Tuesday , October 8 2024
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Covid cases up 42% in a week in Switzerland

This week, 171,085 new Covid-19 cases were reported in Switzerland, up 42% from the 120,901 cases reported a week earlier. In addition, the reported number of Covid-19 patients hospitalised leapt too. This week 482 were admitted, up 37% from 352 the week before. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.comThe 7-day average case number had been in constant decline since the end of January 2022. However, the number of new cases turned upwards towards the end of February. On 11...

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Sanctions Kill Innocent People and Also Destroy Our Liberty

While American statists are cheering the U.S. government’s sanctions on Russia, 71-year-old John Hanick shows us how the cheers are also for the destruction of the rights and liberties of the American people. That’s because U.S. officials have just charged Hanick, who is an American citizen who once worked at Fox News as a director, with a federal criminal offense for violating U.S. sanctions on Russia. Hanick now faces up to 20 years in a federal...

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Inflation: Who or What Is the Culprit?

Inflation—defined herein as a widespread increase in the prices of widely purchased consumer goods—has gotten worse since I commented on it last spring. According to the official Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflation is currently running at 7.5 percent year over year—the highest since 1982. What triggered the last year’s explosion in prices? President Joe Biden has tried to blame inflation on greedy corporations and supply-chain disruptions. The former is...

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The Upside of a Crushing Recession

Unbeknownst to those trembling in fear of a crushing recession, the crushing recession they fear is the only curative for a fatally distorted system which has lost touch with reality. Everyone looking at the inevitability of recession with alarm is forgetting the many upsides of recession, especially one that crushes all attempts to reverse it with the usual tricks. Let’s not forget the simple joys of lighter traffic, faster commutes and the relative ease of getting...

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Swiss Post Office bounces back from pandemic difficulties

The Swiss Post Office more than doubled profits to CHF457 million ($493 million) last year as it was less affected by pandemic restrictions. The group’s financial arm, PostFinance, recorded a CHF272 million result, up from CHF162 million in 2020. This was achieved despite a fall in customer numbers, the amount of money they held at PostFinance and the continued negative interest rate environment. The postal service is seeing a decline in the number of letters being...

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Swiss Blockchain Startup Wecan Chooses France for Its Expansion

Wecan Group SA, a Swiss Blockchain software provider used  Swiss private banks, is favoring an expansion in France for its internationalization. Behind this choice: an investment from Michel Reybier, owner of La Réserve hotels, and a selection in the Swave program, an initiative of the French government to attract the most promising fintechs in France. 100 billion is the amount of assets under management of independent asset managers using the Wecan Comply platform....

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Behind Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the Great Reset: Part 3

Bob continues his series on Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset, highlighting an interesting remark in Biden’s SOTU, Strobe Talbott’s open support for global government, and the introduction to Schwab’s book on Covid-19 and the Great Reset. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Part 1 and Part 2 of this series The WEF’s bio for its founder, Klaus Schwab Schwab’s books The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Covid-19 and the Great Reset Bob’s first...

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EU will Russland auch im Bereich Cryptocoins sanktionieren

Gestern gab die Europäische Union offiziell bekannt, dass Cryptocoins für sie unter die Bezeichnung „Transferable Securities“ fallen. Diese Bezeichnung taucht aktuell in der Liste der möglichen Sanktionen gegen Russland auf. Damit dürfte die EU auch Bitcoin und Co. ins Auge fassen. Crypto News: EU will Russland auch im Bereich Cryptocoins sanktionierenIn dem Bestreben Druck auf die russische Regierung auszuüben, hat der Westen die finanziellen Daumenschrauben bei...

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Customs in 2021: more product piracy and non-compliant animal imports

Bern, 03.10.2022 – The figures for the year 2021 from the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (OFDF) are again marked by the COVID pandemic. Due to the boom in e-commerce, the number of shipments seized for product piracy has once again increased significantly. Cases in the field of animal protection have also increased sharply. In addition, the number of records of migrants who entered Switzerland irregularly was higher than in 2020. Receipts increased...

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Why Sanctions Don’t Work, and Why They Mostly Hurt Ordinary People

The United States and its western European allies have in recent days repeatedly increased economic sanctions against not only the Russian regime, but against millions of ordinary Russians. It has done this by cutting much of Russian trade and Russian finance out of international markets. Moody’s and S&P global have both downgraded Russia’s credit rating. The US has frozen Russian reserves and cut many Russian banks off from SWIFT, the international banking...

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