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Tag Archives: 9) Personal Investment

Exploring Self-Directed IRAs for Diversification

Finding the right retirement portfolio balance is an individual journey, especially in today’s ever-evolving environment. No two individuals are alike when it comes to investing and planning for financial security in retirement, which can make it daunting to find a suitable option that provides protection yet also offers growth potential.  One less conventional alternative is opening a self-directed IRA through a custodian or trust company, seen as an increasingly...

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Maximizing Tax Benefits with Life Insurance for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, there are numerous benefits to taking advantage of the tax incentives associated with life insurance. It can provide you and your loved ones financial security and help you maximize profits for your business in the long run. This article will explain the basics of life insurance for small business owners and how to leverage its many tax benefits over time. Investing in lifelong stability is one of the most critical steps to becoming an...

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Three Ideas to Tackle Financial Ghosts.

Is money distress part of your life? Do the dollars & cents of poor decisions past sneak up on you and rattle around your house like chains? What if I could provide three ideas to tackle 2022’s financial ghosts and put them at rest for good? Listen, ghosts of the financial past are notorious for creeping into the present, especially when holidays roll around. Oh, and watch out for the ghosts of the financial future. They’re dark and ominous and portend to money...

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Employees Want Paychecks for Life: Pros and Cons of Guaranteed Lifetime Income

Annuities and similar products may help address retirement readiness in an aging workforce People are living longer, which means they may need their retirement savings to last decades. As a result, nearly half (48%) of participants are concerned about outliving their retirement savings. Many Americans don’t know how to transform their savings into retirement income. Guaranteed income offerings can help ease this concern by providing consistent, predictable payments...

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How Could Inflation Impact Corporate Retirement Plans?

Increasing prices may put pressure on employers and delay workers from retiring Inflation is the increase in the general price of goods and services, which can decrease the purchasing power of American workers. So how does this recent upward trend affect your workplace benefits, employees and retirement plan? Salaries, Flexibility and Savings When inflation goes up, the same paycheck doesn’t stretch as far. With the increased costs of food & beverage,...

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Giant Corporations Are Causing Inflation?

“Giant corporations are using inflation as cover to raise their prices & boost their profits. In industry after industry, we have too little competition & companies have too much power to increase prices. I’ve been calling out this corporate profiteering & price gouging” – Sen. Elizabeth Warren Another version of this argument as of late is accusing “Big Oil” of price-gouging consumers to make record-profit margins at a time when consumers are struggling....

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High Inflation May Already Be Behind Us

High inflation has captured the headlines as of late particularly as CPI recently hit the highest levels since 1981. Some are even suggesting we will face hyperinflation. However, while inflation is certainly present, the question to be answered is whether it will remain that way, or if the worst may already be behind us? To answer that question, let’s define the difference between an inflationary increase and hyperinflation. Not surprisingly, as Milton Friedman...

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Market Perspective Is Important To Avoid Mistakes

Market perspective is essential in avoiding investing mistakes. With CNBC airing “Markets In Turmoil” every time the market dips, it’s no wonder investor sentiment is now the lowest we have seen financial crisis lows. Of course, as shown, extremely negative investor sentiment tends to be the hallmark of the bottom of corrections and bear markets. Nonetheless, now that we are connected constantly to financial media, we are inundated with headlines designed to get...

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Hiking Rates Into Peak Valuations Is A Mistake

Hiking rates into a wildly overvalued market is potentially a mistake. So says Bank of America in a recent article. Optimists expecting the stock market to weather the rate-hike cycle as they’ve done in the past are missing one important detail, according to Bank of America Corp.’s strategists.While U.S. equities saw positive returns during previous periods of rate increases, the key risk this time round is that the Federal Reserve will be “tightening into an...

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Sell Energy Stocks? The Time May Be Approaching

“Sell Energy Stocks” Was Originally Published At Sell energy stocks? Such certainly seems counter-intuitive advice given high oil prices, geopolitical stress, and surging inflation. However, some issues suggest this could indeed be the time to “sell high.” Before we go further, it is essential to state that I am not recommending selling energy stocks in total. As is always the case, portfolio management is about minimizing risk and preserving...

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