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Tag Archives: newsletter

“NAFTA Fever” and the Myth of Government-Created Free Markets

Left or right, the enemy is the free market. Every problem is the fault of the free market. On the left, the supposed radical deregulation of the 1980s paved the way for the financial crisis and the destruction of the environment. On the right, free trade is responsible for the gutting of manufacturing. The free market is made out in this mythos to have had its heyday in the 1980s and ‘90s and destroyed everything. Even free market advocates fall into this trap,...

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FX and Rates Unwind Yesterday’s Powell Effect, US Index Futures Slide

Overview:  The dollar bounced, and US rates rose yesterday afternoon in response to comments by Fed Chair Powell. But he did little more that reiterate what he had said at the recent press conference. Powell expressed a lack of urgency to move after having led the central bank in delivering a 50 bp cut to start the easing in September while indicating that direction of travel will be to a less restrictive rate. The dollar has come back lower today against the G10...

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Stanley’s Orwellian Anti-Fascism

Erasing History: How Fascists Rewrite the Past to Control the Future. By Jason Stanley. Atria One Step Publishing, 2024; 256 pp.Jason Stanley is a well-regarded philosopher of language, but you would never realize it from this rambling and incoherent book. Stanley rightly says that control of public education is an essential characteristic of fascism. By “fascism,” I should add, he includes Nazism. He also notes that fascists wanted to restrict the curriculum so that...

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It’s Greek to Us: Angry Generation Z Women Reenact “Lysistrata” Post-Election

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s decisive victory over Kamala Harris on November 5, millions of American women—especially those of Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, currently aged from 12 to 27—are despondent and dismayed that Democrats’ campaign focus on abortion policy did not convince more voters to choose Harris. They are convinced that their “my body, my choice” freedom has been stolen from them by the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson...

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Totalitarianism Begins With A Denial of Economics

In the history of the social sciences, no other field of study has attracted so great a level of hostility as the science of economics. Since the inception of the science, the onslaught against it has been on the rise, extending across individuals and groups. And the outlook for a favorable reception of the science is bleak, given that a significant number of people are incapable of following through the extended chains of reasoning required for comprehending...

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Abolish the Department of Homeland Security

The Trump transition team on Wednesday announced that he is nominating South Dakota governor Kristi Noem as the next head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In the coming weeks, we’ll hear a lot about Noem’s personal politics and origins. We’ll also hear about how the DHS is, as the AP puts it, “one of the biggest government agencies that will be integral to his vow to secure the border and carry out a massive deportation operation.”Unfortunately, all this...

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Freedom and Property: Hans-Hermann Hoppe Talks About the Essence of Anarcho-capitalism

What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order....

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Elections: Do They Really Matter?

This article is adapted from a speech delivered at the Mises Circle in Fort Myers, Florida on November 9, 2024.The answer to the question posed in the title is: Yes and No. Yes, some elections have made a significant difference but in general, no, they have not. There are many reasons why elections generally no longer make much of a difference in terms of the economy. One is that for the past half century the average reelection rate of incumbents in the House of...

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US-Wahl treibt Bitcoin über 90’000 US-Dollar – wie Anleger vom neuen Krypto-Hype profitieren können

<span class="ad-hint ad-hint--right display-block">Werbung Die US-Wahl rückt den Kryptomarkt voll ins Rampenlicht, die Kurse der digitalen Coins ziehen durch die Bank deutlich an, der <a href="" title="Bitcoin-Dollar-Kurs">Bitcoin</a> sorgt mit neuem All-Time-High oberhalb 90'000... [embedded content]...

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Powell’s Reluctance to Bend Presents an Opportunity to Break the Fed

The democratic mandate of the incoming Trump administration, along with Republican control of Congress and a confrontation of wills between the President-elect and the Federal Reserve Chairman make ending the Fed a bit less unthinkable. Jerome Powell accurately stated, in a slightly defensive tone, that it is not (currently) lawful for a President to fire a Federal Reserve Chairman. Where some see obstacles others see a challenge, and where Powell...

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