Tuesday , October 8 2024
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Look Out Below: Why a Rug-Pull Flash Crash Makes Perfect Sense

It makes perfect financial sense to crash the market and no sense to reward the retail options marks by pushing it higher. An extraordinary opportunity to scoop up mega-millions in profits has arisen, and grabbing all this free money makes perfect financial sense. Now the question is: will those who have the means to grab the dough have the guts to do so? Here’s the opportunity: retail punters have gone wild for call options, churning $2.6 trillion in mostly...

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Michael Saylor glaubt Bitcoin werde immer weitersteigen

In einem Interview mit CNBC äußerte Michael Saylor seine Meinung zum aktuellen Bullenmarkt. Er glaubt, der BTC würde dauerhaft weitersteigen – einzig, wie schnell er wie hoch steigt, sei noch unklar. Sein Hauptargument für diese Meinung hängt jedoch weniger mit der aktuellen Inflationspolitik, sondern mit der technischen Natur des Bitcoin zusammen. Bitcoin News: Michael Saylor glaubt Bitcoin würde für immer weitersteigen Die Inflationspolitik der weltweiten...

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Switzerland’s fastest and slowest growth cantons

© Eva Bocek | Dreamstime.com This week, Switzerland’s Federal Statistical Office published the latest cantonal GDP figures. Switzerland’s overall GDP growth in 2019 was 1.2%. However there were wide cantonal differences. The six fastest growing cantons in 2019 were Obwalden (+3.5%), Glarus (+3.2%), Zug (+2.7%), Basel-City (+2.6%), Luzern (+2.6%) and Valais (+2.5%). At the other end of the spectrum were the cantons ofBasel-Landschaft (-0.1%), Nidwalden (-0.3%) and...

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Employer Vaccine Mandates: When the Feds Pay the Piper, They Call the Tune

Vaccine mandates are much easier to enforce thanks to the spread of government spending, government contracting, and monopolized government services. Original Article: “Employer Vaccine Mandates: When the Feds Pay the Piper, They Call the Tune​” Advocates for vaccine mandates—led by the Biden administration—are apparently unconcerned that the mandates are likely to drive down total employment and reduce access to government services. In many cases these are the...

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CPI Shocker Lifted the Greenback, which now needs to Take a Breath

The jump in US headline CPI above 6% crossed some Rubicon and injected dynamic into the process.  The dollar rallied, and new highs for the year were recorded against the euro and sterling.  The dovish tapering announcement by the Fed on November 3 was completely unwound as the December 2022 Fed funds futures returned to the high-yield mark of 66 bp ahead of the weekend.  The two-year yield rose from about 39 bp at the start of the last week to almost 55 bp.  The...

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Multinationals and the mirage of paying their fair share of tax

Jessica Davis Pluess Companies come to Switzerland for tax reasons all the time. Should that be illegal? It’s fairly common to find companies that are “based” in Switzerland but do very little business in the country. These aren’t shell or letterbox companies in many cases. They have real people, in real offices but what they do here is miniscule compared to their activities outside the country. A couple weeks ago, the NGO Bread for All reportedExternal link on such...

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The Contrarian Trade of the Decade: The Dollar Refuses to Die

Which is more valuable: Wall Street’s debt/asset bubbles or the global empire? You can’t have both, so choose wisely. The consensus makes sense: the U.S. dollar is doomed because the Federal Reserve and the Treasury will conjure trillions of new dollars out of thin air to prop up the status quo entitlements, monopolies, cartels and debt/asset bubbles, and since little of this issuance actually increases productivity, all it will accomplish is the dilution /...

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US-Inflation erreicht Rekordhoch

Die US-Inflation hat im Oktober ein neues Rekordhoch erreicht – seit 1990 war sie nie höher. Der Goldpreis reagierte bereits und stieg deutlich an. Der Cryptomarkt sollte dadurch nur weiter angeheizt werden. Und wenn wir den Zentralbanken glauben können, wird es auch im nächsten Jahr zu Rekordwerten bei der Inflation kommen. Crypto News: US-Inflation erreicht Rekordhoch Im Oktober lag die jährliche Inflationsrate in den USA bei 6,2 Prozent und damit so hoch wie seit...

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How Asset Price Inflation Is Different from Goods Price Inflation

There has been no constant concept of asset price inflation through the modern age of fiat money even amongst those who recognize the condition. The term has become most popular in the present period of inflation targeting coupled with the use of radical monetary tools. The historian of economic thought could doubtless find some common threads through the evolving concept going back into the nineteenth century or earlier (indeed the first big example is the Dutch...

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