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Tag Archives: UBS

Dynamisch durch die Gezeiten manövrieren

Bild: UBS Asset Management Ein gut diversifiziertes Anleihenportfolio, das vorwiegend in variabel verzinsliche Hochzinsanleihen investiert, schützt vor steigenden Zinsen und bietet attraktives Ertragspotenzial, meinen die Experten des UBS Asset Management. Die Weltwirtschaft ist auf Erholungskurs. Dabei erhöht sich das BIP-Wachstum, was in einigen Regionen steigende Zinsen erwarten lässt. In den...

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The Swiss National Bank Now Owns A Record $88 Billion In US Stocks

In the third quarter of 2017, one in which the global economy was supposedly undergoing an unprecedented “coordinated growth spurt”, and in which central banks were preparing to unveil their QE tapering intentions, in the case of the ECB, or raising rates outright, at the Fed, what was really taking place was another central bank buying spree meant to boost confidence that things are now back to normal, using “money”...

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Technologie steigert Wohlstand in Schwellenländern

(Bild: UBS) Technologie verändert nicht nur die Art und Weise, wie wir leben, sondern auch die Struktur der Weltwirtschaft. Dies zeigt sich, so die Experten des UBS Asset Management, speziell in Schwellenländern, die vom Fortschritt der IT-Branche wirtschaftlich profitieren. In den Schwellenländern tut sich etwas. In der Vergangenheit war ihre Entwicklung sehr eng an die Konjunkturzyklen...

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Technologie steigert Wohlstand in Schwellenländern

(Bild: UBS) Technologie verändert nicht nur die Art und Weise, wie wir leben, sondern auch die Struktur der Weltwirtschaft. Dies zeigt sich, so die Experten des UBS Asset Management, speziell in Schwellenländern, die vom Fortschritt der IT-Branche wirtschaftlich profitieren. In den Schwellenländern tut sich etwas. In der Vergangenheit war ihre Entwicklung sehr eng an die Konjunkturzyklen...

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Kapitalerhöhung des UBS “Anfos”

(Bild: Fondstrends) Ende November 2017 plant die Fondsleitung UBS Fund Management für den UBS Property Fund – Swiss Residential "Anfos" eine Kapitalerhöhung. Ziel ist der Kauf von Liegenschaften und die Finanzierung von Bauprojekten. Die Kapitalerhöhung des UBS "Anfos" wird mit Bezugsrecht in der Grössenordnung von rund CHF 122 Mio. liegen. Ziel der Kapitalerhöhung ist die Gewinnung zusätzlicher...

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The Global Housing Bubble Is Biggest In These Cities

Two years ago, when UBS looked at the world’s most expensive housing markets, it found that London and Hong Kong were the only two areas exposed to bubble risk. UBS Global Real Estate Bubble Index - Click to enlarge What a difference just a couple of years makes, because in the latest report by UBS wealth Management, which compiles the bank’s Global Real Estate Bubble Index, it found that eight of the world’s...

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The Global Housing Bubble Is Biggest In These Cities

Two years ago, when UBS looked at the world's most expensive housing markets, it found that London and Hong Kong were the only two areas exposed to bubble risk. What a difference just a couple of years makes, because in the latest report by UBS wealth Management, which compiles the bank's Global Real Estate Bubble Index, it found that eight of the world's largest cities are now subject to a massive speculative housing bubble.  And while perpetually low mortgage rates are clearly to...

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Is The Swiss National Bank A Fraud?

The price of shares in The Swiss National Bank is up 11 days in a row, soaring 150% in the last two months. SNB Stock Price, 2010 - 2017(see more posts on Swiss National Bank Stock, ) - Click to enlarge That sounds like a ‘tulip’ bubble-like ‘fraud’… Bitcoin and SNB, 2013 - 2017(see more posts on Bitcoin, Swiss National Bank Stock, ) - Click to enlarge The SNB is up over 120% in Q3 so far – more than double...

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Swiss Mystery: Someone Keeps Flushing €500 Bank Notes Down The Toilet

While there are several comments one can make here, “dirty money”, “flush with cash” and “flushing money down the toilet” certainly coming to mind, perhaps the ECB was on to something when it warned that €500 “Bin Laden” bills (which it has since discontinued to print) tend to be used by criminals. The reason for this is that in recent weeks, Swiss prosecutors have been gripped by a mystery, trying to figure out why...

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Former UBS Trader Arrested, Charged With Rigging Gold Prices

Three years after we first identified the former head of UBS's gold desk in Zurich as someone directly implicated in the rigging of precious metals prices, Bloomberg reports that Andre Flotron, a Swiss resident, was arrested while visiting the U.S., according to people familiar with the matter. Having been "on leave" since 2014, it appears Andre's hope that he was gone but "keen to return in due time" are now up in smoke.   As Bloomberg reports, Flotron was...

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