Planes belonging to SWISS and Helvetic Airways at Zurich Airport last month Keystone / Michael Buholzer The Covid pandemic has hit Zurich Airport, one of the biggest employers in the region, hard. But CEO Stephan Widrig says there are sufficient financial resources to get through the crisis, including the Omicron variant. “We don’t need any state aid even in a difficult 2022, apart from the short-time work compensation,” Widrig told newspaper Blick in an...
Read More »Inflation or Recession? The Fed Faces a Choice.
On December 15, the Federal Reserve announced numerous quantitative tightening measures that have the intended goal of combating the rising inflation that has been bogging down the American economy. As of November 2021, the rate of inflation has reached 6.8 percent, the highest since 1982, and is unlikely to have peaked yet. Despite Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell originally proclaiming this inflation spiral to be transitory, the Federal Reserve has announced...
Read More »What Will Surprise Us in 2022
What seemed so permanent for 13 long years will be revealed as shifting sand and what seemed so real for 13 long years will be revealed as illusion. Magical thinking isn’t optimism, it is folly. Predictions are hard, especially about the future, but let’s look at what we already know about 2022. Viewed from Earth orbit, 2022 is Year 14 of extend and pretend and too big to fail, too big to jail and Year 2 of global supply chains break and energy shortages. The essence...
Read More »Jeff Snider joins The Financial Quarterback™ Josh Jalinski on Bitcoin Clubhouse (YouTube version)
The Financial Quarterback™ Josh Jalinski with guest Jeffrey Snider simulcast on Clubhouse Bitcoin, Deflation vs Inflation plus 2022 Outlook, Joe Carlasare, Ben Prentice and others Recorded 2021-12-29 Josh speaks with Jeffrey Snider Head of Global Research at Alhambra Investments. He is not an economist, which is probably why he's been able to develop a working model of the global monetary system. His research is unique and informative in ways an economist would never consider. He...
Read More »The First Economics Lesson
Economics is haunted by more fallacies than any other study known to man. This is no accident. The inherent difficulties of the subject would be great enough in any case, but they are multiplied a thousandfold by a factor that is insignificant in, say, physics, mathematics, or medicine—the special pleading of selfish interests. While every group has certain economic interests identical with those of all groups, every group has also, as we shall see, interests...
Read More »Jeff Snider joins The Financial Quarterback™ Josh Jalinski on Bitcoin Clubhouse
The Financial Quarterback™ Josh Jalinski with guest Jeffrey Snider simulcast on Clubhouse Bitcoin, Deflation vs Inflation plus 2022 Outlook, Joe Carlasare, Ben Prentice and others Recorded 2021-12-29 Josh speaks with Jeffrey Snider Head of Global Research at Alhambra Investments. He is not an economist, which is probably why he's been able to develop a working model of the global monetary system. His research is unique and informative in ways an economist would never consider....
Read More »True Competition versus the Monopolist “Minimal State”
According to Ayn Rand’s ethics, the only basis for value is an individual’s survival as a rational being. In order to live as a rational being, you must respect the rights of others as rational beings each aiming at his own survival. As Harry Binswanger, a leading follower of Rand, explains, The basic political principle of the Objectivist ethics is: no man may initiate the use of physical force against others. No man—or group or society or government—has the right...
Read More »An Inflation Outlook for the US Dollar in 2022
First, we must define inflation: it is the increase in the quantity of money, currency, and credit. It is not an increase in prices. Changes in the general price level is the consequence of a combination in changes of the quantity of deposit currency and changes in the level of the public’s retention of deposit currency relative to their possession of goods. We can record deposits statistically, but cannot quantify human behaviour. The effect of this inflation on...
Read More »Post-2008 GFC: The Silent Depression | The Snider Series | Episode 5 (WiM102)
Jeff Snider joins me for a multi-episode conversation exploring the evolution of money and central banking throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Be sure to check out NYDIG, one of the most important companies in Bitcoin: GUEST Jeff's twitter: Jeff's writing: PODCAST Podcast Website: Apple Podcast:...
Read More »The Businessman and the Holy Family
At the heart of the Christmas story rests some important lessons concerning free enterprise, government, and the role of wealth in society. Let’s begin with one of the most famous phrases: “There’s no room at the inn.” This phrase is often invoked as if it were a cruel and heartless dismissal of the tired travelers Joseph and Mary. Many renditions of the story conjure up images of the couple going from inn to inn only to have the owner barking at them to go away and...
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