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Tag Archives: Featured

Marked slowdown on the horizon

Economic forecast: marked slowdown on the horizon The expert group on business cycles has significantly downgraded its expectations for Switzerland’s GDP growth to 2.0% for 2022 and 1.1% for 2023 (GDP adjusted for sporting events). After a positive first half of the year 2022, the Swiss economy now faces a deteriorating outlook. A tense energy situation and sharp price increases are weighing on economic prospects, especially in Europe.1 As expected, the Swiss...

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Swiss National Bank monetary policy meeting preview

The SNB announcement is due on Thursday at 0730 GMT. This in brief via Standard Chartered: expect SNB to hike by 100bp Stan Chart were at +50bp but have ramped their expectation much higher. Add that this takes: the base rate to 0.75% from -0.25%, and out of negative territory for the first time since 2014 More: We believe positive currency rhetoric from the SNB and increasing hawkishness among major central banks support our larger-than-consensus rate hike forecast;...

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Review: Free Market: The History of an Idea

Free Market: The History of an Idea by Jacob Soll Basic Books, 2022; viii + 326 pp. Jacob Soll is a distinguished historian, and Free Market contains much of value, but the book cannot be considered a success, and indeed as it reaches the twentieth century, it becomes a disaster. Even in the parts of the book worth reading, Soll is in the iron grip of a central thesis, one that his historical approach by its nature makes impossible to prove. In some books, discerning...

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Energy worries likely to slow Swiss growth, say experts

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent worries about energy sources make the economic outlook uncertain. (c) Copyright 2022, Dpa ( Alle Rechte Vorbehalten Swiss economic growth forecasts for 2022 and 2023 have been revised significantly downwards, amid uncertainty over energy supply and inflation. A government expert group has downgraded its expectations for GDP growth to 2% in 2022, compared with the 2.6% it predicted in June. For 2023, its...

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Zahl der Cryptocoin-SCAMS auf YouTube explodiert

Obwohl YouTube angekündigt hatte, Inhalte mit Cryptocoins intensiver unter die Lupe zu nehmen, ist die Anzahl der SCAMs im Zusammenhang mit Bitcoin und Co. auf der Plattform in diesem Jahr deutlich gestiegen. Crypto News: Zahl der Cryptocoin-SCAMS auf YouTube explodiertEine IT-Sicherheitsfirma aus Singapur berichtet in einem Report von einem Anstieg von 335 Prozent in der ersten Jahreshälfte im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Allein 2.000 Domains wurden in Beschreibungen und...

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Riksbank Hikes 100 bp but the Krona gets No Love

Overview: Yesterday’s late rally in US shares carried into the Asia Pacific session where all of the large markets advanced. However, the bears are not abdicating and Europe’s Stoxx 600 is off for the sixth consecutive session and US futures are trading lower. The sell-off in the bond market continues. European benchmark yields are mostly 8-10 bp higher and the US 10-year Treasury yield is up nearly five basis points to approach 3.54%. The two-year continues to...

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Right-Wing Hypocrisy on DeSantis’s Clownish Thuggery

Right-wingers are making a big deal out of the decision by people in Martha’s Vineyard not to take into their homes the immigrants that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis shipped to them a few days ago. The right-wingers are saying that feeding the immigrants and caring for them was not sufficient. The people of Martha’s Vineyard, they say, should have taken them into their homes rather than let them be taken and housed at a nearby military base. They’re saying that this...

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+++Märkte+++ – Börsen-Ticker: Schweizer Aktienmarkt sinkt – 13 anstehende Zinsentscheide machen Anleger nervös – Bitcoin auf Drei-Monate-Tief

11:40 Der SMI notiert um 0,53 Prozent tiefer bei 10’554,85 Punkten. Laut Ansicht von BNP Paribas hat sich das Chartbild weiter eingetrübt. Bis zum Korrekturtief vom Juni bei 10’350 Punkten stelle sich nur noch das Zwischentief vom März 2021 bei 10’513 Punkten in den Weg. In der vergangenen Woche hatte der SMI mit rund 2,7 Prozent so viel verloren wie seit rund drei Monaten nicht. Die Marktteilnehmer verhielten sich vor den mit Spannung erwarteten Zinsentscheidungen...

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Swiss housing market tightens further in 2022

Data published on 12 September 2022 show how the pool of available housing continues to shrink in Switzerland. Photo by ILOVESwitzerland on Pexels.comOn 1 June 2022, there were 61,496 empty dwellings in Switzerland, representing 1.31% of the total housing stock. The vacancy rate has fallen 0.23 percentage points compared to a year ago. There were 9,869 fewer empty dwellings compared to the previous year, representing a striking fall of 13.8%, wrote the Federal...

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