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Tag Archives: Featured

Swiss balance of payments and international investment position: Q2 2021

In the second quarter of 2021, the current account surplus amounted to almost CHF 11 billion, CHF 7 billion higher than in the same quarter of 2020. The rise was mainly attributable to a higher receipts surplus in goods trade. This was counteracted by primary income, where the  expenses surplus increased compared to the same quarter in 2020 due to the fact that, in direct investment, expenses rose more strongly than receipts. In the financial account, reported...

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Parliament rejects blanket ban on tobacco ads

Poster advertising of tobacco products and e-cigarettes that can be seen from public places – for example, here in Zurich – will be banned. © Keystone / Gaetan Bally The Swiss parliament has agreed new advertising and sponsorship regulations for tobacco products. However, the supporters of a total ban on tobacco advertising are unimpressed. The long-running debate was heated until the end, with the political left trying in vain to push through a more restrictive...

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America 2021: Inequality is Now Baked In

This complete capture of all avenues of regulation and governance can only end one way, a kind of hyper-stagflation. Zeus Y. and I go way back, and he has always had a knack for summarizing just how insane, disconnected from reality, manipulative and exploitive the status quo narrative has become. I’ve occasionally published his commentaries and essays here since 2008 Imaginary Worth, Empire of Debt: How Modern Finance Created Its Own Downfall (October 15, 2008),...

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What to Expect When You are Expecting

Overview: The markets have stabilized since Monday's panic attack but have not made much headway.  China and Taiwan returned from the extended holiday weekend.  Mainland shares were mixed. Shanghai rose by about 0.4%, while Shenzhen fell by around 0.25%.  Taiwan got tagged for 2%, and Japan's Topix was off 1%.  Hong Kong and South Korean markets were closed.  Europe's Dow Jones Stoxx 600 is firmer for the second day but is still lower for the week.  US indices...

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Now That the American Dream Is Reserved for the Wealthy, The Smart Crowd Is Opting Out

The already-wealthy and their minions are unprepared for the Smart Crowd opting out. Clueless economists are wringing their hands about the labor shortage without looking at the underlying causes, one of which is painfully obvious: the American economy now only works for the top 10%; the American Dream of turning labor into capital is now reserved for the already-wealthy. As a result the Smart Crowd is opting out of the conventional workforce’s...

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Is Self-Ownership Necessary?

Isn’t a principle of nonaggression against others another way of stating the self-ownership principle? “Not necessarily,” says the insightful philosopher Chandran Kukathas. Original Article: “Is Self-Ownership Necessary?” Chandran Kukathas is one of the best contemporary political philosophers, and one of the few sympathetic to libertarian views. Unlike Murray Rothbard, he does not consider self-ownership fundamental but instead defends libertarianism from a...

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Ever Grand

Overview: Coming into yesterday's session, the S&P 500 had fallen in eight of the past ten sessions.  It closed on its lows before the weekend and gapped.  Nearly the stories in the press blamed China and the likely failure of one of its largest property developers, Evergrande.  Those that are prone to the sky-is-falling narratives refer to it as Lehman moment.  The S&P 's 2.7% decline yesterday was the largest in half of a year, and the VIX jumped to...

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Ever Grand

Overview: Coming into yesterday's session, the S&P 500 had fallen in eight of the past ten sessions.  It closed on its lows before the weekend and gapped.  Nearly the stories in the press blamed China and the likely failure of one of its largest property developers, Evergrande.  Those that are prone to the sky-is-falling narratives refer to it as Lehman moment.  The S&P 's 2.7% decline yesterday was the largest in half of a year, and the VIX jumped to...

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Coinbase to Invest US$500 Million Into Crypto Assets

American cryptocurrency exchange platform Coinbase announced that it has committed to invest US$500 million of its cash and cash equivalents into a diverse portfolio of crypto assets. Coinbase added that going forward, it will also allocate 10% of quarterly net income into this same portfolio. According to a statement by the firm, this move will make it the first publicly traded company to hold Ethereum, Proof of Stake assets, DeFi tokens, and many other crypto...

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Coinbase to Invest US$500 Million Into Crypto Assets

American cryptocurrency exchange platform Coinbase announced that it has committed to invest US$500 million of its cash and cash equivalents into a diverse portfolio of crypto assets. Coinbase added that going forward, it will also allocate 10% of quarterly net income into this same portfolio. According to a statement by the firm, this move will make it the first publicly traded company to hold Ethereum, Proof of Stake assets, DeFi tokens, and many other crypto...

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