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Swiss opposition to extension of Covid certificates lower than perceived

© Cateyeperspective | According to a recent survey, one third of Swiss are against the extension of Covid certificates. But most think opposition is higher. Two thirds of those surveyed by Tamedia were happy for Covid certificates to be extended to restaurants and public spaces, reported 20 Minutes. The 67% in favour of the extension were either fully in favour (57%) or fairly in favour of it (10%). The 33% opposed to the extension were either fully...

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50 years since the closure of the “gold window”

Part IV of IV by Claudio Grass The Nixon Shock: The way forward President Nixon’s unilateral decision to sever the last link between the dollar and gold had wide ranging and long lasting consequences for the global economy and for the entire monetary system. The end of sound money facilitated and accelerated the concentration of power at the top and the ability to manipulate the currency allowed politicians and central planners to further expand the state’s reach and...

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UBS launches collective philanthropy initiative to help clients address critical global issues

New York, NY,October7, 2021 – Harnessing the power of collective philanthropy, UBS today announced the launch of UBS Collectives (“Collectives”), an innovative social-impact initiative that connects UBS’s philanthropic clients on issues that matter most to them. Led by UBS’s Philanthropy Services team, UBS Collectives will help clients combine their expertise and mobilize their capital to fund initiatives that address child protection, climate change, health, and...

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The Inflation Tide is Turning!

In our post on January 28, 2021 “Gold, The Tried-and-True Inflation Hedge for What’s Coming!” we outlined four reasons that we expect higher inflation over the next several years. The brief bullet points are: Money Supplies have risen dramatically Commodity Prices are rising again Reduced Globalization as ‘Made at Home’ policies are proliferating Pent up demand Headlines such as this one last week from Bloomberg “Inflation gauge Hits Highest Since 1991 as Americans...

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Bitcoin-Preis wieder über 50K

Der BTC legte gestern weiter zu und nahm die psychologisch wichtige Marke von 50.000 US-Dollar spielend. Im Anschluss kam es zu einer kleinen Rallye, die im Tagesvergleich ein sattes Plus von 7 Prozent ausmachte. Wie weit könnte der Preis noch steigen? Bitcoin News: Bitcoin-Preis wieder über 50K Die kleine Rallye erfasste den Markt gestern Nachmittag. Innerhalb von ungefähr zwei Stunden stieg der Preis von etwa 50.000 auf fast 55.000 US-Dollar. Nachdem die Marke von...

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Swiss retain top spot in wealth management ranking

Paradeplatz in Zurich, the Swiss financial heartland © Keystone / Gaetan Bally Switzerland is still number one in terms of wealth management internationally, despite the growth in new assets slowing in 2020, according to consulting firm Deloitte. The company found that overall, “the leading centres of international wealth management did surprisingly well during the Covid-19 pandemic”. Switzerland managed some $2.6 trillion (CHF2.4 trillion) in international assets in...

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“Shortages” Aren’t Causing Inflation. Money Creation Is.

For central bankers and mainstream analysts the recent inflation outburst is only a transitory phenomenon which has nothing or very little to do with the massive monetary and fiscal stimuli unleashed during the pandemic. Although the Fed has recently conceded that price pressures are persisting longer than expected, the surge of inflation is allegedly due to supply bottlenecks caused by the pandemic. This superficial diagnosis serves as a convenient excuse for...

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2022 Geneva Motor Show cancelled

Getting impatient: it’s been a difficult few years for the show. Keystone / Salvatore Di Nolfi For the third year running, the Geneva International Motor Show will not take place in 2022 due to ongoing health concerns as well as supply shortages in the automotive sector. The decision comes just a week after organisers had in fact given the all-clear for the 2022 edition to take place from February 19-27 next, following Covid-induced cancellations in 2020 and 2021. On...

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Why Shortages Are Permanent: Global Supply Shortages Make Fantastic Financial Sense

The era of abundance was only a short-lived artifact of the initial boost phase of globalization and financialization. Global corporations didn’t go to all the effort to establish quasi-monopolies and cartels for our convenience–they did it to ensure reliably large profits from control and scarcity. Not all scarcities are artificial, i.e. the result of cartels limiting supply to keep prices high; many scarcities are real, and many of these scarcities can be traced...

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Why Does Money Have Value? Not Because the Government Says It Does.

Why does the dollar bill in our pockets have value? According to some commentators, money has value because the government in power says so. For other commentators the value of money is on account of social convention. What this implies is that money has value because it is accepted, and why is it accepted? … because it is accepted! Obviously, this is not a good explanation of why money has value.1 The difference between Money and Other Goods Now, demand for a good...

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