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FX Daily, April 8: Calm Capital Markets See the Dollar Drift

Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.26% to 1.1003 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, April 8 (see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: markets.ft.com - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: Global stocks are moving higher today. Fears of a new lockdown in Tokyo amid rising covid cases weighed on Japanese stocks, a notable exception as the MSCI Asia Pacific Index rose for its fifth session of the past six. Europe’s Dow Jones Stoxx 600 is edging to new record highs today...

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All electric pledge by Swiss car-sharing firm

Mobility plans to complement its electric car fleet with a network of charging stations. Keystone / Obs/mobility Car-sharing company Mobility says it will electrify its entire fleet of 3,000 vehicles and build a network of e-charging stations by 2030. On Thursday, the company saidExternal link its first 300 e-charging stations should be operational within three years. Mobility, which is aims to be climate neutral as a company by 2040, has pledged that its fleet will...

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Can Credit Suisse Avoid Becoming The ‘Deutsche Bank’ Of Switzerland?

“And the future is certain, give us time to work it out…” Markets were shaken but unstirred by the collapse of Greensill and the Archegos unwind trades. Credit Suisse is the ultimate loser of the two scandals – reputationally damaged and holed below the water line.  The bank is paying the price of years of flawed management, poor risk awareness. and its self-belief it was still a Tier 1 global player. Its’ challenge is to avoid becoming the Deutsche Bank of...

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Precious metals are and always have been the ultimate insurance

Interview with Robert Hartmann As we enter the second quarter of 2021, the year during which so many mainstream analysts and politicians have predicted we’ll see a miraculous recovery from the covid crisis, it is becoming increasingly clear that the damage inflicted by the lockdowns and the shutdowns is really very extensive an persistent. Of course, I’m referring to the damage to the real economy, that is, to actual businesses, households and the countless citizens...

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Real Dollar ‘Privilege’ On Display (again)

Twenty-fifteen was an important yet completely misunderstood year. The Fed was going to have to become hawkish, according to its models, yet oil prices crashed and the dollar continued to rise. Both of those things were described as “transitory” by Janet Yellen, and that they were helpful or positive (rising dollar means cleanest dirty shirt!), but domestically American policymakers’ clear lack of conviction and courage about that rate hike regime showed otherwise....

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The Annapolis Convention: The Beginning of the Counterrevolution

[Chapter 12 of Rothbard’s newly edited and released Conceived in Liberty, vol. 5, The New Republic: 1784–1791.] By 1787, the nationalist forces were in a far stronger position than during the Revolutionary War to make their dreams of central power come true. Now, in addition to the reactionary ideologues and financial oligarchs, public creditors, and disgruntled ex-army officers, other groups, some recruited by the depression of the mid-1780s, were ready to be...

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Jeff Snider On Salomon Brothers, Repo Market, Velocity, Shadow Money, Banks, FED (RCS Ep 117)

Interview original date: December 14, 2020 Topics- Salomon Brothers, the eurodollar market, treasuries, collateral, derivative market: Jeff tells the story of what happened in the early 90s with the Treasury, Warren Buffett, FED, Primary Dealer Banks, Repo market. Velocity: money supply, shadow money, measuring the monetary system. Repo market as a real monetary market: missing data in the FED’s measurements. FED funds rate, banking system, monetary details. SUBSCRIBE to More George...

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Marc Chandler: Dollar To Remain Strong In The Short Run – The Daily Dive

Starting off the trading week on The Daily Dive is that of Marc Chandler, whom runs Marc to Market and is Chief Market Strategist at Bannockburn Global Forex. Marc joins us this afternoon to discuss his thoughts on the strength of the dollar and the impact of the expiring SLR exemption, as well as his take on the impact of coming stimulus on the economy and the topic of transitory inflation. Marc to Market is an internationally recognized financial blog, where Marc provides his insights on...

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Credit Suisse Dumping Huge Archegos Blocks; Liquidating Millions In VIACS, VIPS And FTCH

Literally moments ago we said that the Archegos portoflio was being sold off all day on fears of “stealth” prime broker deleveraging, as tens of millions of shares were yet to be accounted for. Then, moments after 5pm, Credit Suisse – the firm that was hammered the hardest by the Archegos implosion and which had yet to provide a detailed breakdown of its Bill Hwang-linked P&L – confirmed what we said, when it unveiled a massive secondary offering dump, including...

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House View, April 2021

Asset Allocation We believe that robust earnings growth will overcome concerns about rate increases. Within a neutral position on developed-market equities, we believe sectoral rotation will continue and we remain overweight cyclical markets like the UK and Japan. But while we believe the attractiveness of stocks subject to wild valuation swings will fade, we continue to like cash-rich ‘structural grower’ stocks. The rise in the correlation between bonds and equities...

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