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The Hidden Link Between Fiat Money and the Increasing Appeal of Socialism

What causes the seemingly unfounded confidence in socialism we encounter more and more in the news media and among political activists? In the Extinction Rebellion movement, for example, activists are quite certain they have learned that there is an alternative to markets as the means to economic prosperity. It’s a means that does not involve meeting the legitimate needs of one’s fellow men in the marketplace. It is likely not a coincidence that most people living...

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Blockchain: your questions answered

Blockchain promises to touch many parts of our lives, but how do we touch it? Blockchain: the very name fascinates and bamboozles in equal measure. Although businesses based around the technology are popping up all over Switzerland, many still wonder what exactly it does and how it can improve their lives. The potential possibilities are myriad, yet many still appear tantalisingly out of reach. After asking readers to pose their questions about blockchain, we’ve...

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Switzerland GDP Q3 2019: +0.4 percent QoQ, +1.1 percent YoY

Switzerland’s GDP rose by 0.4% in the 3rd quarter of 2019, after increasing by 0.3% in the previous quarter. Exports of chemical and pharmaceutical products and energy were key contributing factors. In other areas, the impact of the subdued international environment was felt more strongly. The economic slowdown is being borne out on the whole. Switzerland Gross Domestic Product (GDP) QoQ, Q3 2019(see more posts on Switzerland Gross Domestic Product, ) Source:...

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Österreichs Notenbankchef: Geldpolitische EZB-Ziele auf den Prüfstand

Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) wird nach Aussagen des Gouverneurs der Oesterreichischen Nationalbank (OeNB) und EZB-Rats Robert Holzmann die geldpolitischen Ziele in den kommenden Monaten auf den Prüfstand stellen. “Alles steht zur Diskussion”, sagte Holzmann am Montagnachmittag vor Journalisten in Wien. Die neue EZB-Chefin Christine Lagarde hatte am 14. November die Mitglieder des EZB-Rates zu einem ersten informellen Treffen im Schlosshotel Kronberg nördlich von...

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Report: it pays for companies to have apprentices

It doesn’t cost as much to train a painter as it does an IT specialist Firms in Switzerland may benefit annually by over CHF3,000 ($3,000) per apprentice when they train their own apprentices, a report has found. The fourth cost-benefit studyexternal link conducted by the Observatory for Vocational Education and Training of the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (OBS SFIVETexternal link), published on Tuesdayexternal link, revealed that...

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Non-EU foreign worker quotas unchanged for 2020

The number of work permits issued for non-EU workers has been a source of contention in recent years. (Keystone) Switzerland will issue 8,500 work visas to non-EU citizens next year – the same number as in 2019. The Swiss government also confirmed an earlier decision that 3,500 British workers will be welcomed in the event of a no-deal Brexit situation. Next year Swiss companies will be able to draw on 4,500 B-permitsexternal link for so-called “third country”...

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We Can Only Choose One: Our National Economy or Globalization

The servitude of society to a globalized economy is generating extremes of insecurity, powerlessness and inequality. Does our economy serve our society, or does our society serve our economy, and by extension, those few who extract most of the economic benefits? It’s a question worth asking, as beneath the political churn around the globe, the issues raised by this question are driving the frustration and anger that’s manifesting in social and political disorder. A...

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Capital Accumulation, Not Government, Is the Key To Technological Innovation

According to Mariana Mazzucato, the RM Phillips Professor in the Economics of Innovation at the University of Sussex, government is an important factor in the promotion of innovation and thus economic growth. In particular, she challenges the popular view that innovation happens in the private sector, with governments playing a limited role. Many commentators regard her as a revolutionary thinker that challenges the accepted dogma regarding the role of government in...

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