On 27 May 2021, the UK was added Switzerland’s list of risk countries. This means that anyone arriving in Switzerland from the UK from 6pm on Thursday must quarantine upon arrival, with a few exceptions. © Tommy Beattie | Dreamstime.com The UK was added to the Federal Office of Public Health’s (FOPH) list of countries with a worrying variant, alongside Brazil, Canada, India, Nepal and South Africa. A number of other countries and regions are listed because of...
Read More »More Evidence the American Economic “Recovery” Will Disappoint
The University of Michigan consumer confidence index fell to 82.8 in May, from 88.3 in April. More importantly, the current conditions index slumped to 90.8, from 97.2 and the expectations index declined to 77.6, from 82.7. Hard data also questions the strength of the recovery. April retail sales were flat, with clothing down 5.1 percent, general merchandise store sales fell 4.9 percent, leisure and sporting goods were down 3.6 percent, with food and drink services...
Read More »B.1.617.2: Erste Impfdosis wenig wirksam gegen indische Variante
Mit welcher Variante des Coronavirus ein Mensch infiziert ist, kann nur per Sequenzierung festgestellt werden. In Großbritannien wird deutlich mehr sequenziert als beispielsweise in Deutschland. / Foto: Adobe Stock/angellodeko Ein wichtiger Treiber der hohen Covid-19-Fallzahlen, die derzeit aus Indien gemeldet werden, ist die SARS-CoV-2-Variante B.1.617, genauer gesagt die Unterklade B.1.617.2. Weil sie noch nicht so lange zirkuliert, herrscht über einige wichtige...
Read More »PostFinance E-Trading Review 2021 – Pros and Cons
(Disclosure: Some of the links below may be affiliate links) PostFinance is a well-known Swiss bank and broker. They are generally considered to be very affordable and very easy to use. If you want a Swiss broker, should you use PostFinance as a Swiss investor, especially as a passive investor? This is what we are going to find out in this in-depth review. In this article, we will see what PostFinance offers as a broker, how much it costs, and much more too. By the...
Read More »Swiss Trade Balance April 2021: Exports Stagnate at a High Level
After jumping 5.9% in March, exports stagnated in April, however, rising to a high level of 20 billion francs. Imports confirmed their vitality in previous months, up 3.5% to 16.8 billion francs (actual: + 2.2%). The trade balance closes with a surplus of 3.3 billion francs. Switzerland Trade Balance, April 2021(see more posts on Switzerland Trade Balance, ) Source: Investing.com - Click to enlarge [embedded content]...
Read More »FX Daily, May 27: Narrow Ranges in FX Prevail Amid Month-End Considerations
Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.20% to 1.0967 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, May 27(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: markets.ft.com - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: Dollar demand linked to the month-end gave the greenback a bit of a reprieve, helped by firmer bond yields. Some momentum players may have been forced out of the euro and yen when the $1.22 and JPY109 levels yielded. However, follow-through dollar buying has been limited, and it has...
Read More »Covid-19-Nachweis: Feldtest-Start für digitalen Impfnachweis
So soll der digitale Impfnachweis in der CovPass-App bald aussehen. Ronald Fritz, Projektmanager von IBM, präsentierte die App am heutigen Donnerstagmorgen im Impfzentrum Babelsberg. / Foto: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild-Pool - Click to enlarge Für den geplanten digitalen Coronavirus-Impfnachweis läuft in dieser Woche ein Feldtest in ausgewählten Impfzentren an, beispielsweise im Impfzentrum Babelsberg in Brandenburg. Dieser Schritt soll nach Angaben des...
Read More »Employment Barometer in the Q1 2021: Fell for the fourth Consecutive Time – but Outlook is Positive
27.05.2021 – In the 1st quarter 2021, total employment (number of jobs) fell for the fourth time in a row compared with the same quarter a year earlier (–0.6%; –0.2% compared with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period declined by 0.7%. There are, however, signs of improvement in the employment situation: The Swiss economy counted 4000 more vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (+6.0%) and the employment...
Read More »Systemic Risks Abound
If you wanted to design a system guaranteed to collapse in a putrid heap, you’d make moral hazard ubiquitous and you’d make the system 100% dependent on a hubris-soaked faux savior. For the past 22 years, every time the stock market whimpered, wheezed or whined, the Federal Reserve rushed to soothe the spoiled crybaby. There are two consequential results of the Fed as savior: 1. The Fed has perfected moral hazard: everyone from the money manager betting billions to...
Read More »Inflation risk takes center stage – Part I of II
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been seeing more and more mainstream headlines about inflation fears being on the rise, both in the US and in Europe. Central bankers on both sides of the Atlantic have been doing their best to assuage these concerns, promising that they have everything under control and that the situation will without a doubt normalize soon. Still, all these assurances have failed to convince the markets and many investors are starting to see...
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