measures if a systemically important bank is directly or indirectly granted state...
Read More »Banking crisis: The new bailout strategy
Part II of II To be fair, it is true, this time is different. Indeed, this time the rescue plan for the bust banks is not comparable to what we saw in 2008. In the US, the guarantee for deposits up to $250.000 comes from funds that are maintained by participating banks and not from the taxpayer. The official answer to how they’re going to pay everyone back is also plausible and possible: Some, or even most, of the money can and will be recovered from winding down the failed bank’s...
Read More »Banking crisis: The new bailout strategy
Part II of II To be fair, it is true, this time is different. Indeed, this time the rescue plan for the bust banks is not comparable to what we saw in 2008. In the US, the guarantee for deposits up to $250.000 comes from funds that are maintained by participating banks and not from the taxpayer. The official answer to how they’re going to pay everyone back is also plausible and possible: Some, or even most, of the money can and will be recovered from...
Read More »Banking crisis: The new bailout strategy
Part I of II The recent turmoil that has roiled the global banking sector has placed central bankers in an impossible position: Cut rates and avert a domino-style disaster in the industry and a possible deep and prolonged recession in the wider economy or stay the hiking course to combat the still untamed inflationary pressures? Arguably the great losers in both cases will be the taxpayers and the average working household. The recent turmoil in the...
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