© Vsg Art Stock Photography And Paintings | Dreamstime.com In 2019, Swiss salaries were on average of 0.9% higher than the year before. A nominal rise of +0.9% combined with low inflation of 0.4% delivered a real boost of 0.5% to someone earning an average salary in Switzerland. This is the first time in two years that the average Swiss salary has grown faster than inflation. In 2017 and 2018 the real average salary fell -0.1% and -0.4% in real terms. Overall, in...
Read More »Novartis pays big fine for bribing doctors in the US
The Novartis offices in Basel, Switzerland. Keystone / Georgios Kefalas Swiss pharma company Novartis will pay $729 million (CHF688 million) to US authorities in an out-of-court settlement over various charges, including that the company bribed doctors to use its drugs. Audrey Strauss, the acting Manhattan US Attorney, said the firm had paid out for “speaking fees, exorbitant meals, and top-shelf alcohol that were nothing more than bribes to get doctors across the...
Read More »Dancing Through the Geopolitical Minefield
The elites dancing through the minefield all have plans, but how many are prepared for the punch in the mouth? Open any newspaper from the past 100 years and you will soon find a newsworthy geopolitical hotspot or conflict. Geopolitical conflict is the default setting for humanity, it seems, but it does feel as if the minefield of geopolitical rivalries and flashpoints has been thickly sown and many of the players are dancing through the minefield with a worrisomely...
Read More »The Disastrous Legacy of Woodrow Wilson
Princeton University has made it official: Woodrow Wilson’s name no longer will have any place on campus. The former president, or at least his memory, now is part of cancel culture, which is sweeping the nation. The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs will replace the former president’s name with “Princeton,” and Wilson College now will be called First College. This hardly is surprising but in many ways discouraging, but not for reasons that...
Read More »Fewer cows, more cars: Switzerland misses its emission targets
There are now around 4.6 million cars in Switzerland, almost 50% more than in 1990. © Keystone / Michael Buholzer Switzerland’s emissions have declined over the last 30 years, but not enough to meet the national targets set for 2020. What’s behind the gap? By 2020, greenhouse gas emissions in Switzerland should be down by 20% from what they were in 1990. That’s the target outlined in the federal CO2 law. While figures are only available until 2018, the federal...
Read More »Willkommen in einer Zukunft ohne Zins
Die SNB, die EZB und andere Zentralbanken erwarten auch langfristig keine Zinswende – und machen Nullzinsen zur Regel. Eine Übersicht der Prognosen. Hält sich die Option offen, die Leitzinsen noch tiefer ins Minus zu senken: Die EZB in Frankfurt. Foto: Keystone Diese Woche ist die Welt einer Zukunft ohne positive Zinssätze ein Stückchen näher gerückt. Schwedens Notenbank erneuerte ihren Zinspfad. Erstmals geht sie davon aus, dass sie den Leitzins mindestens bis...
Read More »Swiss government forecasts 2021 deficit but no tax hikes
© | Dreamstime.com The coronavirus is set to knock a CHF 1 billion hole in Switzerland’s federal budget for 2021, according to a press release. Without the virus the budget was CHF 2.2 billion in the black. Post virus the budget is now CHF 1 billion in the red. The virus is expected to add CHF 2.0 billion to next years spending. The extra money is earmarked for SARS-CoV-2 tests, business loan guarantees and support to the sports sector. The Federal Council is...
Read More »Dollar Soft Ahead of Jobs Report
Re-shutdowns continue to spread across the US; the dollar has come under pressure again Jobs data is the highlight ahead of the long holiday weekend in the US; weekly jobless claims will be reported FOMC minutes were revelatory; the Fed for now will rely on “outcome-based” forward guidance and asset purchases to achieve its goals; US House passed the latest China sanctions bill The UK offered a home to nearly 3 mln Hong Kong citizens; Russia President Putin will...
Read More »How Historians Changed the Meaning of “Liberalism”
Understandably enough, the current disfavor into which socialism has fallen has spurred what Raimondo Cubeddu (1997: 138) refers to as “the frenzy to proclaim oneself a liberal.” Many writers today have recourse to the stratagem of “inventing for oneself a ‘liberalism’ according to one’s own tastes” and passing it off as an “evolution” from past ideas. “The superabundance of liberalisms,” Cubeddu warns, “like that of money, ends up by debasing everything and emptying...
Read More »June 2020 – Another month deep in taxes!
(Disclosure: Some of the links below may be affiliate links) It is time for another monthly update! June 2020 flew by us! Like last month, we had to pay a ton of taxes. I did not pay enough taxes last year, so this year is very high. Fortunately, we had less to pay this month than in May. So, we still managed to save a little amount of money. It is better than last month, where our savings rate was zero. Except for the taxes, this month was relatively uneventful....
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