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Is the luxury watch market facing a democratic revolution?

Game changer? Baillod’s tourbillon watch has already made waves in the watch community Baillod Entrepreneur Thomas Baillod has just launched a “Swiss Made” tourbillon watch for under CHF5,000 ($5,450), a marketing coup which shows that mid-range watches still have a place in a watch industry increasingly focused on ultra-luxury. Patented in 1801 by Abraham-Louis Breguet, the tourbillon still fascinates lovers of fine mechanical watchmaking. The mechanism, a small...

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Thailand: Opposition gegen den Regierungsplan zur Besteuerung von Kryptogewinnen

Während Thailand sich darauf vorbereitet, eine Abgabe auf Kryptogewinne zu erheben, haben mehrere Parteien Bedenken über den aktuellen Vorschlag der Regierung geäußert. Eine Reihe von politischen Persönlichkeiten haben darauf bestanden, dass wichtige Aspekte geklärt werden müssen, um eine Doppelbesteuerung von Einkommen im Zusammenhang mit Kryptowährungen zu vermeiden. Vertreter von Parteien aus verschiedenen Ecken des politischen Spektrums in Thailand haben ihre...

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Bitcoin klettert nach US-Inflationssprung über Schlüsselmarke

Bitcoin kletterte zum ersten Mal seit einer Woche über 44.000 Dollar, da die höchste US-Inflation seit vier Jahrzehnten die Debatte darüber wiederbelebt, ob die Kryptowährung eine Absicherung gegen steigende Verbraucherpreise ist. Der größte digitale Vermögenswert nach Marktwert stieg am Mittwoch um 3,3 Prozent auf 44.085 Dollar, nachdem der Verbraucherpreisindex veröffentlicht wurde, der im Jahr 2021 um 7 Prozent gestiegen ist. Das bedeutet, dass die Inflation in...

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All you need is a laptop and a backpack

Maik Disch works from the most beautiful beaches in Thailand for clients in Switzerland. He sees himself as a typical digital nomad: constantly on the lookout for the next dream destination. Disch's salary is lower than that of colleagues in Switzerland. On the other hand, the cost of living on the island of Ko Phangan is low and the warm, tropical climate allows him to work outdoors. Fast internet also helps. Disch's video portrait is the second in the “Digital offensive”...

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Electric car sales pass ‘tipping point’ in Switzerland

Credit: Zoonar Gmbh / Alamy Stock Photo The number of new electric cars sold in Switzerland continues to accelerate – even faster than predicted, according to the Touring Club Switzerland (TCS) car association. My specialty is telling stories, and decoding what happens in Switzerland and the world from accumulated data and statistics. An expatriate in Switzerland for several years, I have also worked as a multimedia journalist for the Swiss national broadcaster....

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Walmart plant eigenen Cryptocoin

Die Mass Adoption findet statt. Doch sie verläuft anders, als viele es sich vor 10 Jahren vorstellten. Statt einer flächendeckenden Bitcoin-Adoption, versuchen große Unternehmen vor allem ihren eigenen Cryptocoin einzuführen. Crypto News: Walmart plant eigenen Cryptocoin Am Wochenende sind Patente öffentlich geworden, die belegen, dass Walmart nicht nur an einem eigenen Cryptocoin arbeitet, sondern auch in den NFT-Markt einsteigen will. Ursprünglich hatte sich die...

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When Higher Prices Are Not Inflation

Back to 2020, the federal government’s covid-mandated shutdown of meat production plants hobbled the nation’s meat production capabilities, leaving farmers with nowhere to send their beef. This resulted in them having to cull cattle and other livestock. The uncertainty caused farmers to scale back their production at the time, which Arun Sundaram told CNBC “can affect production more than a year, year and a half down the road.” Processing facilities had labor...

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Weekly Market Pulse: A Very Contrarian View

What is the consensus about the economy today? Will 2022 growth be better or worse than 2021? Actually, that probably isn’t the right question because the economy slowed significantly in the second half of 2021. The real question is whether growth will improve from that reduced pace. The Atlanta Fed GDPNow tracker now has Q4 growth all the way down to 5% from the 6.8% rate expected just a week ago (a result of a less than expected retail sales report). That’s still a...

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Market Selloff Into January

The market selloff into January rattled investors as concerns of “So Goes January, So Goes The Year” began to dampen expectations. Combined with a more aggressive stance from the Federal Reserve, rising inflation, and a reduction in liquidity, investor concerns seem to be well-founded. As discussed last week in “Passive ETFs Are Hiding A Bear Market,” the “blood bath” in the high-beta stocks is particularly humbling for the retail crowd that piled into risk with...

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Victims of CHF800 million fraud scheme feel short-changed

Convicted fraudster Dieter Behring standing outside a Swiss courthouse during his trial in 2016. © Keystone / Ti-press / Pablo Gianinazzi Administrators clearing up a CHF800 million ($877 million) collapsed pyramid scheme have managed to recover just CHF12.7 million from one of Switzerland’s largest fraud cases. Financier Dieter Behring ripped off 1,700 investors between 1998 and 2004External link with a scam that promised oversized financial returns. Instead, it...

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