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Tag Archives: Featured

Modern Monetary Theory

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 21 July 2021. [embedded content] You Might Also Like SNB Sight Deposits: Inflation Fear Decreasing, SNB Selling Euros 2021-08-04 Sight Deposits have fallen: The change is -0.2 bn. compared to last week, this means the SNB is selling euros and dollars. Government Land Ownership and Management 2021-08-03...

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When Should Governments Ban Bitcoin?

When Should Governments Ban Bitcoin? When should governments ban new technologies? Watch on Rumble ““When Should Governments Ban Bitcoin?”  [embedded content] You Might Also Like SNB Sight Deposits: Inflation Fear Decreasing, SNB Selling Euros 2021-08-04 Sight Deposits have fallen: The change is -0.2 bn. compared to last week, this means the SNB is selling euros and dollars....

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Eine „gute“ Inflation gibt es nicht, aber es gibt „gute“ Preissteigerungen

Eine „gute“ Inflation gibt es nicht, aber es gibt „gute“ Preissteigerungen 19.07.2021 – Tot ist die Inflation nie, allenfalls nur scheintot – Wann Preissteigerungen Inflation sind – Inflation durch übermäßiges Ausweiten der Geldmenge – Nicht alle Preisanstiege sind Inflation – Alle Preise vermitteln Informationen, zumal wenn sie steigen – Eine „gute“ Inflation gibt es nicht, aber es gibt „gute“ Preissteigerungen – Die gute Inflation ist Humbug von Klaus Peter...

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Wieviel Geld sollte man mit 30, 40 oder 50 Jahren eigentlich gespart haben? ???

In diesem Beitrag soll es darum gehen, wie viel Vermögen du in welchem Alter haben solltest. Die Zahlen, die ich dir vorstelle, gelten spezifisch für Deutschland. In einem weiteren Beitrag soll es dabei auch um die Schweiz gehen. Kommen wir aber erst einmal auf Deutschland zurück, ich habe hier eine sehr gute Grafik für dich vorbereitet, welche es auf der Seite von zu finden gibt. Deshalb auch hier einmal ein Danke an Thomas von Finanzfluss....

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Government Land Ownership and Management

Download the slides from this lecture at Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on July 21, 2021. [embedded content] You Might Also Like SNB Sight Deposits: Inflation Fear Decreasing, SNB Selling Euros 2021-08-04 Sight Deposits have fallen: The change is -0.2 bn. compared to last week, this means the SNB is selling euros and dollars....

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Biden’s Rescue Act Targets Americans’ Freedoms

Since the 1800s, surly Americans have derided politicians for spending tax dollars “like drunken sailors.” Until recently, that was considered a grave character fault. But Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act shows that inebriated spending is now the path to national salvation. It was a common saying in America in the 1930s that “we cannot squander our way to prosperity.” But that was before the latest “best and brightest” crop took the helm of the federal...

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A Dark Side of Inflation

When the Federal Reserve inflates the money supply, the resulting debasement of people’s money is reflected in the higher prices that people are paying for things they need or want. Already, everyone is seeing, for example, significantly higher prices for gasoline at the pump. The price jump is high enough to cause people to realize that all that “free” stimulus money wasn’t as free as the government said it was.  There is another dark consequence of an inflationary...

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Why some wealth managers hate wealth

Ralph Hamers took up the CEO post at Swiss bank UBS in 2020. Keystone / Walter Bieri “How can we [ . . .] fight increased inequality?” railed Ralph Hamers in a recent interview. To be clear, Hamers is not the boss of Unicef, or Oxfam or the Social Mobility Foundation. He is chief executive of Swiss bank UBS, one of the biggest beneficiaries of the widening wealth gap. UBS’s latest results quantified that benefit. Second-quarter net profit surged 63% to $2 billion...

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The Moment Wall Street Has Been Waiting For: Retail Is All In

[unable to retrieve full-text content]The ideal bagholder is one who adds more on every downturn (buy the dip) and who refuses to sell (diamond hands), holding on for the inevitable Fed-fueled rally to new highs. Old hands on Wall Street have been wary of being bearish for one reason, and no, it's not the Federal Reserve: the old hands have been waiting for retail--the individual investor-- to go all-in stocks. After 13 long years, this moment has finally arrived: retail is all in. If you...

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The far-reaching implications of the amateur trading wave

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland Case in point: Silver “apes”  One of the most astounding elements of this shift in retail investing is the proof it offers for what many of us knew along: When people can freely and directly vote with their wallets and put their money where their mouth is, one gets a much clearer picture of what the public, the market or any other large group really thinks and...

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