Authored by Mark St.Cyr, There are times you try to connect the dots. There are others where those connections warrant adorning your trusted tin-foiled cap of choice; for you just can’t get there unless you do. This I believe is one of those times. And if correct? What at first might appear apocryphal, may in fact, be down right apocalyptic. And besides, what good is a tin-foil capped conspiracy theory anyhow if it doesn’t have the potential for doom, correct? So, with that in mind, let’s...
Read More »Are Central Banks Setting Each Other Up?
There are times you try to connect the dots. There are others where those connections warrant adorning your trusted tin-foiled cap of choice; for you just can’t get there unless you do. This I believe is one of those times. And if correct? What at first might appear apocryphal, may in fact, be down right apocalyptic. And besides, what good is a tin-foil capped conspiracy theory anyhow if it doesn’t have the potential for doom, correct? So, with that in mind, let’s venture down some roads...
Read More »The Chinese Yuan Countdown Is On
Submitted by SaxoBank's Dembik Christopher via, Currency stability is a prerequisite for China's economic transition Defending the yuan is prohibitively expensive – China cannot beat the market Progressive devaluation managed by PBoC is the most probable scenario for 2016 Remember that the country is on the capitalism learning curve Exchange rates will inevitably be a key discussion point at Shanghai G20 China has moved from being a net importer to a net exporter of...
Read More »The Chinese Yuan Countdown Is On
Submitted by SaxoBank's Dembik Christopher via, Currency stability is a prerequisite for China's economic transition Defending the yuan is prohibitively expensive – China cannot beat the market Progressive devaluation managed by PBoC is the most probable scenario for 2016 Remember that the country is on the capitalism learning curve Exchange rates will inevitably be a key discussion point at Shanghai G20 China has moved from being a net importer to a net exporter of...
Read More »Dollar, the KING, Liliane Held-Khawam
L’année 2016 annonce-t-elle un petit ou un gros bras de fer entre la Chine et le Casino de la planète finance? Les médias se sont émus toute la journée suite à la dégringolade de la bourse chinoise qui a perdu pas mal de plumes et dont les échanges ont été suspendus (cf article ci-dessous de Challenges). Entrer une légende Evolution de l’indice boursier CSI300 Pourtant, ce qui nous intéresse ici, c’est l’évolution de la monnaie américaine qui gagne une fois de plus du terrain. Après...
Read More »Reserved: What Next for the Renminbi?
On November 30, the International Monetary Fund invited the renminbi to join the pound, euro, U.S. dollar, and yen in an exclusive club of international reserve currencies starting in October 2016. China has been working to make its currency a credible global player for at least two decades, and the nod from the IMF is a significant symbolic victory. Still, don’t expect central banks to scoop up mass quantities of renminbi just yet. Central banks currently hold only about one percent...
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