Les faits et leurs conséquences potentielles que décrit l’économiste vaudois dans son livre, paru il y a bientôt deux ans, n’ont à ce jour fait l’objet d’aucun démenti, ni d’aucune contestation. (Photo Blaise Kormann) Le calme avant la tempête. Par Christian Rappaz (Editorial) Depuis une année, il ne se passe pas un jour sans que Donald Trump critique violemment la politique monétaire de la banque centrale américaine,...
Read More »Hypothekarkredite: Selbstregulierung soll Risikoappetit bremsen
Die Kreditvergabepolitik der Banken im Segment der Wohnrenditeliegenschaften in der Schweiz wird von der SNB als besonders risikobehaftet beurteilt. (Bild: Denis Linine/Shutterstock.com) Die grössten Risiken für die Finanzstabilität gehen für die inlandorientierten Banken unverändert vom Hypothekar- und Immobilienmarkt aus, warnt die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) im diesjährigen Bericht zur Finanzstabilität vom 13....
Read More »Swiss exports to the US significantly exceed those to Germany for the first time
Swiss exports – © Alan Stoddard | Dreamstime.com According to an analysis by the Swiss broadcaster RTS, Switzerland’s EU exports have declined in recent years. Over the first quarter of 2019, for the first time, exports to the US exceeded those to Germany by more than CHF 1 billion reaching CHF 15.7 billion. Exports to the US have risen from 8.3% to 16.3% of total Swiss exports over the last 30 years. Another Swiss...
Read More »Some 60 percent of all Swiss banknotes are hoarded, study finds
Presenting the new version of the CHF1,000 note, March 2019. The amount of Swiss CHF1,000 notes that are hoarded rather than being used in the economy for payments could be as high as 87%, a study by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has shown. The reportexternal link, “Demand for Swiss banknotes: some new evidence”, estimates the volume of Swiss banknotes being stashed – rather than spent or invested – over the period...
Read More »FX Daily, July 11: Powell Spurs Equity and Bond Market Rally, While the Greenback Falls Out of Favor
Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.06% at 1.1123 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, July 11(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: markets.ft.com - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: Fed’s Powell confirmed a Fed rate cut at the end of this month by warning that uncertainties since the June FOMC had “dimmed the outlook” and that muted price pressures may be more persistent. It ignited an equity and bond market rally...
Read More »Hong Kong unrest
The extradition bill is ‘dead’ but political turmoil is not over yet. Since early June, a series of large-scale demonstrations took place in Hong Kong in protest of proposed legislation that would allow extradition of criminal suspects to certain jurisdictions, including mainland China. The proposed bill was triggered by the case of a Hong Kong man who allegedly murdered his girlfriend in Taiwan but could not be sent...
Read More »FX Daily, July 10: North American Focus: Poloz and Powell
Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.03% at 1.1135 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, July 10(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: markets.ft.com - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: The US Treasury market is retreating for the fourth consecutive session ahead of Fed Chairman Powell’s testimony before Congress. It is the longest losing streak in six months, and the 10-year yield has risen 15 bp over the run. This is...
Read More »The ECB moves to keep euro bond yields down
Prospects of more ECB easing has contributed to an across-the-board rally in euro sovereign bonds yields and could help limit volatility in peripheral bonds. Since Mario Draghi in June signalled the European Central Bank’s (ECB) readiness to embark on more easing should the euro area economy fail to regain speed, euro sovereign bonds yields have fallen across the board, with the 10-year Bund yield briefly moving below...
Read More »Predatory “Green Capitalism” Is Monetizing the Air, and It’s Going to Cost You
You want to reduce CO2? Then trigger a global depression that reduces global consumption of everything by 50% and destroys 95% of the phantom wealth owned by the global elites trying to monetize the air. I recently asked What’s Left to Monetize?, and longtime correspondent Mark G. provided the answer: the air we breathe, via carbon taxes and markets for trading carbon credits, i.e. financializing / monetizing Nature to...
Read More »The rich get poorer for the first time since 2011
Are Switzerland’s millionaires going to have to put the bubbly on ice? After seven years of growth, both the number of high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) around the world and their total wealth declined in 2018, according to the latest World Wealth Reportexternal link by consultants Capgemini. This trend was also seen in Switzerland. The total assets of HNWIs – defined by Capgemini as people with investable assets of at...
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