John Henry Smith of Grail Securities (Switzerland) specializes in the U.S. stock market and offers a unique and powerful advisory service to private investors, institutional investors, and SME asset managers, who are seeking to consistently beat the market. All our strengths are at your disposal to provide stock market research and recommendations with the only aim of growing wealth. To achieve this we develop with you a customized investment strategy in terms of your risk and return...
Read More »The Morning Edge With Blake Morrow – SPECIAL – Interview Marc Chandler /Chris Bayer – 08/18/15
Note; Recording contains some sound drops due to unresolved internet problems. Blake (@PipCzar) interviews Marc Chandler. Marc Chandler has been covering the global capital markets in one fashion or another for more than 25 years, working at economic consulting firms and global investment banks. Chandler attended North Central College for undergraduate work, where he majored in political science and the humanities. He holds master's degrees from Northern Illinois University and University...
Read More »RTD Ep:20 “Currency Created Out Of Thin Air” – Charles Hugh Smith (Why Things Are Falling Apart)
Thanks for watching RTD Interviews. Leave a comment and share. Charles Hugh Smith, creator of the blog, sits down to discuss his book "Why Things Are Falling Apart" and the economy. Visit the RTD Bookstore to support Charles Hugh Smith as well as the RTD channel► In our discussion we cover the following topics: 1. What comes to mind when you hear the words "Rethinking the Dollar"? 2. Why monetary education is so important in...
Read More »Who the Heck Consumes Capital?!
I have been writing about consumption of capital, using the example of a farmer who sells off his farm to buy groceries. It’s a striking story, because people don’t normally act like this. Of course, there are self-destructive people in every society, but, not many. Most people know not to spend themselves into poverty. To make people hurt themselves, we need to add the essential element: a perverse incentive. Consider a parlor game called Shubik’s Dollar Auction. You auction off a dollar...
Read More »Keith Weiner’s Page: Gold Standard etc.
Jackson Hole: Cherry Flavored Cyanide, or Strawberry The American Principles Project and the Atlas Network Sound Money Project, provided a much needed alternative in the Jackson Hole Summit. Move Over Entrepreneurs, Make Way for Speculation! The development of lending was a revolutionary breakthrough. Lending allowed the retiree to do business with the entrepreneur. The retiree has wealth, but no income. The entrepreneur is the opposite, with income but not wealth. The retiree lets...
Read More »Latest SNB Intervention Update: Weekly Sight Deposits
Overview: Sight deposits are currently the by far most important means of financing for SNB currency purchases, for interventions. Sight deposits are assets for commercial banks, the Swiss confederation and other counterparties that deposit money at the SNB, but for the SNB they are liabilities, debt.Sight deposits are always denominated in CHF. The SNB finances itself with Swiss Francs. With a rising CHF the debt relative to assets gets bigger, because the assets lose their value. As...
Read More »China in Continuous PPI Deflation and No Depression In Sight?
Both Chinese PMI and the producer price index (PPI) are in deflation since 2012. This opens a lot of questions about the sustainability of Chinese economic growth, but also about the certain economic theories that consider deflation as a precursor of depression, as it did in the early 1930s. China’s speed of economic growth simply slows, recently to 7%, according to China statistics “China’s Economy Showed Moderate but Steady Growth“. Notice For the second year producer prices remain...
Read More »China: Best way to manipulate GDP is to lower inflation
Many claim that China manipulates its economic data. We explain why the best way not to get caught is to lower the GDP deflator, as lower inflation helps to increase real GDP. Lombard Street Research assumes that Chinese officials followed that approach. Standard Chartered economist Stephen Green has said that China’s official GDP figures were boosted by government statisticians underestimating inflation, which results in an overestimate of actual growth. And the New York Times recently...
Read More »Practical lessons for under-aged refugees
A programme has been set up in one Swiss canton to teach unaccompanied minors practical skills. (SRF/ In the last two years, the number of children seeking asylum in Switzerland without their parents has skyrocketed. They are usually placed in public schools nearest to the asylum shelters where they live. But some are too old for the school curriculum, and are left to linger in the transit centres. To solve this problem, a school has been opened in the town of Weinfelden in...
Read More »The Economy is in Liquidation Mode
If you’re an American over a certain age, you remember roller skating rinks (I have no idea if it caught on in other countries). This industry boomed in the 1970’s disco era. However, by the mid 1980’s, the fad was fading. Imagine running a rink company at the end of the craze. You know it is not going to survive for long. How do you operate your business? You milk it. You spend nothing on capital improvements, slash maintenance, and reduce operating expenses. There’s no return on...
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