Dear friends of liberty this is an original translation from German into English by me of my first speech I gave a few weeks ago at the second demonstration against Corona in Switzerland. Enjoy and stay free, Claudio Title: He who does not command himself, always remains servant! This is my original speech translated into Englischund nachfolgende das Original in Deutsch: Titel: Wer sich nicht selbst befiehlt, bleibt immer Knecht! This is my original speech in GermanClaudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel free to share!
Claudio Grass considers the following as important: Coronacircus, Economics, enlightened people vs barbarians, Enlightenment, Finance, free speech, Great Reset, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, liberty, man is born free, man is not a means to an end, Monetary, Politics, Ron Paul, self-ownership, servant vs master, Spirit vs Matter, Thoughts, Uncategorized, Vaclav Klaus, video
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Dear friends of liberty
this is an original translation from German into English by me of my first speech I gave a few weeks ago at the second demonstration against Corona in Switzerland.
Enjoy and stay free,
Title: He who does not command himself, always remains servant!
und nachfolgende das Original in Deutsch:
Titel: Wer sich nicht selbst befiehlt, bleibt immer Knecht!
Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel free to share!