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Tag Archives: Featured

SNB-Vize Schlegel signalisiert neuen Zinsschritt im Dezember

SNB-Vize Martin Schlegel hat angedeutet, dass die Schweizerische Nationalbank die Leitzinsen im Dezember erneut anheben wird. Er betonte die Notwendigkeit, das starke Wachstum der Konsumentenpreise zu bekämpfen. Die Inflation liege über dem Zielwert, sei also für die Notenbank immer noch zu hoch, sagte Schlegel am Dienstag auf einer Konferenz im liechtensteinischen Vaduz. “Wir werden alles tun, um Preisstabilität zu gewährleisten.” Die SNB hat die Zinsen in diesem...

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Money-Supply Growth in October Fell to a 39-Month Low. A Recession Is Now Almost Guaranteed.

Money supply growth fell again in October, dropping to a 39-month low. October’s drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during the thirteen months between April 2020 and April 2021. During that period, money supply growth in the United States often climbed above 35 percent year over year, well above even the “high” levels experienced from 2009 to 2013. During October 2022, year-over-year (YOY) growth in the money supply was...

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Vortrag in Regen am 17.12.2022 Vortrag von Claudio Grass am Samstag, 17. Dezember 2022 in Regen Der «Great Reset» und was es wirklich bedeutet Claudio Grass stellt die  «geistigen Täter» der heutigen Gesellschafts- und Systemkrise vor und erklärt, was hinter dem Schlachtruf «der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen» steckt. Er beleuchtet die Geschichte des Geldes und des heutigen Bankensystems. Was bedeutet Inflation und wer ist...

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China Steps away from the Abyss and Animal Spirits are Rekindled

Overview: Chinese officials using the carrot and the stick have succeeded in dampening the protests and easing some anxiety and rekindled the animal spirits. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng rallied 5.25% and its index of mainland shares surged 6.20%. South Korea and Taiwan indices gained more than 1%. Among the large bourses, only Japan failed to advance. Softer than expected Spanish and German inflation may also be helping the Stoxx 600 recoup around half of yesterday’s...

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Swiss rents set to rise as much as 15 percent

© Beriliu | Close to half of renters is Switzerland could face significant increases in rent, estimates Zürich Kantonalbank (ZKB), with rents potentially rising as much as 15% over the next five years, reported the newspaper Blick. The reference mortgage rate used to set rents, which was has been 1.25% since March 2020 could rise as high as 2.5% between now and 2027, said the bank in a recently published real estate report. This means that any leases...

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The “Oil Curse” and Splashy PR Announcements of Oil Production Cuts

It’s not just the price of oil that matters: how much disposable income consumers have left to buy more goods and services matters, too. The Oil Curse (a.k.a. The Resource Curse) refers to the compelling ease of those blessed with an abundance of oil/resources to depend on that gift for the majority of state/national revenues. The risks and demands of developing a diverse, globally competitive economy don’t seem worth the effort when the single-source wealth of oil...

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Weekly Market Pulse: Currency Illusion

When we think about the challenges facing an investor today, the big problems, the things we worry about that could cause a lot more harm than some interest rate hikes, are mostly outside the United States. China is prominent this weekend because of demonstrations against their zero COVID policies. The Chinese people appear to be pretty well fed up with the endless lockdowns and have finally decided to try and do something about it. Unfortunately, I’m not sure...

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China Shakes Markets, Euro Shakes it Off

Overview: The surging Covid cases in China and the protests in several cities seemed to set the tone for today’s session. Equities are lower. China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea were marked down the most. Of the large bourses, only India escaped unscathed. Europe’s Stoxx 600 is off more than 0.8% and US futures are poised to gap lower. Bond markets are quieter. The 10-year US Treasury yield is off a little more than one basis point to around 3.66%. European...

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Crypto Winter Wipes Out 72,000 Bitcoin Millionaires in 2022

Crypto comparison website Bitstacker conducted a study which found that there was a 70% drop in Bitcoin millionaires in November 2022 when compared to January 2022 due to the ongoing ‘crypto winter’. 72,000 Bitcoin holders were no longer millionaires due to the drop in BTC prices from US$46,208 at the start of 2022 to US$15,759 at the time of the study in November. Bitstacker also found that there was some 3,577 accounts holding over US$10 million in Bitcoin, while...

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The Uncertainty in China Is Kryptonite to Global Markets

Few seem alive to the potentially consequential financial risks arising from uncertainties evolving in China. One thing we know rather definitively is that markets don’t like uncertainty: uncertainty is Kryptonite to markets. Another thing we know is that the events unfolding in China are generating uncertainty on multiple levels.Whatever policy decisions are made, the potential consequences generate waves of profound uncertainty. Should authorities respond to...

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