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Tag Archives: Mining

Bitcoin Mining Hashrate hat sich fast vollständig erholt

Viel wurde diskutiert als China das Bitcoin Mining aus dem eigenen Land verbannte. Doch es hat nur wenige Monate gedauert und die Mining Community hat sich von diesem Bann erholt. Daten zeigen, dass nur noch 16 Prozent zum Allzeithoch fehlen. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Mining Hashrate hat sich fast vollständig erholt China kontrollierte mehr als die Hälfte des weltweiten Mining Marktes – bevor es zu einem landesweiten Verbot für Crypto Mining kam. Es wurde befürchtet,...

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China kostet der Crypto-Bann eine Billionen Dollar

Gerüchten zufolge bereut man in Peking längst den Crypto-Bann, der vor wenigen Monaten landesweit ausgesprochen wurde. Dieser hatte den Crypto Mining Markt durchgerüttelt und die vermeintliche Monopolstellung des Landes in diesem Sektor zerstört. Crypto News: China kostet der Crypto-Bann eine Billionen Dollar Assets im Wert von 10 Milliarden US-Dollar wurden durch die Politik Pekings jährlich aus dem Land gejagt. Bei einer prognostizierten Wachstumsrate des Marktes...

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Extending the Summer Slowdown

A big splurge in September, and then not much more in October. While it would be consistent for many to focus on the former, instead there is much about the latter which, for once, is feeding growing concerns. Retail sales, American consumer spending on goods, has been the one (outside of economically insignificant housing) bright spot since summer. If it succumbs to the slowdown every other economic account is displaying, that could only mean it really has been...

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US Industrial Downturn: What If Oil and Inventory Join It?

Revised estimates from the Federal Reserve are beginning to suggest another area for concern in the US economy. There hadn’t really been all that much supply side capex activity taking place to begin with. Despite the idea of an economic boom in 2017, businesses across the whole economy just hadn’t been building like there was one nor in anticipation of one. The only place where there was a truly robust trend was the oil patch. Since the last crash a few years ago,...

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Green Shoot or Domestic Stall?

According to revised figures, things were really looking up for US industry. For the month of April 2018, the Federal Reserve’s Diffusion Index (3-month) for Industrial Production hit 68.2. Like a lot of other sentiment indicators, this was the highest in so long it had to be something. For this particular index, it hadn’t seen better than 68 since way back in March 2010, back when the economy looked briefly like it...

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Just The One More Boom Month For IP

The calendar last month hadn’t yet run out on US Industrial Production as it had for US Retail Sales. The hurricane interruption of 2017 for industry unlike consumer spending extended into last September. Therefore, the base comparison for 2018 is against that artificial low. As such, US IP rose by 5.1% year-over-year last month. That’s the largest gain since 2010. While that may be, over the last five months American...

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There Isn’t Supposed To Be The Two Directions of IP

US Industrial Production dipped in May 2018. It was the first monthly drop since January. Year-over-year, IP was up just 3.5% from May 2017, down from 3.6% in each of prior three months. The reason for the soft spot was that American industry is being pulled in different directions by the two most important sectors: crude oil and autos. In the middle is the middling performance of manufacturing especially for consumer...

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Globally Synchronized Asynchronous Growth

Industrial Production in the United States rose 3.5% year-over-year in April 2018, down slightly from a revised 3.7% rise in March. US Industrial Production, Jan 2006 - May 2018(see more posts on U.S. Industrial Production, ) - Click to enlarge Since accelerating to 3.4% growth back in November 2017, US industry has failed to experience much beyond that clear hurricane-related boost. IP for prior months,...

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US Industry Experiences The Full 2014 Again in February

In February 2018, it was like old times for the US industrial sectors. Prior to the 2015-16 downturn, the otherwise moribund economy did produce two genuine booms. The first in the auto sector, the other in energy. Without them, who knows what the no-recovery recovery would have looked like. They were for the longest time the only bright spots. US Industrial Production, Jan 2006 - 2018(see more posts on U.S. Industrial...

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US IP On The Other Side of Harvey and Irma

Industrial Production in the US was revised to a lower level for December 2017, and then was slightly lower still in the first estimates for January 2018. Year-over-year, IP was up 3.7%. However, more than two-thirds of the gain was registered in September, October, and November (and nearly all the rest in just the single month of April 2017). US Industrial Production, Jan 1995 - 2018(see more posts on U.S. Industrial...

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