President Biden on Thursday made two big admissions about the US-led economic sanctions on Russia. The first is that the sanctions will lead to food shortages for many countries other than Russia, and that this is simply the price that Americans ought to be forced to pay. The second admission was that sanctions haven’t worked to change Moscow’s policies, and that “sanctions never deter” the targeted regime from carrying out aggression. So, Biden has helpfully now...
Read More »Episode 1: Follow the Monet – the Bührle art collection
In our new satirical format, we explore this ambivalence and say "sorry" to the world - for minor and major transgressions. Realised and developed by Swiss comedian, writer and director Patrick Karpiczenko, the segments are intended to inform and entertain, especially on social media. The first episode discusses the new museum built by the city of Zurich to display the art collection of controversial arms dealer Emil Bührle - a collection whose legitimate acquisition during...
Read More »Bitcoin is not a Ponzi Scheme, Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme
Bitcoin is not a Ponzi Scheme, Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme Keith Weiner In Conversation With Daniel Lacalle about Bitcoin. He says: "Bitcoin is not a Ponzi Scheme, Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme" More about the Difference-
Read More »Credit Suisse Vice Chair Schwan steps down from board
Severin Schwan is also CEO of Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche. Keystone / Georgios Kefalas Credit Suisse announced on Monday that Vice-Chair Severin Schwan would not stand for re-election. This follows a reported rebellion by large shareholder groups at the Swiss bank. “Severin Schwan, who joined the Board in 2014 and has acted as Vice-Chair and Lead Independent Director since 2017, has decided not to stand for re-election,” Credit Suisse said in a statementExternal...
Read More »Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973)
One of the most notable economists and social philosophers of the twentieth century, Ludwig von Mises, in the course of a long and highly productive life, developed an integrated, deductive science of economics based on the fundamental axiom that individual human beings act purposively to achieve desired goals. Even though his economic analysis itself was “value-free”—in the sense of being irrelevant to values held by economists, Mises concluded that the only viable...
Read More »Honduras lässt Bitcoin links liegen und setzt auf CBDC
Die Crypto-Community hatte gehofft, dass Honduras dem Beispiel El Salvadors folgen würde. Doch nun hat die Zentralbank des Landes in Mittelamerika angekündigt, dass man nicht auf Bitcoin setzen wird, sondern stattdessen an einem staatlichen Cryptocoin arbeitet. Bitcoin News: Honduras lässt Bitcoin links liegen und setzt auf CBDCSchlechte Nachrichten für die Mass Adoption: Honduras setzt auf eine Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), die schon bald offizielles...
Read More »Gold Price Today – Gareth Soloway
Dave Russell of GoldCore TV welcomes back Gareth Soloway of where we ask if the bull market for stocks is back and if $2,500 on gold is still on the cards for 2022? What role does the inversion of the yield curve play in signaling a US recession? [embedded content] [embedded content] You Might Also Like Gold Gives You Personal Sovereignty 2022-03-09 Dave Lukas of Misfit...
Read More »Switzerland sounds out Qatar over gas supplies
Switzerland plans to open negotiations with Qatar over the potential delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies. The Alpine state is scouting for new energy suppliers, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Finance Minister Ueli Maurer brought up the subject with Qatari Energy Minister Saad Sherida al-Kaabi in Doha on Tuesday. Gas makes up roughly 15% of Switzerland’s final energy consumption and is mostly used for heating and cooking. Around half of this...
Read More »Will Biden Sanction Half the World to Isolate Russia?
Sorry, I've looked everywhere but I can't find the page you're looking for. If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page: Search Searching for the terms %3Futm+source%3Drss%26utm+medium%3Drss%26utm+campaign%3Dmcmaken+biden+sanction+the+world+isolate+russia ...
Read More »Keith Weiner Monetary Metals
Talking to Keith Weiner about supply line issues, inflation expectations and why the solution is creating markets where gold is used as money.
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