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Business Inquiries: [email protected] Dr. Keith Weiner is the founder and CEO of Monetary Metals, an investment firm that is unlocking the productivity of gold. He also serves as founder and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. His work was instrumental in the passing of gold legal tender laws in the state of Arizona in 2017. He is a regular contributor to Forbes, Kitco and Seeking Alpha. Disclaimer Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal....

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Switzerland approves CHF80 million in emergency aid for Ukraine

The Swiss government has boosted its humanitarian support to victims of the war in Ukraine. On Friday it approved CHF80 million ($86 million) as an “expression of its solidarity with Ukrainians in need”. “Around 12 million people are dependent on emergency aid because of Russia’s ongoing military intervention in Ukraine. With this contribution, Switzerland is expressing its solidarity with Ukrainians in need,” the government said in a statementExternal link on...

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How the IRS Taxes Your Retirement Income

Oh, the day you can hang up your career and ease into that status you’ve been working toward most of your adult life, the place that brings a smile to your face, your happy place where you no longer answer to an employer, where you set your own schedule—that magical place called “Retirement.” You’ve been saving and planning and getting things in place. But have you planned for the taxes you have to pay on retirement income? Many retirees don’t take that into...

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Ukraine and the Next Wave of Inflation, Part II, Can Russia Enact a Gold Standard?

Can Russia Enact a Gold Standard? In Part I we discussed how the fallout from the Russian invasion of Ukraine will lead to inflation, but not in the way most people think.  In Part II we discuss the possibility of Russia repudiating the dollar and going on a gold standard. Can they do it? How would the world react? Why not enact a Bitcoin Standard instead? The Russian central bank reportedly has over 2,000 tonnes of gold. We have seen three arguments repeated many...

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UK deklariert Bitcoin-Geldautomaten als illegal

Sogenannte Crypto-ATMs werden derzeit in vielen westlichen Ländern hochgezogen. Mit ihnen kann Fiat-Geld in Cryptocoins umgewandelt und übertragen werden. Was in den USA bereits flächendeckend eingesetzt wird, wurde nun von der FCA im Vereinigten Königreich als illegal eingestuft. Bitcoin News: UK deklariert Bitcoin-Geldautomaten als illegalDie FCA ist die Financial Conduct Authority, eine offizielle Stelle des staatlichen Finanzsystems im UK. Auf der Webseite der...

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Stay or go? Western consumer brands wrestle with Russian dilemma

A supermarket in St Petersburg: multinationals that supply Russians with daily necessities face tough decisions. Keystone / Anatoly Maltsev Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has led to an exodus of well-known western brands from Russia, but not every company has joined the rush. As Apple has suspended sales and BP hurriedly announced its exit over the past two weeks, those multinationals that manufacture products that Russians rely on for daily life, from food...

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With Inflation at a 40-Year High, the Fed Is Too Afraid to Act

Price inflation has been accelerating upward since April of last year. Yet the Fed has done virtually nothing. What’s the Fed waiting for? Original Article: “With Inflation at a 40-Year High, the Fed Is Too Afraid to Act” According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rose 7.5 percent in January, year over year. This was, the BLS notes, the “largest 12-month increase since the period ending February 1982.” Moreover, The...

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Consumer Prices And The Historical Pain(s)

The 1947-48 experience was truly painful, maybe even terrifying. The US and Europe had just come out of a decade when the worst deflationary consequences were so widespread that the period immediately following quickly erupted into the worst conflagration in human history. Then, suddenly, consumer prices skyrocketed and it left many Americans wondering if there would ever be an end to the massive volatility. At its peak in March 1947, the US CPI had gained 19.67%...

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Mapping the Conflict in the Ukraine

Dear Readers, the following post has been published on the 3rd of March 2014. Due to the recent historical events we are reposting it, conscient of the prescience of the meanwhile passed author, Pater Tenebrarum. Michael, Editor Russian Troops in the Crimea John Kerry is appropriately aghast at the “incredible act of aggression” by Russia in the Ukraine: “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely...

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Stock Market Turmoil, Commodities Prices, Inflation fears breakdown.

In this video with Marc Chandler we talked about the geopolitical turmoil and the supply chain disrution as a result of the war in Ukraine. We talked about how war in Ukraine is disrupting the main products that are exported by Ukraine (agricultural products) and the products that are sold by Russia (especially natural gas and oil). We talked about the central banks policies responding the the higher inflation and higher commodities prices. We talked about the currencies that gained and lost...

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