Gone are the days of the Federal Reserve hiding in the shadows. Now it’s a woke central bank fighting for climate and racial justice. Progressives must not fall for this but instead team up with the populist right to audit the Fed and demand transparency. Let the healing begin! If it is going to be President Joe Biden a couple months from now, then there will be all the more incentive for antiestablishment Democrats to join forces with populist Republicans. What...
Read More »FX Daily, November 27: Dollar Offered Ahead of the Weekend
Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.19% to 1.0814 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, November 27(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: markets.ft.com - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: Equities are finishing the week on a firm tone, while the US dollar remains heavy. In the Asia Pacific, only Australia and India did not end the week on a firm note. The MSCI Asia Pacific completed its fourth consecutive weekly gain, for around a 13% gain. Europe’s Dow Jones Stoxx...
Read More »Die staatlichen Corona- und Klimamaßnahmen können wissenschaftlich nicht begründet werden
[Dieser Beitrag wurde unter dem Titel „Umwelt- und Katastrophen-Meme im Dienste des Interventionismus“ auf der Jahreskonferenz 2020 des Ludwig von Mises Instituts Deutschland vorgetragen.[1] Das Thema der Konferenz lautete „Wie der Markt Umwelt und Ressourcen schützt“. Den Videobeitrag finden Sie hier.] Mit meinem Beitrag betrachtete ich den Aspekt, dass der staatliche Interventionismus, also der zwangsweise Eingriff des Staates in den ansonsten freiwilligen...
Read More »Covid, November 27: French-speaking Switzerland to reopen retail and restaurants
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has hit French-speaking Switzerland harder than the rest of Switzerland both before and since summer. 44% of Swiss Covid-19 deaths have occurred in the cantons of Valais, Vaud, Geneva, Fribourg and Neuchâtel, despite making up only 25% of the country’s population. Daily New Deaths in Switzerland, November 27 Source: worldometers.info - Click to enlarge At a recent press conference, Martin Ackermann, head of the Covid-19 scientific Task Force,...
Read More »Swiss pledge CHF104 million in development aid for Afghanistan
Swiss foreign minister Ignazio Cassis, left, and Afghan finance minister Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal. Keystone / Valentin Flauraud At an international conference in Geneva to source funding for Afghanistan, Switzerland has renewed its annual CHF26 million ($28.48 million) pledge for another four years. The Swiss contribution, which will amount to CHF104 million up to 2024, is earmarked for projects to promote the rule of law, agriculture, and education, the foreign...
Read More »Price indices’ upgrade includes addition of an official residential property price index
26.11.2020 – From 2021, the price indices published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) will be armed with an updated methodology that reflects market changes as closely as possible. Furthermore, a new price index will be added to the existing set, measuring residential property price change, which will be published on a quarterly basis. These economic indicators are very important, both for economic and monetary policy and for the indexation of monetary values...
Read More »A Dimly Lit Thanksgiving
Our overweening faith and confidence in our wealth and power make this a dimly lit Thanksgiving. A public expression of gratitude by victorious sports stars, lottery winners, etc. is now the convention in America: coaches, teammates, family and mentors (or agents) are recognized as an expression of the winners’ humility and gratitude for everyone that contributed to the success. As sincere as each individual’s gratitude may be, there’s something forced and phony...
Read More »Inflation and the French Revolution: The Story of a Monetary Catastrophe
As in so much else, the French revolutionary regime (1789–94) was the precursor of the centralized, totalitarian, managerial, pseudo-democratic despotisms that now reign over the West. It is also reminder that mass democracy and inflation go together, as surely as thunder and lightning. Let us revisit the Revolution, from a free-market, hard-money perspective. After two centuries, there remains no better analysis of the first two years of the French Revolution than...
Read More »Free by 40 in Switzerland – Book Review
I just finished reading Free by 40 in Switzerland, a book about financial independence, in Switzerland, by fellow blogger Mr. Mustachian Post, alias Marc Pittet. Mr. MP was kind enough to send me a version that I could review before the release date. So I can have this review ready now that the book is available! Free by 40 in Switzerland will go over how to retire by the age of 40 in Switzerland. It covers how to reduce your expenses, increase your income, and...
Read More »Blockchain trading venue challenges stock exchange dominance
Blockchain is set to challenge the dominance of national stock exchanges. Keystone / Walter Bieri Digital assets bank Sygnum says it will open up new sources of funding for small companies by creating and trading shares on the blockchain. Its new trading facility will also target venture capital, real estate and the arts and collectibles market. The goal is to translate traditional assets into blockchain-compatible digital ‘tokens’ that can speed up trading and make...
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