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This Professor Hates the Austrian School. But He Clearly Doesn’t Know Much about It.

Capitalism vs. Freedom: The Toll Road to Serfdom by Rob Larson Zero Books, 2018, 233 pp. Rob Larson, who is a professor of economics at Tacoma Community College in Washington, does not agree with Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, and Friedman that the free market promotes freedom and prosperity and that socialism is the “road to serfdom.” That is an understatement, and you won’t find any understatements in this book. To the contrary, the book abounds in wild accusations. For...

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The Century of Central Banking | The Snider Series | Episode 1 (WiM081)

Jeff Snider joins me for a multi-episode conversation exploring the evolution of money and central banking throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Be sure to check out NYDIG, one of the most important companies in Bitcoin: https://nydig.com/ GUEST Jeff's twitter: https://twitter.com/JeffSnider_AIP Jeff's writing: https://alhambrapartners.com/author/jsnider/ PODCAST Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/ Apple Podcast:...

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Swiss politicians join calls for Beijing Olympic Games boycott

Swiss politicians are among those calling for a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics in China in February 2022, to protest China’s campaign of repression against Uyghurs and other minority groups, as well as its crackdown on Hong Kong. The alleged abuses against the mainly Muslim minority in Xinjiang include mass detention and torture. The US State Department and several European legislatures have classified the human rights abuses as genocide and several US lawmakers have urged...

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Pessimistic Omicron Assessment Squashes Risk Appetites

Overview: A pessimistic assessment offered by the CEO of Moderna shattered the fragile calm seen yesterday after the pre-weekend turmoil.  Risk appetites shriveled, sending equity markets lower and the bond markets higher.  Funding currencies rallied, with the euro and yen moving above last week's highs.  The uncertainty weighs on sentiment and makes investors question what they previously were certain of.  The MSCI Asia Pacific Index fell over 1% before the weekend...

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No, Inflation Is Not Good for You

According to the Marxists and their fellow travelers, inflation is good because it transfers wealth from creditors to debtors, and debtors are “the 99 percent.” But inflation doesn’t work that way. Original Article: “No, Inflation Is Not Good for You” With the recent rise in inflation—with subsequent increases in both consumer and producer price levels—one suspects that sooner or later people on the left either would downplay it or find a way to spin the bad...

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Why Inflation Is a Runaway Freight Train

The value of these super-abundant follies will trend rapidly to zero once margin calls and other bits of reality drastically reduce demand. Inflation, deflation, stagflation–they’ve all got proponents. But who’s going to be right? The difficulty here is that supply and demand are dynamic and so there are always things going up in price that haven’t changed materially (and are therefore not worth the higher cost) and other things dropping in price even though they...

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Devisen: Euro fällt deutlich unter 1,13 US-Dollar

Zum Franken verliert der Euro weiter an Wert und nähert sich der Euro bei einem Stand von 1,0424 langsam der 1,04er Marke an. Der US-Dollar macht mit 0,9252 Franken die Verluste wieder wett und notiert etwa auf dem Niveau vom Morgen. “Die Schweizerische Nationalbank gesteht dem Franken Kursgewinne zu”, schreibt die VP Bank. “Selbst Notierungen von unter 1,05 gegenüber dem Euro sind für die eidgenössischen Währungshüter kein Tabuthema mehr.” Das lasse sich an der...

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The Black Friday Stock Market Crash – Gareth Soloway

Black Friday 2021 saw the largest stock market sell-off since 1931. Is this the start of a bigger crash, has the trend changed or is this just a one-time blip? We ask Gareth Soloway of InTheMoneyStocks.com what his charts are suggesting and why he is so bullish on gold [embedded content] Make sure you don’t miss a single episode… Subscribe to our YouTube channel [embedded content] You Might Also Like...

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Sentiment Remains Fragile

Overview: The fire that burnt through the capital markets before the weekend, triggered by the new Covid mutation, burned itself out in the Asian Pacific equity trading earlier today. A semblance of stability, albeit fragile and tentative, has emerged. Europe's Stoxx 600 is up about 1%, led by real estate, information technology, and energy.  US index futures are trading higher, with the NASDAQ leading.  Benchmark 10-year yields are firmer.  The US 10-year Treasury...

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Immer mehr Crypto SCAMs auf YouTube

YouTube hatte schon vor einiger Zeit angekündigt, gegen Inhalte auf der Plattform vorzugehen, die unseriöse Finanzprodukte bewerben. Davon betroffen waren auch Inhalte über Cryptocoins. Viele Video-Creator der Crypto-Szene berichteten darauf, dass YouTube ihre Videos demonetarisieren und zensieren würde – einige Creator wurden sogar komplett auf YouTube gesperrt. Doch geholfen haben diese Maßnahmen offenbar wenig. Crypto News: Immer mehr Crypto SCAMs auf YouTube...

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