PostBus is among the new participants in this initiative to reduce energy consumption and make it renewable. The Swiss Broadcasting company SRF has also joined. Keystone / Gian Ehrenzeller Some government departments and 13 other Swiss entities have signed a pact to increase energy efficiency, expand renewable energies and make their investments “climate compatible”. The initiative contributes to implementing Switzerland’s Energy Strategy 2050 and achieving a net...
Read More »We’re Living in a Chaos Economy. Here’s How to End It.
The chaos economy we’re witnessing is not the fault of the market economy. Rather prices in some areas of the economy need to rise so high and so fast to harmonize supply and demand that entrepreneurs can hardly keep pace. Original Article: “We’re Living in a Chaos Economy. Here’s How to End It.” The Federal Reserve has been increasing the money supply at an explosive rate. The federal budget, deficits, and the trade deficit are record levels. Governments, both...
Read More »The Curve Is Missing Something Big
What would it look like if the Treasury market was forced into a cross between 2013 and 2018? I think it might be something like late 2021. Before getting to that, however, we have to get through the business of decoding the yield curve since Economics and the financial media have done such a thorough job of getting it entirely wrong (see: Greenspan below). And before we can even do that, some recent housekeeping at the front of the curve where bill lives. Treasury...
Read More »Jeff Snider of Alhambra Investments explains the real role of the US Federal Reserve.
We were recently joined by Jeffrey Snider, Head of Global Research at Alhambra Investments. He is not an economist, which is probably why he's been able to develop a working model of the global monetary system. His research is unique and informative in ways an economist would never consider. He joined us to discuss his thoughts on inflation/deflation and our current economic state. Don't forget to pick up Josh Jalinski's new book, and Amazon Best-Seller: Retirement Reality Check....
Read More »Consolidative Session as Markets Await Fresh Incentives
Overview: The markets lack a clear direction today and await fresh incentives. After gaining almost 1% yesterday, the MSCI Asia Pacific Index slipped. Japan, Hong Kong, and Australia are among the few equity markets that rose. The Dow Jones Stoxx 600 is posting minor gains, while US futures are largely steady. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ have a five-day advancing streak in tow. The US 10-year yield reached a five-month high near 1.64% yesterday and extended to...
Read More »Bitcoin ETF in den USA endlich gelaunched
Heute ist es endlich so weit, der Bitcoin ETF ProShares wird offiziell gelaunched. In den vergangenen Jahren gab es immer wieder Versuche, einen Crypto-ETF an der New Yorker Börse zu veröffentlichen – doch jedes Mal scheiterten sie. Nun hat es die Firma ProShares geschafft, dessen CEO das Event offenbar bereits im Vorfeld medienwirksam feierte. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin ETF in den USA endlich gelaunched Mit dem ETF wird weiteres Geld für den Cryptomarkt erwartet. Wobei...
Read More »Joe Salerno on Rothbard’s History of Economic Thought
We wrap up our look at Murray Rothbard’s sprawling two volume An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought with Dr. Joe Salerno, Rothbard’s friend and colleague. This show covers the second volume exclusively, starting with the Frenchman JB Say and working through Ricardo, the British Currency School, John Stuart Mill, and finally Karl Marx. Salerno has penetrating insights about all of these thinkers, from Say’s understanding of production to...
Read More »Far Longer And Deeper Than Just The Past Few Months
Hurricane Ida swept up the Gulf of Mexico and slammed into the Louisiana coastline on August 29. The storm would continue to wreak havoc even as it weakened the further inland it traversed. By September 1 and 2, the system was still causing damage and disruption into the Northeast of the United States. While absolutely tragic for those who suffered its blow, in economic terms this means that any weakness exhibited by whichever economic account during both August and...
Read More »Thousands protest against Covid measures in Switzerland
© Sergey Chuyko | Over the weekend, several thousand people took to Swiss streets to protest against Switzerland’s measures to reduce the impact of Covid-19, reported RTS. In Lausanne, between 800 and 1,000 people marched in protest against Covid certificates and restrictions on individual liberty. No violence or property damage was reported. In Lugano, calls from an association named friends of the constitution drew around 400 protestors to the...
Read More »Mosambik-Kredite: FINMA schliesst Verfahren gegen Credit Suisse ab
Die Credit Suisse hat im Zusammenhang mit Kreditgeschäften aus dem Jahr 2013 mit Staatsunternehmen aus Mosambik schwer gegen das Organisationserfordernis und die geldwäschereirechtliche Meldepflicht verstossen. Die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA schliesst in diesem Zusammenhang ein Enforcementverfahren ab und belegt das Kreditneugeschäft mit finanzschwachen Staaten der Credit Suisse mit Auflagen. Die FINMA schliesst eine Aufsichtsuntersuchung und ein...
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