MA course at the University of Bern. The classes follow selected chapters in the textbook Macroeconomic Analysis (MIT Press, 2019) and build on the material covered in the macro II course which follows the same text. Table of contents of the book. Page with more information about the book and exercises. Uni Bern’s official course page. Zoom link is posted on ILIAS page. Main contents: Concepts. RA model with government spending and taxes. Government debt in RA model. Government debt...
Read More »“Money Creation, Bank Profits, and CBDC,” VoxEU, 2021
VoxEU, February 5, 2021. HTML. Based on CEPR DP 15457, I assess possible implications of the introduction of retail CBDC for bank profits. The model implies annual implicit subsidies to U.S. banks of up to 0.8 percent of GDP during the period 1999-2017.
Read More »SNB Profit Distributions
The Federal Department of Finance and the SNB have agreed on a new scheme for the distribution of SNB profits. Agreement for the period 2020-2025, Explanations. Some comments in German (also available as PDF): Profitieren Bund und Kantone finanziell von den höheren SNB-Ausschüttungen? Höhere Gewinnausschüttungen in der Gegenwart bedingen tiefere in der Zukunft. In erster Näherung bleibt das Nettovermögen von Bund und Kantonen unverändert, denn es berücksichtigt auch den Wert der...
Read More »Peter Bieri’s “Das Handwerk der Freiheit”
Goodreads rating 3.76. An inquiry into language and personal experience. Bieri analyzes notions of free will, their basis or vacuousness, and their consequences. A powerful dissection of language and experience. Wille ist bedingt durch Historie. Ein unbedingt freier Wille wäre nicht der Wille der Person; er wäre unberechenbar und zufällig — nicht das, nach dem sich Verfechter eines unbedingt freien Willens sehnen. Freier und unfreier Wille sind bedingt. Bedingt freier Wille hat...
Read More »Comments on Geneva Report 23
Panel with Elga Bartsch, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Giancarlo Corsetti, Olivier Garnier, and Charles Wyplosz. Moderated by Tobias Broer. Elga Bartsch, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Giancarlo Corsetti, Xavier Debrun: Geneva Report 23 | It’s All in the Mix: How Monetary and Fiscal policies Can Work or Fail Together. Event at PSE. My comments on the report.
Read More »“Staatsschulden sind keineswegs kostenlos (Free Government Debt?),” NZZ, 2021
NZZ, February 1, 2021. PDF. (Title changed by NZZ.) Do negative interest rates render government debt costless? No. What about r<g? I discuss Olivier Blanchard’s presidential address and the conclusions that columnists have drawn. For background: See this post.
Read More »Neil MacGregor’s “Germany: Memories of a Nation”
Goodreads rating 4.55. Surprising, sympathetic.
Read More »Money vs. Savings: Gluts, Current Accounts, Triffin, Capital Flow Correlations
On bankunderground, Michael Kumhof, Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul, and Andrej Sokol question that foreign savings is an important driver of US current account deficits: Consider how US imports can be paid for in the real world: first, by transferring existing domestic or foreign bank balances to foreigners, which involves no new financing. Second, by borrowing from domestic banks and transferring the resulting bank balances to foreign households, which involves domestic but not foreign...
Read More »“The Pandemic Endgame,” VoxEU, 2021
VoxEU, January 11, 2021, with Martin Gonzalez-Eiras. HTML. Based on the CEPR discussion paper, we draw conclusions for the pandemic endgame. We explain why Israel will likely impose a harsher lockdown than other countries, especially poor ones. And why we should expect “inverse lockdowns”—measures to stimulate social interaction.
Read More »Make Your Bed
Some modest new year’s resolutions inspired by the commencement speech of US Navy Admiral William H. McRave.
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