The report (in German). From the press release: The Parliamentary Investigation Committee (PInC) attributes the Credit Suisse crisis to years of mismanagement at the bank. It is critical of FINMA’s relaxation of capital requirements and regrets the lack of effectiveness of its banking supervision. The PInC also criticises the hesitant development of the TBTF legislation and identifies shortcomings in the flow of information between authorities. It does not find any misconduct on the part...
Read More »“Retail CBDC and the Social Costs of Liquidity Provision,” VoxEU, 2023
VoxEU, September 27, 2023. HTML. From the conclusions: … it is critical to account for indirect in addition to direct social costs and benefits when ranking monetary architectures. … the costs and benefits we consider point to an important role of central bank digital currency in an optimal monetary architecture unless pass-through funding is necessary to stabilise capital investment and very costly. … the interest rate on CBDC should differ from zero and from the rate on reserves. From...
Read More »“Why the Digital Euro Might be Dead on Arrival,” VoxEU, 2023
With Cyril Monnet. VoxEU, August 10, 2023. HTML. … promoting the digital euro requires an aggressive marketing strategy because private incentives for adoption are limited. However, the pursuit of such an aggressive approach is unlikely as this runs counter to the ECB’s fourth, implicit objective of protecting banks’ existing business model. This is problematic and could turn the project into a significant missed opportunity, for the potential social benefits of the digital euro...
Read More »“Der digitale Euro könnte zur Totgeburt werden (Digital Euro, Dead on Arrival?),” NZZ, 2023
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, July 5, 2023. PDF. HTML. Ein digitaler Euro könnte den Wettbewerb fördern, mehr Transparenz schaffen und das Too-big-to-fail-Problem entschärfen. Mit ihrer Minimalvariante aber priorisiert die EZB das Ziel der Bewahrung des Status quo im Bankensystem.
Read More »Banking crisis: The new bailout strategy
Part II of II To be fair, it is true, this time is different. Indeed, this time the rescue plan for the bust banks is not comparable to what we saw in 2008. In the US, the guarantee for deposits up to $250.000 comes from funds that are maintained by participating banks and not from the taxpayer. The official answer to how they’re going to pay everyone back is also plausible and possible: Some, or even most, of the money can and will be recovered from winding down the failed bank’s...
Read More »Banking crisis: The new bailout strategy
Part II of II To be fair, it is true, this time is different. Indeed, this time the rescue plan for the bust banks is not comparable to what we saw in 2008. In the US, the guarantee for deposits up to $250.000 comes from funds that are maintained by participating banks and not from the taxpayer. The official answer to how they’re going to pay everyone back is also plausible and possible: Some, or even most, of the money can and will be recovered from...
Read More »“Finanzplatz steuert auf eine Verstaatlichung der UBS zu (Switzerland on its Way to Nationalizing UBS),” NZZ, 2023
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 22, 2023. PDF. How to respond? Nationalization now rather than later? Breaking UBS up? Placing government representatives on the supervisory board? Illiquidity crises and the lender of last resort. Vollgeld, higher reserve requirements, and CBDC as partial solutions to TBTF problems.
Read More »“Dirk Niepelt imäch (Interview with Dirk Niepelt),” swissinfo, 2020
Dirk Niepelt ist der Direktor des Studienzentrums Gerzensee und Professor für Makroökonomie an der Universität Bern. Hier im Gespräch mit Geldcast-Host Fabio Canetg. Swissinfo, December 14, 2020. HTML, podcast. We talk about CBDC, the Swiss National Bank, whether CBDC would render it easier to implement helicopter drops, and how central bank profits should be distributed. Dirk Niepelt ist weltweit einer der führenden Forscher auf dem Gebiet der...
Read More »“Dirk Niepelt imäch (Interview with Dirk Niepelt),” swissinfo, 2020
Swissinfo, December 14, 2020. HTML, podcast. We talk about CBDC, the Swiss National Bank, whether CBDC would render it easier to implement helicopter drops, and how central bank profits should be distributed.
Read More »Von einer Branche im Strukturwandel und den Tücken der Statistik…
Von einer Branche im Strukturwandel und den Tücken der Statistik… Die Wertschöpfungsketten von Banken verteilen sich vermehrt über Zulieferbranchen. Die Entwicklung der Branche kann daher nicht mehr aus einfachen Statistiken abgeleitet werden. Eine breitere Betrachtung ist gefragt. Sie zeigt: Banken sind gerade dank intensiver Zusammenarbeit mit Drittfirmen wettbewerbsfähig und bleiben eine tragende Säule der Schweizer Volkswirtschaft....
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