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Tag Archives: 9) Personal Investment

Market Selloff Into January

The market selloff into January rattled investors as concerns of “So Goes January, So Goes The Year” began to dampen expectations. Combined with a more aggressive stance from the Federal Reserve, rising inflation, and a reduction in liquidity, investor concerns seem to be well-founded. As discussed last week in “Passive ETFs Are Hiding A Bear Market,” the “blood bath” in the high-beta stocks is particularly humbling for the retail crowd that piled into risk with...

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Binance Review 2021: The best in Switzerland?

At Investing Hero, I aim to provide the best investing platform reviews. To support this, some of the providers featured in reviews will generate an affiliate commission which helps pay to run this website. However, this doesn’t influence my reviews. My opinions are my own. The information provided on Investing Hero is for informational purposes only. Please read the disclaimer. In this blog post I’m going to be reviewing the cryptocurrency trading platform,...

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Crypto’s Crash and Stocks Head Higher

“Crypto’s Crash,” says some financial news headlines. The reality is Bitcoin, Ethereum and others are down about 10-15% in the last few days. The word “crash” may seem appropriate to describe the sharp decline, except 10%+ moves in a matter of days is the norm, not the exception for crypto. Ignoring the crypto crash, the S&P 500 went higher. The index is up over 25% this year. Despite such an outsized gain, the table below from LPL Research argues we should be...

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10 Smart Money Moves to Make Right Now.

2021 isn’t over yet. So here are 10 smart money moves to make right now. Saving money should be a year-round endeavor, but life gets in the way just like anything else. So with 2021 coming to a swift, thankful end, take advantage of the fourth quarter to accelerate your financial acumen, bolster your balance sheet and successfully springboard into the new year. Tip One: Max Out HSA Contributions for 2021. A Health Savings Account is a pre-tax savings miracle...

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What Is Ethereum Gas Fees # Tips To Reduce Gas Fees In NFT Transactions

Are you looking for information regarding NFT Ethereum Gas Fees? Do you want to know more about Ethereum gas fees hidden costs? Would you like to know how to avoid hidden costs while buying NFTs? Since the inception of NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens, people are always looking forward to investing in them. Especially, after some celebrity tweets in favour of NFTs, they have got mass popularity in the USA and the other parts of the world. While the artists and collectors...

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Meine neue Visa Debitkarte von Zak (ideal fürs Haushaltskonto) – 50 CHF Gutscheincode ???

Kostenloses Bankkonto für in der Schweiz lebenden Personen Im Moment ist das erste Konto meiner Wahl, wenn es um Gehaltseingänge oder auch private Ausgaben geht das Zak Konto. Seit der Lancierung 2019 verwende ich Zak. Auch für neuzugezogene Personen aus dem Ausland lohnt sich dieses Konto. Die unabhängig vom Alter kostenlose Kontoführung empfinde ich als sehr angenehm. Meine Eltern verwenden Zak ebenfalls. Wie schon erwähnt geht Zak nun einen Schritt weiter und...

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Lifestyle wollen, aber nichts dafür machen? #FauleNüsse ?

Kürzlich habe ich ein Video von dem lieben Aron gesehen, wo er über seinen Lebensstil spricht und wie sich auch viele wünschen, seinen Lebensstil zu leben. Er hat anklingen lassen, dass das was man auf YouTube sieht nicht auch immer der Realität entsprechen muss und deswegen habe ich diesen Beitrag als Motivation gehabt um auch so etwas zu posten. Wie sieht die Realität eigentlich ausVielleicht habt ihr schon einmal von dem Hashtag “Nicht aufregen. Reich werden.”...

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#MacroView: MMT – When Theories Collide With Reality

Previously, we discussed Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and its one limitation of inflation. However, as is always the case when “theories” collide with “reality,” the tenants of the theory are quickly discarded. There is no doubt that since 2020 both Republicans and Democrats alike have shunned fiscal responsibility for the short-term gratification of MMT. Ms. Kelton tweeted such earlier this year. The writing is hilariously on the wall here, but people want to...

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Technically Speaking: Hedge Funds Ramp Up Exposure

The “Fear Of Missing Out” has infected retail and hedge funds alike as they ramp up exposure to chase performance. We have previously discussed the near “mania” of retail investors taking on exceptional risk in various manners. From increasing leverage, engaging in speculative options trading, and taking out personal loans to invest, it’s all evidence of overconfident investors. However, that “risk appetite” is not relegated to retail investors alone. Professional...

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Wieviel Geld sollte man mit 30, 40 oder 50 Jahren eigentlich gespart haben? ???

In diesem Beitrag soll es darum gehen, wie viel Vermögen du in welchem Alter haben solltest. Die Zahlen, die ich dir vorstelle, gelten spezifisch für Deutschland. In einem weiteren Beitrag soll es dabei auch um die Schweiz gehen. Kommen wir aber erst einmal auf Deutschland zurück, ich habe hier eine sehr gute Grafik für dich vorbereitet, welche es auf der Seite von zu finden gibt. Deshalb auch hier einmal ein Danke an Thomas von Finanzfluss....

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