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Being Pro-union Means Being Antiworker

After becoming the apparent president-elect, Joe Biden clearly promised to unify Americans. However, that promise was in sharp contrast to what his campaign promises would actually achieve. Granting unions their fondest wishes is clearly part of Biden’s labor policy, as illustrated by his statement that “I am a union man. Period” in his 2019 campaign-opening speech and his website’s opposition to the “war on organizing, collective bargaining, unions, and workers”...

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The Great Reset, 23 November

There are now two entirely different notions of a coming “reset”. One has been popular among those who speculate on the gold price. They expect a revaluation of the dollar. However, the government does not set the value of the dollar. So there is no way to reset the value. Indeed, the government has been trying to push down the value of the dollar for over a decade, and mostly failing (because increasing quantity is not the same thing as decreasing value). But that...

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A Lesson In PMIs: Relative vs. Absolute

The bid for “decoupling” has never been stronger, and, unfortunately, this time actually represents the weakest case yet for it. According to the mainstream interpretations of the most recent sentiment indicators, the US and European economies appear to be going in the complete opposite directions. Beset by even more overreactive governments, spurred oppressively forward by an increase in COVID testing, in Europe the second wave of artificial restrictiveness has...

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FX Daily, November 23: Markets Look Past Near-Term Challenges

Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.08% to 1.0806 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, November 23(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: News that the AstraZeneca vaccine was 70% effective but could be enhanced by changing dosage is lifting spirits and boosting equities. Japan’s markets were closed for a national holiday, but all the equity markets in the region advanced and many by more than 1%. Strong export figures...

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Revelation Of The Method

There is one question very few are asking. Even on the most obscure blogs or conspiracy forums, we don’t find serious discussion of it. That question is the reason we created this website in the first place, and called it coronacircus. Why make it a circus? Why make this whole “pandemic” such a “scamdemic”? There are so many obvious, blatant holes; we’ve been noticing them for a long time, and millions have too. It seems too easy. The central planners themselves are...

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Deflation Returns To Japan, Part 2

Japan Finance Minister Taro Aso, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, caused a global stir of sorts back in early June when he appeared to express something like Japanese racial superiority at least with respect to how that country was handling the COVID pandemic. For a country with a population of more than 126 million, the case counts and mortality rates suggest something in the nation’s favor. Total reported coronavirus cases didn’t top 100,000 until the end of...

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The Impossibility of “Taxation with Representation”

Whether you have watched The Sopranos, Goodfellas, or The Godfather, the gist of those stories is always the same: a mafia boss gets involved with a private person or sometimes a businessowner and demands a fee to be paid by midnight tomorrow, otherwise said person will lose a finger or two and maybe a kneecap as well. An analogy often made by libertarians is that the government operates similarly to the mafia. The government demands money in form of taxes, which...

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China’s New Five-Year Plan Exposes the Wishful Thinking behind Socialist Regimes

On October 29, the nineteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party concluded its fifth plenum, a four-day meeting devoted primarily to laying the groundwork for China’s fourteenth five-year plan, which covers the period from 2021 to 2025. Most of what has been made publicly available about the planners’ thinking is hardly novel—no one would have been surprised to read that they plan to “hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,” for...

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EM Preview for the Week Ahead

Most EM currencies were up last week, once again taking advantage of broad dollar weakness. In addition, EM equities also performed well, with MSCI EM up for the third week in a row and for seven of the past eight. We expect EM assets to continue benefiting from the global liquidity story as well as the weak dollar trend. AMERICAS Brazil reports mid-November IPCA inflation Tuesday. Inflation is expected at 4.15% y/y vs. 3.52% in mid-October. If so, this would be the...

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Covid: only the vaccinated get to travel abroad, suggests Swiss infectious disease expert

Resistance to vaccinations is significant in Switzerland. A survey done in November 2020 suggests only 16% of the population would get vaccinated immediately if there was an approved Covid-19 vaccine, reported 20 Minutes. More than a quarter (28%) of those surveyed said they would refuse, leaving a majority who said they would decide at some point in the future. Switzerland’s government has made it clear that Covid-19 vaccines will not be compulsory. However,...

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