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The Market Crash Nobody Thinks Is Possible Is Coming

The banquet of consequences is being served, and risk-off crashes are, like revenge, best served cold. The ideal setup for a crash is a consensus that a crash is impossible–in other words, just like the present: sure, there are carefully measured murmurings about a “correction” but nobody with anything to lose in the way of public credibility is calling for an honest-to-goodness crash, a real crash, not a wimpy, limp-wristed dip that will immediately be bought. What...

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The Fed’s ‘Dangerous’ Path Toward Debt Monetization

A prominent U.S. Senator just called the head of the nation’s central bank “dangerous.” Unfortunately, the true dangers of U.S. monetary and fiscal policy were lost on everyone involved. On Tuesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell testified before the Senate banking committee, where Senator Elizabeth Warren led the left wing of the Democratic Party’s attack. “Over and over, you have acted to make our banking system less safe. And that makes you a dangerous man...

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Silver Crash Makes Silver Trash?

The price of silver dropped a dollar, or over 4% on Wednesday. Some voices in the precious metals press want you to think that there is only one conceivable cause. We should coin a term for this form of logical fallacy: argumentum ad ignorantia. This is an argument of the form: “the cause must be XYZ, as I cannot conceive of anything else.” The Same Old Song and Dance In this case, XYZ is that the alleged cartel, the bullion banks and/or central banks, sold silver...

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US charges Swiss finance firm and six people with tax evasion

The US still suspects some elements of the Swiss financial centre of helping tax evaders. © Keystone / Ti-press / Alessandro Crinari Six people and a Swiss financial services firm have been charged in the United States with helping clients evade taxes on $60 million (CHF56 million) of assets. They are accused of setting up an elaborate scheme, known as the “Singapore Solution”, to funnel money out of Switzerland, through structures in Hong Kong and Singapore, and...

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Tom Brady will einen Teil seines Gehalts in Kryptos erhalten

Der siebenfache Super-Bowl-Sieger Tom Brady glaubt, dass die Zukunft der digitalen Technologie gehört. Der legendäre Football-Spieler Tom Brady hat einmal mehr seine Unterstützung für die digitale Asset-Industrie demonstriert. Er sagte, er würde einen Teil seiner Einnahmen gerne in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) oder Solana (SOL) Token erhalten. l1           Das digitale Zeitalter ist da Tom Brady – der siebenfache Super-Bowl-Champion und wohl einer der größten...

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Krypto hat sich in den letzten 12 Jahren mehr als ein Dutzend Mal von Chinas Schlägen erholt

Seit 2009 haben China und Hongkong den Krypto-Markt bei 19 verschiedenen Gelegenheiten “verboten” oder anderweitig für Aufregung gesorgt, Tendenz steigend. Der Bitcoin-Kurs ist kürzlich um 5 Prozent gefallen, nachdem die People’s Bank of China (PBoC) alle Kryptowährungstransaktionen für illegal erklärt hatte. Vor diesem Hintergrund sollten wir einen nostalgischen Blick auf die letzten 12 Jahre an Schlägen gegen die digitalen Währungen aus China werfen und sehen, ob...

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Monetary Competition: The Best Alternative to Razing Central Banks to the Ground

[Editor’s note: Two interviews from August 1992, given by Murray Rothbard to the Swedish student publication Svensk Linje (continuously published since 1942) were recently discovered in the Rothbard Archives and translated by Sven Thommesen for the first time. In this interview, Anton Wahlman, an economist from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, interviewed Rothbard about Sweden and European integration with the rise of the ECU (euro). The interview...

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Jeff Snider: The Global Currency System that Really Matters

Tom welcomes an extremely thought provoking guest Jeff Snider to the show. Jeff flips the lid on the global shadow money system and shows us all the mechanisms and leavers that lie in the shadows. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit http://palisadesradio.ca Inflation is understandably an emotional topic and often a difficult conversation to have. Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. It's usually a significant increase in prices...

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An Economy Dividing By Inventory And Labor

Is it delta COVID? Or the widely reported labor shortage? Something has created a soft patch in the presumed indestructible US economy still hopped up on Uncle Sam’s deposits made earlier in the year. And yet, there’s a nagging feeling over how this time, like all previous times, just might be too good to be true, too. To start with, the rebound from last year’s recession is decidedly, maybe even uniquely uneven. Not just explosive goods sector vs. moribund...

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Kuba könnte bald Bitcoin akzeptieren

Die kubanische Regierung prüft Berichten zufolge die Anerkennung und Regulierung von Kryptowährungen als Zahlungsmittel. Nachdem El Salvador Anfang des Jahres mit der Anerkennung von Bitcoin als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel Geschichte geschrieben hat, wächst die Zahl der Länder, die diesen Schritt nachahmen wollen, weiter. Einem kürzlich erschienenen Bericht zufolge will die kubanische Zentralbank Regeln einführen, die es dem Land ermöglichen, digitale Vermögenswerte...

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