In our satirical video format, Swiss comedian and director Patrick Karpiczenko apologises for Switzerland’s transgressions – this time for so-called golden visas that have been given freely to Russian oligarchs. Why are so many Russian oligarchs staying in Switzerland? How do they avoid getting sanctioned and having their assets frozen? Is Vladimir Putin hiding his children in southern Switzerland? And why does North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un speak Swiss German? In this new...
Read More »Heading into the Weekend, Dollar’s Downside Momentum Stalls
Overview: The markets are putting the finishing touches on this week’s activity. Japan, returning from yesterday’s holiday bought equities, and its major indices jumped more than 2%. China, South Korea, and Australia struggled. Europe’s Stoxx 600 is firmer for the third consecutive session. It is up about 1.3% this week. US futures are also firmer after reversing earlier gains yesterday to close lower on the day. The US 10-year yield is flat near 2.88%, while...
Read More »From high street to metaverse: finance embraces ‘bank killer’ technology
The metaverse is the latest technology frontier that banks are just starting to explore. Zuma Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo A bank client attaches her ‘non-fungible token’ personal identity to a digital wallet, containing both traditional money and cryptocurrencies, and accesses decentralised financial investments via the metaverse. Despite the unfamiliar terminology, this is not science fiction. This is a new type of banking that is already active in conservative...
Read More »Zur Lage: Fragen, Fakten, Erkenntnisse, Konsequenzen – eine Auswahl
Wer die Geschichte nicht kennt, wiederholt ihre Fehler. Wer sie kennt, muss zusehen, wie die anderen [jene, die die Geschichte nicht kennen] die Fehler von Früher wiederholen. Es ist kaum auszuhalten. Täglich werden die vom Mainstream-abhängigen Leute mit Lügen, einseitigen Narrativen, unvollständigen Berichten und salbenden Worten in einer Blase der Wirklichkeit gehüllt, wie sie schon Truman Burbank in “The Truman Show” vorgesetzt wurde. Ich werde ein paar Fragen...
Read More »Why the “New World Order” Is Impossible to Implement without Creating Mass Chaos
The events of the last few years have resurrected a recurring worry among people mindful of their liberty, property, and personal dignity. This worry centers around the prospects of the emergence of the notorious “new world order,” a worldwide totalitarian plot hatched by globalist “elites” intent on destroying the surviving remains of free speech, free enterprise, and free thought. Before asking how justified such worries are, let us note that the “new world order”...
Read More »US Dollar Soft while Consolidating Yesterday’s Drop
Overview: The US dollar is consolidating yesterday’s losses but is still trading with a heavier bias against the major currencies and most emerging market currencies. The US 10-year yield is soft below 2.77%, while European yields are mostly 2-4 bp higher. The peripheral premium over the core is a little narrower today. Equity markets, following the US lead, are higher today. The Hang Seng and China’s CSI 300 rose by more than 2% today. Europe’s Stoxx 600 gained...
Read More »Markt ist auf der Suche nach dem nächsten Dogecoin
Die Meme-Coins haben der Reputation des Marktes nicht unbedingt geholfen. Mehrfach kam es hier zu Pump & Dump Rallys, die den Markt zu einer Lotterie machten. Dennoch haben diese Cryptocoins auch etwas Gutes: Sie brachten neues Kapital in den Markt. Crypto News: Markt ist auf der Suche nach dem nächsten DogecoinIn der aktuellen Bärenphase ist es jedoch auch ruhig um die Meme-Coins geworden – Shiba Inu und Dogecoin zeigten keine sprunghaften Kursbewegungen. In...
Read More »The Economy Isn’t Robust Jeff Snider || The Wealth Effect
The economy is not strong and was never strong since 2020 Jeff Snider. Jeff Snider is one of the foremost experts on the global monetary system. #jeffsnider#recession#bearmarket#inflation#recession credit DISCLAIMER : I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make. This information is what was found publicly on the...
Read More »Peter Schiff, Kevin O’Leary, & Jeff Snider Discuss "Inflation, interest rate, & the Global Economy."
Welcome back to Crypto Studio 247, the best cryptocurrency news media online! This video is very unique, you'll see Peter Schiff, Kevin O'Leary, and Jeff Snider's opinions on "Inflation, interest rate, and the Global Economy." They also explain the factors influencing it. So, listen till the end to understand the complete game. #inflation #economy #peterschiff #kevinoleary #jeffsnider About Peter Schiff: Peter Schiff is an economist, financial...
Read More »Will Silver Prices Go Up to $300?
This week’s guest is so bullish on silver that he’s even written a best-selling book ‘The Great Silver Bull’ where he takes an in-depth look at why silver will outperform gold once again and even go as high as $300 an ounce. Author and investments editor Peter Krauth joins Dave Russell on GoldCore TV to discuss the silver price, silver’s future and how industrial demand will continue to grow, outstripping supply. Silver’s a big theme for us at the moment, look out...
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