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Tag Archives: opting out

Plädoyer für freiheitliche, freiwillige Lösungen

Es gibt diese Theorie, dass der wahre Liberalismus vielleicht 15% der Bevölkerung zu begeistern vermag. Legt man den Liberalismus noch etwas strenger aus, freiheitlicher als die FDP, dann sind wir beim Libertarismus. Und da haben wir dann vielleicht noch 1% oder so. Wir sprechen hier also wirklich von einer sehr geringen Masse an Leuten, die für wirklich freiheitliche Lösungen zu begeistern sind. Die Gründe sind vielfältig. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass man sich immer mehr daran...

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The death of the middle class is the death of civil society

Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland The middle class in the West has been shrinking for years, but after the covid crisis and especially after the inflation explosion, whatever was left of it is now basically under threat of extinction. This has immense sociopolitical implications. When any society, at any point in history, becomes divided into haves and have nots, instability and dangerous tensions are quick to follow. The decline of Reason and respect for...

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Tyrants Are Waging War Against Their Own Citizens

As [D] Mayor de Blasio shuts down schools and restaurants in NYC yet AGAIN, and as cops in Australia arrest women on beaches for traveling outside of 5 KM from their homes, it’s clear that tyrants around the world are openly waging war against their own people. Claudio Grass joins me to discuss. [embedded content] You Might Also Like You cannot print your way to prosperity – Part II Looking at the damage inflicted upon...

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