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USD/CHF Price Analysis: Heavy inside two-week-old ascending channel

USD/CHF snaps two-day winning streak, reversed from monthly resistance line. Buyers will remain hopeful unless the channel’s support breaks. 50% and 38.2% of Fibonacci retracements could offer intermediate halts during the declines. USD/CHF declines to 0.9728, -0.11%, by the press time of early Thursday. The pair recently reversed from an ascending trend line since December 29, 2019. Even so, it stays inside the short-term bullish technical formation. Considering the...

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Charles Hugh Smith – Real Reason for Record Stock Markets: Front-running the Front-runners

Returning SBTV guest, Charles Hugh Smith, calls the Federal Reserve an evil organization. Their meddling in the economy results in the concentration of wealth to those at the top of the wealth pyramid and is fueling asset bubbles, creating widening wealth inequality. Charles Hugh Smith is the editor of the OfTwoMinds blog: Discussed in this interview: 01:53 Where has the trillions printed gone? 05:12 Gap between Fed's theory vs reality 08:29 Fed-created cartels...

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Swiss ski resort accepts bitcoin for settling tax bills

Zermatt is a regular haunt for well-heeled international winter sports lovers. (© Keystone / Christian Beutler) The iconic ski resort of Zermatt has become the second local authority in Switzerland to allow residents to pay their tax bills using the cryptocurrency bitcoin. Zermatt, which lies in the shadow of the Matterhorn mountain, said on Tuesday that it will allow people living there to pay the whole range of taxes in bitcoin with no limit on the amount they...

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Sport generates billions for Swiss economy, study finds

Nick Puentner from Switzerland took part in the men’s snowboard big air event at the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games, in Leysin, Switzerland on January 22, 2020 (Keystone / Valentin Flauraud) Sports-related activities are worth CHF22.2 billion ($22.8 billion) a year to the Swiss economy, a national report has revealed. Overall, sport accounts for 1.7% of Swiss gross domestic product (GDP), according to a report external linkby the Federal Office of Sport...

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Swiss increasingly concerned about quality of the environment

The greatest increase in concern has been about radiation from mobile phone antennas, such as this one in Zurich, and high-voltage power lines (Keystone) Dirt, noise, radiation, climate, loss of species: the Swiss population believes that environmental pollution has increased and continues to increase. Some 61% perceive this as a very serious or quite serious problem. In 2015, only 39% were so pessimistic. Well-being and satisfaction have declined in all areas – in...

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Could the Coronavirus Epidemic Be the Tipping Point in the Supply Chain Leaving China?

Everyone expecting a quick resolution to the epidemic and a rapid return to pre-epidemic conditions would be well-served by looking beyond first-order effects. While the media naturally focuses on the immediate effects of the coronavirus epidemic, the possible second-order effects receive little attention: first order, every action has a consequence. Second order, every consequence has its own consequence. So the media’s focus is the first-order consequences: the...

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FX Daily, January 29: Escaped from a Crocodile’s Mouth, Entered a Tiger’s Mouth

Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.10% to 1.0731 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, January 29(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: This colorful Malay saying captures the spirit of the animal spirits. Narrowly escaping an escalation of a trade war between the world’s two largest economies, the outbreak of a deadly virus has spurred moves, especially the sell-off in stocks and rally in bonds, for which many...

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“Der Euro ist wieder günstig zu haben”

Der Schweizer Franken ist unter Aufwertungsdruck gegenüber dem Euro. (Bild: Vor mehr als fünf Jahren hat die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) den Mindestkurs von 1.20 Franken zum Euro überraschend aufgehoben und durch Devisenmarktinterventionen und Negativzinsen ersetzt. Das Resultat war eine starke kurzfristige Aufwertung des Frankens gegenüber sämtlichen Währungen. Seither hat die SNB den Leitzins bei -0.75% festgesetzt und mehrere hundert...

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USD/CHF Price Analysis: Flashes 13-day high, 50-day SMA on bulls’ radar

USD/CHF trades successfully above 21-day SMA, 23.6% Fibonacci retracement. Positive oscillators favor further upside, 0.9832/37 can stop buyers beyond 50-day SMA. 0.9600 will gain the bear’s attention below the monthly bottom. USD/CHF takes the bids to 0.9740, following an intra-day high of 0.9744, amid the initial trading session on Wednesday. The pair recently crossed 21-day SMA and 23.6% Fibonacci retracement of its October 2019 to January 16, 2020 low. If the...

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Swiss venture capital funding breaks CHF2 billion barrier

(Keystone / Martin Ruetschi) Swiss start-ups and young companies attracted nearly CHF2.3 billion ($2.4 billion) from deep-pocketed investors last year. The figure is nearly double the CHF1.2 billion collected in 2018 and sets a new record. New ventures in the ICT and fintech sectors received the largest slice of funding (CHF1.2 billion), but financial support for early stage biotech firms also received a significant boost (CHF625 million), according to the annual...

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