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Tag Archives: newsletter

Keith Weiner in Zurich

Keith Weiner, chairman of the Gold Standard Institute United States, will be presenting in Zurich, this Wednesday, October 14 at 18.30. Title: Our Monetary System is Failing, and what we can do against it We hope that the Swiss National Bank will remain safe, during the collapse of the monetary system. We fear the collapse because money flows will direct towards Switzerland again and threaten the solvability of our central bank. Some background in English on the letter to Tsipras, in...

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SNB & CHF, the blog on a beleaguered central bank, its currency, on gold and astute investments

Over four years our association of supporters of Austrian Economics from Switzerland, Germany and Austria and helpful hands from all over the world expressed opposition against the CHF cap in in-numerous pages. Finally the SNB agreed to the wishes of Swiss consumers and gave up the cap that effectively represented a tax on consumption and extra-profits for companies and close friends of the central bank. Swiss Inflation Watch: Swiss inflation  As monetarists & Austrians we expect Swiss...

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Weekly SNB Intervention Update: Sight Deposits and Speculative Position

First week of February: Speculators are closing down their short positions on the euro– both against the dollar and against CHF. The carry trade is breaking down into a reverse carry trade. This leads to a strengthening of the euro versus CHF. Given that US data was better than expected, the speculative USD against CHF position should further augment. It was at 4600 contracts versus CHF.No SNB interventions: Sight deposits decreased slightly by 0.2 billion CHF, this implies that the SNB is...

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Offener Brief an Alexis Tsipras

Sehr geehrter Premierminister Alexis Tsipras, Zunächst herzlichen Glückwunsch zur neu gebildeten Regierung.Leider hat sich damit nicht viel geändert. Der Euro bietet seit langem Griechenland einen perversen Anreiz Geld zu leihen. Nun ist Ihr Land in der Schuldenfalle. Durch herkömmliche Mittel kann Griechenland nicht zurückzahlen. Je früher man diese einfache Tatsache anerkennt, desto besser. Die Troika droht die Kosten des Ausscheidens aus dem Euro zu maximieren. Sie kann den Zugang zu...

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Listen to the Sirens of the Stock Market at your Peril!

John Henry Smith of Grail Securities (Switzerland) shows that the financial markets have always been awash with its own brand of Sirens, who dolefully prophesied the complete collapse of whole economic systems. For him Pericles gave the best advice: “The key is not to predict the future, but to be prepared for it!” —————————————————————————————— In Homer’s Odyssey, the Sirens were dangerous and beautiful maidens, who irresistibly lured sailors with their enchanting, but sad, music and...

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Jackson Hole: Cherry Flavored Cyanide, or Strawberry

The Federal Reserve puts on a conference in the idyllic location of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Of course it’s all about how best to centrally plan our little lives for us, and who is to be sacrificed to whom. The American Principles Project and the Atlas Network Sound Money Project, provided a much needed alternative in the Jackson Hole Summit. By choosing the same time and place as the Fed, Steve Lonegan capitalized on the publicity. In fact, the #jacksonholesummit hashtag was trending on...

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The 2015 Update: Risks on the Rising SNB Money Supply

Since the financial crisis central banks in developed nations increased their balance sheets. The leading one was the American Federal Reserve that increased the monetary base (M0, often called “narrow money”), followed by the Bank of Japan and recently the ECB. In most cases the extension of narrow money did neither have an effect on banks’ money supply, the so called “broad money” (M1-M3), nor on price inflation. For the Swiss, however, the rising money supply concerned both narrow and...

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Q2 2015: Swiss GDP up 0.2%, Strong Rise of Investments on Equipment, Consumption Lags Again

Swiss GDP increased by 0.2% q/q and 1.2% y/y. Once again, investments on equipment and software (+3.6%) was one of the main drivers. For many economists investment on equipment and software is the most desired GDP growth component. SECO: Gross domestic product in 2nd quarter 2015  (source)Each quarter, the Swiss department of economics (SECO) estimates the GDP and its components. The main purpose of these estimations is to provide data that allows for an assessment of the cyclical...

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Swiss GDP 2014 +1.9%. Trade Surplus Contributed More than Half, Consumption Lagged

National accounts in Switzerland in 2014 Press Release by Swiss Statistics (FSO) Foreign trade the main source of growth Neuchâtel, 27.08.2015 (FSO) – In 2014 the Swiss economy registered a growth in grossdomestic product (GDP) of 1.9% at the previous year’s prices (+1.8% in 2013).Taking a slight  decrease in the general price level into account, GDP at current prices grew by 1.2% (2013:+1.7%). Foreign trade strongly contributed to the rise in GDP in 2014 due to sustained growthin exports...

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Purchasing Power Parity, REER: Is CHF Overvalued? (August 2015 update)

After the strong revaluation of the Swiss franc in recent years, some economists, like the ones at the Swiss National Bank (SNB), claim that the franc is overvalued. Many use misleading Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) measures like the Big Mac index, the OECD index or the PPP based on consumer prices for computing fair values. The second big mistake is to compute the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) with the wrong “base year”, i.e. to assume that in 1999 the CHF was correctly valued. The...

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