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Italian Politics Complicate the ECB’s Task

Overview: The appetite for risk seen earlier this week is fading. Yesterday’s US equity gains helped lift most of the large markets in the Asia Pacific region, but China’s CSI 300 fell 1.1%, giving back most of this week’s gains as credit issues from the property sector haunt sentiment. Europe’s Stoxx 600 is trading heavily ahead of the ECB meeting outcome. US futures are also trading off. Benchmark 10-year yields are firmer with the US Treasury near 3.05%. European...

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Keine NFTs im Minecraft Universum

Eines der größten und erfolgreichsten Videospiele aller Zeiten hat gestern seine Position zu NFTs veröffentlicht. In einem offiziellen Blogpost heißt es, dass Minecraft NFTs weder unterstützt noch erlaubt. Eine Integration des Marktes ist damit in weite Ferne gerückt. Crypto News: Keine NFTs im Minecraft UniversumDie Nutzungsbedingungen des Spiels wurden dementsprechend erweitert. Wörtlich heißt es:[…] we wanted to take the opportunity to share our view that...

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Why the Labor Shortage Isn’t Going Away

It’s getting hard to fill toxic low-pay jobs, and that’s not going to change. The nature of work and the labor market are changing in ways few discern or perhaps are willing to discern because these changes are disrupting the exploitive system they want to remain unchanged. But refusing to discern change doesn’t stop change. It just leaves us unprepared to deal with fast-changing realities. There are multiple systemic reasons why work and the labor force are...

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Swiss customs crack down on fake medicinal imports

Two thirds of the illegal shipments of medical products contained potency preparations for men. Keystone/Alessandro Della Bella Switzerland’s customs and border security authorities have seized more than 230 packages of illegally imported counterfeit medical products. The confiscations were conducted during a week-long international campaign in June against the illegal online trade in fake medicines. Two-thirds of the illegal shipments contained counterfeit erectile...

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Inflation Crisis 2022 – Marc Faber Interview (Full)

Tune into GoldCore TV where we have just released the full, frank and direct interview with Dr. Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom, Doom Report in a no-holds barred interview. Following on from the excerpts shown on last week’s The M3 Report we have today released the full interview with the highly-respected veteran of the investment space. Dr. Faber chats inflation, the downfall of central bankers and the war against Putin. Also, find out what the best advice he ever...

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Contrary to Public Myths, Rent Control Hasn’t Been a Success in Sweden

Sweden’s rent control is widely touted by many who don’t understand economics as a model for how a property market should work. Young people in Ireland, for example, like to point to Sweden as a nirvana where rent control ensures easy availability of affordable and high-quality rental stock. I was once told by a young work colleague with strong socialist tendencies that they could move to Stockholm and get a high-spec modern apartment for a mere pittance compared to...

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Parity hysterics: What it means and what it doesn’t – Part II

Part II of II, by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland “Reverse currency wars”? Although the parity event may have captured the attention of the mainstream financial press and most western citizens, there’s a much bigger shift that has been going on in the background, which received much less coverage. We are all familiar with the concept of a currency war. In essence, it is basically one of the most crude examples of governments colluding with their central...

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Jeff Snider: A Nasty Recession Is Coming

WORRIED ABOUT THE MARKETS? SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Wealthion's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.wealthion.com Jeff Snider explains his thoughts on current market conditions and the probability of a recession. _________ At Wealthion, we show you how to protect and build your wealth by learning from the world’s top experts on finance and money. Each week we add new videos that provide you with access to the foremost specialists in investing, economics, the...

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Eurodollar Curve Inversion is DESPERATE, and DEEP [Ep. 264, Eurodollar University]

On December 1, 2021 the Eurodollar Futures yield curve inverted by a single basis point, which set off recession warning sirens, claxons and clucking at Eurodollar University. Now? The curve is 120 basis points inverted - a warning that something more than 'just a recession' is plausible (possible? probable?!!!!!!). ----EP. 264 REFERENCES---- RealClear Markets Essays: https://bit.ly/38tL5a7 Epoch Times Columns: https://bit.ly/39ESkRf ----SPONSOR---- Purchase shares in great masterpieces...

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Calm before the Storm?

Overview: The biggest rally in the S&P 500 in three weeks helped lift global equities today. The MSCI Asia Pacific index rose for the third consecutive session, the longest streak this month. Europe’s Stoxx 600 is up for a fourth day and is at its best level since mid-June. US futures are firmer. The rally in equities has not spurred a rise in rates. The US 10-year yield is back below 3%, and European benchmark yields are mostly 5-8 bp lower, though signs that a...

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