Since 2008, a key component of Fed policy has been to buy up mortgage-based securities and government debt so as to both prop up asset prices and increase the money supply. Over this time, the Fed has bought nearly $9 trillion in assets, thus augmenting demand and increasing prices for both government bonds and housing assets. Moreover, these purchases were made with newly created money, contributing greatly to liquidity and the easy-money policies that have...
Read More »Erstes Land bietet Steuervorteile für Crypto Mining mit erneuerbarer Energie
Schon ab diesem Monat ist es möglich für Crypto Miner Steuervergünstigungen zu erhalten, wenn sie fürs Mining erneuerbare Energien nutzen – zumindest in Usbekistan. Damit versucht das Land die Miner von Kohleenergie wegzuholen und gleichzeitig grüne Politik zu unterstützen. Crypto News: Erstes Land bietet Steuervorteile für Crypto Mining mit erneuerbarer EnergieVor allem Solarenergieprojekte sollen so in Usbekistan finanziert werden.Länder in Zentralasien sind...
Read More »Keith Weiner: Pound Measure Weight Of Silver
▶︎1000x – Enter your Email ▶︎ ▶︎ Subscribe to this YouTube channel ▶︎ ▶︎ Keep your financial education strong with our CompactClub ▶︎ Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. Keith also serves as founder and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. His work was instrumental in the passing of gold legal tender...
Read More »Monetary Metals Completes Latest Capital Raise
Scottsdale, Ariz –May 5, 2022 Monetary Metals® has recently closed a $4.5 million equity capital raise, bringing the total funds raised to over $8.5 million. The goal of the capital raise is to support the company to scale up. This round was oversubscribed, like all previous rounds. The company aimed to raise $3 million. The founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, Keith Weiner commented, “We had strong investor interest in our company during this equity raise, because...
Read More »FIFA Announces Partnership With Blockchain Company Algorand
FIFA has teamed up with Zug based blockchain technology company Algorand to agree a sponsorship and technical partnership deal. The agreement means Algorand will become the official blockchain platform of FIFA and provide the official blockchain-supported wallet solution. As per the sponsorship agreement, Algorand will be a FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Regional Supporter in North America and Europe, and a FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia and New Zealand 2023™ Official...
Read More »Historians trace Elon Musk’s Swiss roots to Emmental
Elon Musk’s maternal side of the family can be traced back to villages in the Emmental region of Switzerland. Keystone / Patrick Pleul Tesla CEO Elon Musk has roots in a small, picturesque farming region in central Switzerland. Using genealogy websites and local archives, historians have been able to connect Musk with the Haldimann name, which is still present in the Emmental region today. There are few images as quintessentially Swiss as the green pastures,...
Read More »Martin Schlegel wird neuer SNB-Vizepräsident
Schlegel (Jahrgang 1976) wird laut Mitteilung vom Mittwoch per Anfang August die Leitung des II. Departements der SNB übernehmen. Der neue Vize-Chef ist ein SNB-Urgestein. Er ist seit knapp zwanzig Jahren in verschiedenen leitenden Positionen für die SNB tätig, zuletzt seit September 2018 als stellvertretendes Mitglied des Direktoriums im I. Departement. Schlegel bringe mit seiner hohen Fachkompetenz und seiner breiten, langjährigen Erfahrung in notenbankpolitischen...
Read More »No, It’s Not the Putin Price Hike, No Matter What Joe Biden Claims
Politicians love their buzzwords and talking points, and the Joe Biden White House and the Democratic Party use them as much or more than when Donald Trump and the Republicans ran Washington’s freak show. Last year, the mantra from the Biden administration was that inflation was “transitory,” meaning that the inflation would not last long. From Biden (when he could remember what his talking points were supposed to be) to Paul Krugman in the New York Times, the...
Read More »Ask Keith Anything, Part III
Welcome to the third installment of our Ask Keith Anything video series. We published the call for questions far and wide to our readership, and the response was overwhelming! We received questions from all over the world. Now we’ve published the results! In this episode, Keith answers your questions on Bitcoin, supply chain bottlenecks, banking, book recommendations, the gold and silver markets and so much more![embedded content] Additional Resources Ask Keith...
Read More »Is Housing a Bubble That’s About to Crash?
We are all prone to believing the recent past is a reliable guide to the future. But in times of dynamic reversals, the past is an anchor thwarting our progress, not a forecast. Are we heading into another real estate bubble / crash? Those who say “no” see the housing shortage as real, while those who say “yes” see the demand as a reflection of the Federal Reserve’s artificial goosing of the housing market via its unprecedented purchases of mortgage-backed securities...
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