Saturday , March 15 2025
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Swiss hospitals reportedly running out of money

Hospitals are battling to cope with coronavirus, and now they are under financial pressure as well. (Keystone) Cash-strapped Swiss hospitals, in the front line of the fight against coronavirus, are calling for financial help and an end to the ban on non-emergency procedures which has sapped revenue, reports the SonntagsZeitung newspaper. It quotes the director of Valais Hospital Hugo Burgener as saying “we need liquidity to pay salaries”, and writes that the...

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Covid-19, des mesures disproportionnées au vu des risques réels! Partie I.

Note sur la vidéo. Je vous poste cette vidéo spécialement pour la partie « revue de presse de quelques pontes de la virologie ». Le petit flottement au niveau des chiffres qui intervient au début n’a pas d’incidence sur le tour d’horizon de presse qui suit. Avertissement Ce texte n’est en aucun cas un appel à la désobéissance. Je vous invite à respecter les directives en vigueur dans votre région, tout comme je le fais moi-même. Les décisions des gouvernants...

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EM Preview for the Week Ahead

EM may get a little support from a potential OPEC+ deal to limit oil.  Even if a deal is struck, the impact is likely to be fleeting as the global growth outlook remains terrible.  We remain negative on EM for the time being. AMERICAS Mexico reports March CPI Tuesday, which is expected to rise 3.37% y/y vs. 3.70% in February.  If so, inflation would move further towards the 3% target.  February IP will be reported Wednesday, which is expected to contract -1.2% y/y...

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The Pandemic Exposed the Frailty of the Financial System

Despite the more optimistic claims of political pundits and Federal Reserve officials (Jerome Powell, specifically), things are far from being under control. Notwithstanding archetypal Austrian objections to “loose” monetary and fiscal policies on the grounds that they create production structures that ultimately deplete the pool of real savings, the operational failures of central banks cross-globally are largely nested in faulty axioms. Intellectually corrupt...

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What Is the Good Entrepreneur to Do?

In a January 2020 Forbes Magazine article titled “Why Doing Good Is Good For Business” clearly left out critical information: who is the good or bad entrepreneur? According to the author, good entrepreneurs are doing good if their primary objective is not to make a profit. And bad entrepreneurs are doing bad if their primary objective is to make a profit. Basically, the author suggested that, to be good, a business should not pursue profit and, along with it,...

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ETF Investments Q&A mit Finanzfluss 🦛

Seit nun mehr als einem Jahr mache ich regelmässig jede Woche Livestreams auf YouTube und Instagram. Für die ein oder anderen die diesen Blog länger verfolgen, ist das vielleicht etwas neues, weil ihr nur auf dem Blog unterwegs seid. . Livestream jeden Sonntag um 18:00 Uhr Aktuell habe ich zwei fixe Livestream Slots den Dividenden Dienstag um 18:00 Uhr zusammen mit Johannes Lortz. Und den Finanzrudel Sonntags Talk um 18:00 Uhr, jeweils beide auf meinem YouTube...

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Swiss watch exports predicted to fall by 25 percent in 2020

Exports to China dropped by half in February compared to the year before.  (© Keystone / Peter Klaunzer) The closure of shops caused by the spread of the coronavirus worldwide will cost Swiss watch firms dear, but exports are expected to rebound next year. “The Swiss watch industry will experience the largest decline in the past 50 years,” says a study published by private bank Vontobel on Wednesday. The projections are based on the assumption that stores will be...

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Helping people to breathe

[embedded content] Production has been stepped up at a company in eastern Switzerland that makes breathing machines, as health services struggle to help a growing number of coronavirus patients. Switzerland is one of the countries most affected by the virus, with more than 17,800 positive tests and more than 488 deaths. There are 82 intensive care units, which have a total of 950-1,000 beds; around 850 of these are equipped with respirators. The army has around 100...

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When Bulls Are Over-Anxious to Catch the Rocketship Higher, This Isn’t the Bottom

Everyone with any position in today’s market will be able to say they lived through a real Bear Market. In the echo chamber of a Bull Market, there’s always a reason to get bullish: the consumer is spending, housing is strong, the Fed has our back, multiples are expanding, earnings are higher, stock buybacks will push valuations up, and so on, in an essentially endless parade of self-referential reasons to buy, buy, buy and ride the rocketship higher. The classic...

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The Bureaucrats Can’t Fix This

In the midst of the emerging economic chaos triggered by the COVID-19 coronavirus, individuals are seeking answers from governments as to how to prevent the emerging economic disaster. Most economic experts are sympathetic to this and are urging the authorities to push massive injections of money. Thus in the US the central bank has embarked on a $2 trillion stimulus. At the same time government officials are imposing draconian measures to keep the population in...

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