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Tag Archives: Featured

US CPI Reaches Seven On US Goods Prices, With Disinflation Setting In Everywhere Else (incl. US Services)

How is that US Treasury rates out in the independent longer end of the yield curve have now “suffered” a seven percent CPI to go along with double taper and triple maybe quadruple (if the whispers are to be believed) rate hikes this year, yet have weathered all of that allegedly bond-busting brutality with barely a market fluctuation? The short end of the curve, as noted here, is being pressured by only the last of those things, rate hikes, and from them creating...

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Episode 26: Gold in the Time of Coronavirus

This week’s episode of the Gold Exchange Podcast, Keith Weiner interviews independent precious metals advisor Claudio Grass. Claudio explains his sound money origin story and how the rest of the world understands gold vs Americans’ understanding. The wide ranging conversation spans everything from history, to covid lockdowns, to how societies change, to our relationship to money and even political principles and philosophy. Highlights from the episode include:...

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The Real Revolution Is Underway But Nobody Recognizes It

Revolutions have a funny characteristic: they’re unpredictable. The general assumption is that revolutions are political. The revolution some foresee in the U.S. is the classic armed insurrection, or a coup or the fragmentation of the nation as states or regions declare their independence from the federal government. By focusing on the compelling drama of political upheaval we’re missing the real revolution, which is social and economic: the Great Resignation, a...

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SNB says successfully tested use of digital currency to settle transactions with top investment banks

The latest trial could see the introduction of central bank digital currency move a step closer in Switzerland. The SNB says that they integrated the digital currencies into payment systems and used them in simulated transactions involving UBS, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup. The test showed it was possible to instantaneously execute payments, ranging from CHF 100,000 to CHF 5 million, elimination counter-party risk. I still think it will be a while...

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The New Deal and the Emergence of the Old Right

During the 1920s, the emerging individualists and libertarians — the Menckens, the Nocks, the Villards, and their followers — were generally considered Men of the Left; like the Left generally, they bitterly opposed the emergence of Big Government in twentieth-century America, a government allied with Big Business in a network of special privilege, a government dictating the personal drinking habits of the citizenry and repressing civil liberties, a government that...

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Finance minister says global corporate tax to come into force in 2024

Maurer says it is in Switzerland’s own interest to implement the global tax reform for large multinationals. © Keystone/Anthony Anex The Swiss government has pledged to implement from 2024 the minimum tax rate for large multinational companies under a global tax deal. Under a timetable presented by Finance Minister Ueli Maurer on Thursday, a temporary regulation will ensure the minimum rate of 15% for companies with a turnover of more than €750 million (CHF786...

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SNB erwartet für 2021 Jahresgewinn von 26 Mrd. Franken

Die Nationalbank wird für das Geschäftsjahr 2021 nach provisorischen Berechnungen einen Gewinn in der Grössenordnung von rund 26 Mrd. Franken ausweisen. Der Gewinn ist insbesondere den Fremdwährungspositionen geschuldet. Bund und Kantone erhalten eine Ausschüttung von 6 Mrd. Franken. Bund und Kantone erhalten die maximale Ausschüttung von 6 Mrd. CHF. (Bild: ZVG) Die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) liegt mit ihrem Gewinn für das Geschäftsjahrt 2021 deutlich...

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Healthcare Freedom

As the Omicron variation of COVID-19 continues to spread, the American people need to be asking themselves an important question: Do they want healthcare freedom or not?  If not, then healthcare will remain under the control of government — the federal government and the state and local governments. That will mean continued and growing healthcare tyranny in the form of mandatory lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and undoubtedly other forms of healthcare...

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Monetary Metals Completes Gold Lease to European Refiner L’Orfebre

Scottsdale, Ariz – January 11, 2022 – Monetary Metals has leased gold to L’Orfebre, a European precious metals refiner. The lease expands Monetary Metals’ gold and silver lease portfolio to include five industry verticals: bullion, jewelry, manufacturers, miners, and now refiners, on four continents. Investor demand for the lease was substantial, resulting in an oversubscription of the offering. Investors earn a return on their gold, paid in gold instead of...

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China’s Petroyuan, Uncle Sam’s Checkbook, The Fed’s Bank Reserves: Who Really Sits On King Dollar’s Throne? (trick question)

A full part of the inflation hysteria, the first one, was the dollar’s looming crash. The currency was, too many claimed, on the verge of collapse by late 2017, heading downward and besieged on multiple fronts by economics and politics alike. Basically, the Fed had “printed” too much “money” and the Chinese playing some “long game” were purportedly ready at any moment to snatch the role of world reserve by manipulative force from the out-to-lunch Americans. Those...

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