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Jordan Petersons wichtigste Lebensregel

8. März 2021 – Jordan Peterson ist zurück, und die wichtigste Lektion aus seinem Buch bleibt so wichtig wie eh und je. von John Miltimore Vor fast zwei Jahren kauften Freunde für mich ein Exemplar des Bestsellers 12 Regeln fürs Leben von Jordan Peterson. Ich begann mit dem Lesen des Buches kurz nachdem ich es erhalten hatte, aber irgendwann wurde ich abgelenkt und las es nicht mehr fertig. (Das ist mir früher nie passiert, aber die Erziehung von drei Kindern hat...

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The Economics and Ethics of Government Default, Part II

The economic analysis of repudiation applies to the debt of all levels of government and to all countries. The central question is not how big the government is or how much it owes, but rather whether the debt is funded by taxes. Original Article: “The Economics and Ethics of Government Default, Part II” In the first installment of this series on government default, we examined the ethical status of the public debt and debt repudiation. Since the debt represents...

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Too Busy Frontrunning Inflation, Nobody Sees the Deflationary Tsunami

Those looking up from their “free fish!” frolicking will see the tsunami too late to save themselves. It’s an amazing sight to see the water recede from the bay, and watch the crowd frolic in the shallows, scooping up the flopping fish. In this case, the crowd doing the “so easy to catch, why not grab as much as we can?” scooping is frontrunning inflation, the universally expected result of the Great Reflation Trade. You know the Great Reflation Trade: the world...

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Die ökonomischen Effekte der Pandemie: Eine Österreichische Analyse

5. März 2021 – Nachfolgend finden Sie die Einleitung des Aufsatzes „Die ökonomischen Effekte der Pandemie: Eine Österreichische Analyse“ von Jesús Huerta de Soto. Den Text in voller Länge können Sie hier herunterladen. [Aus dem Spanischen übersetzt von Philipp Bagus.]  ***** Einleitung: Wiederkehrende Boom- und Bust-Zyklen versus einmalige Krisen aufgrund außergewöhnlicher Phänomene Traditionell haben die Theoretiker der Österreichischen Schule den wiederkehrenden...

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Swiss government wants to keep control of weapons exports

The government wants to retain control of weapons exports in connection with peace-keeping missions. © Keystone / Christian Beutler The Swiss government has rejected calls to allow voters and cantons to set conditions for weapons exports. A people’s initiative collected enough signatures in 2019 to force a nationwide vote on the issue. It proposes enshrining rules for war materiel exports in the constitution, which would take this responsibility away from the...

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Playing Games with Stocks

The GameStop saga—can we call it an insurrection?—wants easy heroes and villains. Both are available. The populist version of the story goes like this: a few thousand angry gamers, colluding via the now infamous WallStreetBets subreddit, brought at least one powerful hedge fund to its knees. Melvin Capital and other short sellers, completely blindsided, lost a reported $5 billion in what must have seemed like a sure-bet opportunity for their model of vulture...

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Swiss parliament demands cabinet reopen restaurants and theatres

© Tetiana Soares | A recent parliamentary vote on whether to issue a formal request to the Federal Council, Switzerland’s executive, to reopen restaurants on 22 March 2021, found a majority of 97 to 90, according to Le Matin. The main parties supporting the demand were the Swiss People’s Party (UDC/SVP) and the PLR (FDP). The Socialist and Green parties were against it. The formal demand to the Federal Council stipulates: Increased testing and...

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Kennedy’s Policy Toward Third World Nations

Last night, we had the first presentation in our online conference “The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination.” Our first speaker was James DiEugenio, who has been the leading figure in the JFK assassination research community  highlighting how President Kennedy’s policy toward independence movements in Third World countries was contrary to the policy held by the U.S. national-security establishment, namely the Pentagon and the CIA. After World War...

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Central Banks Will Still Do “Whatever It Takes”!

Governments are taking a page out of the play book that monetary policy began a decade ago – which will lead to even higher debt levels. During the throes of the financial crisis almost a decade ago Mario Draghi, then President of the European Central Bank (ECB) pushed the ECB’s mandate to the limits with his speech in July 2012: “within our mandate, the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it will be enough” This was during a...

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Rothbard Week: 5 Great Things About Murray

Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop discuss five reasons why Rothbard’s work is so memorable. From his fearlessness in the face of opposition, to his commitment to peace and decency, Rothbard provides us with a model of principled scholarship. Additional Resources “Nations by Consent”: Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, and Other Essays: “A Strategy for the Right”: A History of Money and Banking in the...

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