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Tag Archives: Featured

Switzerland should get tougher on money-laundering, says report

Refined gold bars have their origins monitored, but purchase of raw materials for smelting can slip through the net. Keystone / Martin Ruetschi Swiss legislation is lagging behind in the fight against money laundering, and “seldom anticipates developments at international level”, the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) has warned. SFAO audits have “revealed weaknesses and, hence, financial and reputational risks for the Swiss authorities,” the office said in a report...

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Keine Privatsphäre, kein Eigentum: Die Welt im Jahr 2030

Das Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) wurde 1971 vor 51 Jahren gegründet. Es hat im Laufe der Jahrzehnte immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen und ist zu einer Plattform für futuristisches Denken und Planen geworden. Als Treffpunkt der globalen Elite bringt das WEF die führenden Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft und Politik sowie einige wenige ausgewählte Intellektuelle zusammen. Analysiert man die sogenannten „Projektionen“ des Forums, scheint seine Hauptstoßrichtung die...

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Zahl aktiver Bitcoin-Nutzer deutet auf weitere Bärenphase hin

Zum Tagesende hat der BTC zwar wieder die Marke von 20K genommen, doch die Zahl der aktiven Nutzer im Netzwerk deutet auf eine Bärenphase hin, die sich noch stärker ausprägen könnte, sofern die Zahl der aktiven Nutzer weiter sinkt. Bitcoin News: Zahl aktiver Bitcoin-Nutzer deutet auf weitere Bärenphase hinGlassnodes hat die Daten analysiert. Die Anzahl aktiver Nutzer im BTC-Netzwerk ist in den letzten Wochen deutlich nach unten gegangen, nachdem sie seit Februar...

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War on cash” update: A brighter outlook

Part I of II, by Claudio Grass, Switzerland For years, I’ve been following very closely all the relevant updates on the State’s war on cash. I’ve read and written a lot about all the direct and indirect efforts to restrict the citizens’ choices and make sure they shift all their transactions and savings to the digital realm, where they can be better monitored, controlled and if need be, confiscated, by central authorities.  For some time now, the...

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Turn Around Tuesday Began Yesterday, Likely Ends before Wednesday

Overview: Corrective pressures were evident yesterday and they extended today in Asia and Europe but seem to be running their course now. Market participants should view these developments as countertrend and be wary of waning risk appetites in North America today. Most Asia Pacific equities rallied earlier today, save China and Hong Kong. Europe’s Stoxx 600 has retraced most of yesterday’s losses and US futures are trading higher. Benchmark bond yields are softer...

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Make Sure You Download the Latest Ministry of Propaganda Updates

While it’s fun to sort all the propaganda into various boxes, we would do well to look for what all the marketers / MoP players seek to mystify. It’s time once again to check for Ministry of Propaganda updates, which like Windows and iOS is constantly being updated to counter new threats and enhance the user experience (heh). Much like the other operating systems that underpin our daily lives, the core functions of the MoP don’t change much.My chart from 2007...

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Are You Attending the RPI Conference This Saturday?

The Ron Paul Institute is holding its annual conference at the Westin Washington Dulles Airport this Saturday, September 3. It stands to be another outstanding one. I have the honor and pleasure of again speaking at it. I will also be speaking at the conference’s program for young scholars the day before. The theme of this year’s conference is “Anatomy of a Police State.” As the conference’s web page states, “Authoritarianism on the march. The police state advances....

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Healthcare and pensions top Swiss worry list

Health doesn’t come cheap: and the Swiss are worried about it. © Keystone / Gaetan Bally Healthcare costs, the pension system and climate change are the top three burning issues for the Swiss, according to a survey published by the Tamedia group. Covid has slipped out of sight and mind. The cost of healthcare was most pressing for over two-thirds (67%) of the 26,000 respondents, while pensions and the climate were cited by 60% and 56% respectively, wrote Tamedia...

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Swiss National Bank President Jordan warned of persistently higher inflationary pressure

Swiss National Bank President Thomas Jordan spoke at the Federal Reserve’s annual Jackson Hole symposium on Saturday. “Structural factors such as the transition to a greener economy, rising sovereign debt worldwide, the demographic transition and ultimately also the fact that globalization appears to have peaked — at least temporarily — could lead to persistently higher inflationary pressure in the coming years” “There are signs that inflation is increasingly...

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