Jay Powell says that three’s not a crowd, at least not for his rate cuts, but four would be. As usual, central bankers like him always hedge and say that “should conditions warrant” the FOMC will be more than happy to indulge (the NYSE). But what he means in his heart of hearts is that there probably won’t be any need. Three should do the trick nicely. And a lot of people, from what I can tell, believe him if not simply because he’s already stopped. The last two...
Read More »The Era of Boom and Bust Isn’t Over
At the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos, Bob Prince, co-chief investment officer at Bridgewater Associates, attracted attention when he suggested in a news interview that the boom and bust cycle as we have come to know it in the last decades may have ended. This viewpoint may well have been encouraged by the fact that the latest economic upswing (“boom”) has been going for around a decade and that an end is not in sight as suggested by incoming macro- and...
Read More »Three Straight Quarters of 2 percent, And Yet Each One Very Different
Headline GDP growth during the fourth quarter of 2019 was 2.05849% (continuously compounded annual rate), slightly lower than the (revised) 2.08169% during Q3. For the year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) puts total real output at $19.07 trillion, or annual growth of 2.33% and down from 2.93% in 2018. Last year was weaker than 2017, the second lowest out of the six since 2013. And that’s where the good news ends. Eurodollar Disruption, Peaks &...
Read More »Prognosen sind das Papier nicht wert
Für das Jahr 2019 prognostizierten die Auguren zwei weitere Zins-Erhöhungen durch das FED. Diese Erwartung schien wie in Stein gemeisselt, weshalb die Aktienmärkte im letzten Quartal 2018 auch massiv nachgaben und die Prognosen für das Jahr 2019 entsprechend eintrübten. Der eine oder andere – auch angeblich professionelle Anleger – reduzierte seine Aktienquote. Das Jahr 2019 brachte uns indessen drei Zins-Senkungen, nicht zuletzt, weil Präsident Trump dies forderte...
Read More »Electric cars gain momentum: number of new registrations more than doubled in 2019
31.01.2020 – In 2019, 6 160 300 motor vehicles circulated on Swiss roads. This was 46 500 or 0.8% more than in the previous year. Three quarters of the entire fleet were passenger cars, including an increasing number of electric cars: of the 312 900 cars that were newly registered in 2019, 13 200 or 4.2% were purely battery operated. This meant that new registrations of electric cars increased substantially year-on-year (+143.9%) while the number of petrol-driven...
Read More »Second-Order Effects: The Unexpectedly Slippery Path to Dow 10,000
Dow 30,000 is “unsinkable,” just like the Titanic. A recent Barrons cover celebrating the euphoric inevitability of Dow 30,000 captured the mainstream zeitgeist perfectly: Corporate America is firing on all cylinders, the Federal Reserve’s god-like powers will push stocks higher regardless of any other reality, blah blah blah. While the financial media looked elsewhere for its amusement, the coronavirus epidemic in China just poured fentanyl in the Dow 30,000...
Read More »Hawaii Representatives Consider Ending Taxation on Sound Money
Introduced by Representative Okimoto (R-36), House Bill 1830 removes sales and use tax against gold and silver bullion and currency in Hawaii. Under current law, Hawaii citizens are discouraged from insuring their savings against the devaluation of the dollar because they are penalized with taxation for doing so. Passage of this measure would remove disincentives to holding gold and silver for this purpose. HB 1830 is important for a few reasons: Levying sales taxes...
Read More »FX Daily, January 31: Stocks Finishing on Poor Note, while the Dollar and Bonds Firm
Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.09% to 1.0681 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, January 31(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: markets.ft.com - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: It was as if the World Health Organization’s recognition of that the new coronavirus is an international health emergency was the catalyst that the markets needed. US equities recovered smartly and managed to close higher on the session. However, the coattails were short, and...
Read More »Swiss Retail Sales, December 2019: -0.4 percent Nominal and 0.1 percent Real
31.01.2020 – Turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays fell in the retail sector by 0.4% in nominal terms in December 2019 compared with the previous year. Seasonally adjusted, nominal turnover fell by 0.4% compared with the previous month. These are provisional findings from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). Real turnover adjusted for sales days and holidays rose in the retail sector by 0.1% in December 2019 compared with the previous year. Real growth takes...
Read More »USD/CHF Price Analysis: 21-day SMA limits immediate downside
USD/CHF confronts 23.6% Fibonacci retracement following the bounce off 21-day SMA. Early month lows add to the support while 38.2% Fibonacci retracement, 50-day SMA will challenge recovery moves. USD/CHF takes the bids to 0.9707 during the pre-Europe session on Friday. In doing so, the pair repeats the tendency of staying beyond 21-day SMA while also confronting 23.6% Fibonacci retracement of its declines from November 29, 2019, to January 16, 2020. The sustained...
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