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Tag Archives: 6b.) The Future of Freedom Foundation

Hunter Biden Would Not Be Prosecuted in a Free Society

How ironic that the son of a Democrat president of the United States is having to pay the price for living in a paternalistic state that his own father ardently supports. Hunter Biden is currently on trial in a U.S. District Court for federal gun-control violations. Waiting in the wings is another federal prosecution for income-tax violations. It’s worth noting that what Biden did would never be considered offenses in a genuinely free society. In the...

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End the Drug War in Oregon, Both State and Federal

Three years ago, in a citizen’s initiation approved by 3/4 of voters, Oregon decriminalized the possession of small amounts of illicit drugs. Last month, the Oregon governor signed into law a measure that undid what the people of Oregon had decided. The reason for this change in direction was that there were severe problems that arose with decriminalization. Two of the biggest problems were (1) Drug addiction and deaths from drug overdoses had soared; and (2)...

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Has the U.S. Seizure of Russian Assets Boomeranged?

After the Pentagon, operating through NATO, succeeded in provoking Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, U.S. official and their allies seized $300 billion in Russian assets. The seizers are now talking about giving the loot to Ukrainian officials, who would then use it to buy armaments and ammunition from U.S. “defense” contractors. Meanwhile, the news media is reporting that central banks are purchasing gold in record amounts. Is that a coincidence or correlation?...

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Self-Deception on Social Security

The leftist website Counterpunch has published an article today entitled “Millionaires Stopped Contributing to Social Security on March 2, 2024.” The thrust of the article is that once someone reaches an income of $168,600, “they stop paying in.” The operative terms are “contributing” and “paying in.” They reflect a misguided mindset with respect to Social Security, which is the crown jewel of American socialism. This leftist mindset and terminology have...

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The Stronger the Government, the Weaker the Nation

For all of our lives, it has been the aim of most Americans to make the federal government stronger, especially with respect to the warfare state. The principal justification for an ever more powerful government is that it keeps the American people safe from the likes of terrorists, drug dealers, communists, illegal immigrants, Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans, and Muslims. Moreover, it is argued, a powerful military-intelligence establishment enables the...

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Why Did Biden Let In Those Nicaraguan Refugees?

The Biden administration and its acolytes in the U.S. mainstream press are celebrating the fact that Nicaraguan socialist dictator Daniel Ortega just released 222 political prisoners and sent them packing to the United States. In the process, however, they are only demonstrating the arbitrary, capricious, and hypocritical nature of America’s socialist system of immigration controls.  Ortega’s political prisoners were being held in brutal conditions in Nicaraguan...

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The Alien Invasion of America

The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming!  No, I’m not talking about illegal aliens — that is, those immigrants who are trying to enter the United States without official permission. I’m talking about real aliens — the scary types from outer space. You know, the ones that look like ET. What other reasonable explanation could there be for those unidentified flying objects that the U.S. military has been shooting out of the skies over the northern United States? ...

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How the Constitution Constrained Federal Spending and Debt

Given that the debt-ceiling debate is likely to continue for a few months, examining the Constitution provides us with the reasons our nation has been plunged into this monetary morass.  Federal officials have now run up the federal government’s debt to more than $31.5 trillion. That’s a lot of money. And it’s also a lot of interest payments.  Too much debt is not a good thing, either for a family or a government. Even the big-spending members of Congress...

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The U.S. Stealing of Russian Yachts

Given the U.S. government’s increasing financial difficulties, we can expect extremely vicious behavior on the part of federal officials to bring money into the regime. What U.S. officials are currently doing to Russian billionaires provides a clue as to what they are likely to do Americans as the federal government’s financial situation worsens. The federal government is spending more than $1 trillion per year than it is bringing in with taxes. That means...

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Will China Force the U.S. to Restore Gold as Money?

In response to the U.S. government’s weaponization of the dollar through such measures as sanctions and trade wars, China, along with Russia and other nations, are making efforts to dethrone the dollar as the world’s international reserve currency. For example, Russia and China are now using the Chinese yuan, rather than the dollar, for payment for Russian oil. Saudi Arabia is now talking about doing the same thing.  One of the interesting aspects of this process...

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